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Wayyy late with today's update ik but I didn't have any drafts lol

Enjoy ✨💞🍓💖


"What the fuck was I thinking? This was a horrible idea. I can't go back to school. I can't show my face there ever again."
Aiko sat with her face pressed against the table, staring blankly forward.

"Aiko I'm too tired for your mumbling."
Hotoki groaned, sipping on her black coffee.

"It's only three!""
Nishi said happily.
"Also you shouldn't be nervous! Everything is gonna be fine! I swear everyone is gonna love you now!"

"Or think I'm even more of a slut."
Aiko said, tapping lightly at her Oreo mcflurry.

Them and their bodyguard had stopped at McDonald's. They were currently eating the first meal they'd had that day.
They had all been too busy to remember to eat and Aiko was probably on the verge of passing out.

They were up so late because turns out, finishing everything you need to do after a concert is almost as much as what you have to do before.
Aiko had to meet with twenty VIPs after the concert. Then she had to take off all of her makeup and because Aiko is nice she decided to help pack up with the rest of her crew.

Her, Nishi, Ryan and Hotoki also decided to make 10+ tiktoks now that she could put her face on the Internet.

So they were the last ones to leave the concert hall.

"Nah, that was awesome."
Hotoki said, shoving fries in her mouth.

"So have you texted any of your friends yet?" Nishi asked, sipping her sprite.

"No, you have my phone."
Aiko mumbled.


"I can't believe you fucking forgot it."

Aiko said, walking like a zombie back into the purple Diamond concert hall. It was dark and very, very empty. Their steps Echoing through the theater.

"Shut up! I was busy okay?!"

"Too busy to put something in your pocket?"
Hotoki asked, running a hand down her face.

"No one is making you come with us. You can still get home and sleep."
Nishi snapped, shining her flashlight at her.

Hotoki hissed and blocked the light with her hand. "Hey!"

"I'm not gonna get to sleep tonight am I?"
Aiko mumbled.


In the end Aiko got probably fourth minutes of sleep. All in the car.
She leaned against Hotoki, who was also out cold. They were driving back to the mansion from the concert hall. But unfortunately they would have enough time to sleep much.

Aiko had to shower and pick up her uniform. The mansion was around an hour from the school. Depending on the traffic of course.

So now Aiko was trying to sleep on the bumpy ride to her school as the sun started to light up the sky. Brightening up the new morning.

Nishi reached over and shook her friends awake. Aiko groggily opened her eyes to see the wall.
"We're at the back entrance. Like your teacher said. You should be able to get in without trouble here."
Nishi said as Aiko rubbed her sleepy eyes.

She looked out the window to see the tall white wall of UA. They were in a sort of wooded area that was significantly more hidden than the front entrance.
Present Mic had suggested she use this entrance, at least for the first few days. Because of possibility of the press waiting for her at the front.

And he was right. The front gate was flooded with reporters waiting for Aiko to show up. They weren't as crazy as when all Might had started his job here, and they weren't concerned with the students.
Though they did interview some of them casually.

Aiko stepped out of the car with a groan. She couldn't remember the last time she was this tired.
She was exhausted.

Aiko stood there for a moment, staring at the door.

"Okay, we have to go!"
Nishi said, hugging Aiko.
"It'll be fine! Just send a text if you ever wanna get out of here alright? We'll come right over."
Nishi promised and Aiko nodded.

Why did she feel like her mom was dropping her off at school?

"Okay nice with the other kids! Make some friends!"
Hotoki yelled from the car with a smirk, obviously liking the role of parenting.

Aiko mumbled with a smile.
She turned to look at the door again as they pulled away, driving quickly to their own school. That they would totally be late too.

Aiko sighed and touched her fingers to the simple pad by the door.
The front gate was advanced enough to scan her face when she was about to walk in. But the second door was not. She had to put her fingers against it and swipe her ID card to get in.

She was a few minutes late.

But mic had told her she could come in homeroom after the bell for the first week so she wasn't overwhelmed in the full halls.
That man really was her favorite teacher.

She walked through the halls, never passing another soul. She took care to to linger by any windows.

She stopped infront of the closed door to 1-A, her fingers brushing the door handle gently as she bite her lip.

And walked in.

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