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5 years later

You're sitting on the grass, watching your wife and children play. Amelia running after Luke and Lia. Then there was Willow, born two years after the twins. You and Leonora had both always wanted quite a few children and you loved watching grow and reach new milestones. Your barely two year old daughter, Juniper, was sleeping in your lap, her little body already exhausted from the few hours she spent running around in the little garden. You loved your family and watching this beautiful moment was everything to you. Amelia finished her time at the school and was now trying to become a teacher while studying under Dovey, Luke had Lesso's eyes but your hair color and the same went for Aurelia. Willow in the other hand, was a complete copy of you except for your wife's behavior, she was a never through and through already. Juniper on the hand was a mini version of Leonora. She had the same red hair and those gorgeous eyes although she always acted as a perfectly well behaved princess no matter how hard your wife tried to get her to act like a never. Luke and Willow were both mommy's girl and boy while Lia and Juniper were mama's girls. Juniper especially would cling onto you, barely leaving your side long enough for you to shower. You had only recently gotten her to sleep in her own room and while you knew it should've been sooner, you didn't have the heart to let her cry it out in her own bed. Amelia, unlike your other children, would seek comfort in whoever was free in the moment. Now that she was studying under Dovey and essentially helping her, times had become more stressful for her. She was pressuring herself so much even if it wasn't necessary. She wanted to do good and be able to learn everything as fast as possible. So whenever she got overwhelmed she would either seek out you or your wife comfort and often you'd end with the two of you just hugging her and reassuring her that everything would fine. Seeing her so carefree in this moment was truly a blessing. You wife walked over to you with an exhausted Willow in her arms.

"Hi my love." She said before pecking your lips.

"Hi Nora. She asleep?" You asked. She shook her head.

"Don't wanne sleep mommy." You heard a little voice whine.

"Oh but you're so tired, I can hear it in your voice. If you sleep now, you'll be able to go back sooner." You said. The whining quickly stopped and within ten minutes, the three year old was out like a light. "You okay Nora?" You asked the redhead.

"I'm okay princess, just tired." She replied.

"Hmm mama?" You heard a little voice grumble. You smile, turning to your little angel.

"Hi Junie, did you sleep okay?" The little girl nodded before putting her head back down on your lap. "If you're still tired you can go back to sleep, it's okay honey." You cooed.

"Mama! Mommy! Come play with us!" Another voice that was approaching fast yelled.

"Shhh, your sisters are sleeping Lia, a little quieter." Nora said gently, reminding the little girl to be mindful. She nodded with a finger against her lips, waiting for you to answer her question. "We can't play right now little one, but I promise next time we will. Go ask Amy if she still wants to play alright?" Lia ran right to Amelia and was soon happily playing with her again. You had a few moments of silence before the request came.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Luke said shyly while shuffling on his feet. He was a little shy and nervous but you hoped he'd grow out of it.

"Well it's almost dinner time, why don't we head inside and go to the dining hall to get dinner?" He shyly nodded his head and you all got ready to head back to the school. You picked up Junie while Lesso carried Willow. Together, the three of you went to Amelia.

"Hey sweetheart, we're heading back. Luke here is a little hungry and it's almost dinner time. You coming?" You asked. She nodded and wel to find Lia. Soon all seven of you headed back to the school. On the way to the dining hall you jumped into Dovey who was also walking that way.

"Auntie Dovey!" Aurelia said excitedly. All children were close to Dovey but Lia was probably the closest. If she couldn't be with you or Lesso, she'd be with Dovey who is also her godmother. Dovey happily welcomed the little girl in her arms and carried her all the way to the dining hall while listening to her her go on and on about her day. Twenty minutes later you got everyone in their seats with their plates filled, including your own. You looked around the table, your family happily eating and talking and while Juniper was too young to actually talk in full sentences, she did try to take part in the conversation. You were so happy and so proud of the family build. You could have never imagined when you were first dropped here that life would have turned out this way, five beautiful children, a wife and a lot of friends who were practically family. Your children, your wife, your family, they all meant the world to you and it's something you're so thankful for every day. Ten years ago you could have never imagined this scene before, a family who cared about you, a wife who loved you and you loved her just as much, five kids who you love more than life itself. Its pretty safe to say that this is the happiest you've been and you will spent every day of your life thinking about these memories.


Hii everyone, so I wanted to thank every one of you who read and supported this story. It truly means the world to me. It's bittersweet to say this but eventually every story has to come to an end. These characters have come a long way and I feel like this is the right time to end the story. You can always use your imagination if you want to imagine their further life's.

I know it sometimes seemed like I had abandoned this story but I promise I was just busy.

I appreciate every one of my readers and although this story has found its end, I'll try my hardest to work on my other stories!

Take care of yourself everyone! Till next time!

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt