Getting better

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The rest of the day you taught your classes and whenever you had a free moment, you checked on Lesso. Most of the time she was sleeping, which was good because that way she could get enough rest. At lunchtime you brought her lunch in her office again. You two talked and ate and after that she stayed in her office to do some paperwork and you went back to teaching. When dinner came around you made both of your plates again and made your way to Lesso's office. You knocked and quickly received an answer. "Good evening, how did the rest of your day go?" You asked cheerfully.

"It was okay, quite boring if I'm being honest. Yours?" She responded. You set the plates down and sat in the chair.

"It was okay, taught some classes, laughed a bit. It was alright, nothing unusual." You told her. You started eating and Lesso did the same. You were talking all the time but after a while you noticed her going quiet. She had her head down so you couldn't see what she was thinking. "Are you alright?" You asked gently. She nodded but still didn't look up. You placed a finger under her chin and forced to look up. You looked her in the eyes and saw tears threatening to fall. "Hey, what's wrong? Talk to me." You asked concerned.

"I can't." She said shortly. You didn't really understand what she meant.

"What can't you do?" You asked her. She looked down again.

"The food. I can't anymore, it's too much. I'm sorry." She said. You sighed softly.

"That's okay. You ate breakfast and lunch and half of your dinner, that's more enough for now. It's only day 1 and you've made so much progress. I'm so proud of you and I couldn't ask for more." You said calmly. "Now how about we get you back to your room and I'll let you rest. I'll be back tomorrow and if you want I could take you to the dining hall for breakfast and if you decide you want to eat the rest of the day in here, then we can. No questions asked okay?" You suggested.

"I'd like that." She replied. Her voice sounded so small, you almost didn't believe this was the same person that you met when you first came here. You helped her back to her room and then went to the dining hall for what was left of dinner. Most of the teacher looked surprised to see you there as they hadn't seen you all day. You ate the rest of your dinner while participating in conversation. Then you decided to call it a day and went to your room. Today has been tiring, you walked around from one place to another, and never actually took a break. In a matter of minutes you were sound asleep.

The next morning you woke up earlier than usual. You got ready and went to Lesso's room like you promised. You opened the door quietly and walked in to see her still asleep. You sat on the bed for a little while before deciding that it was really time to wake her up. You brushed a few hairs out of her face and traced light patterns on her back like you did the last time you woke her up. Slowly her eyes fluttered open and she groaned. "Good morning, it's time for breakfast." You said. You smiled at how cute she was. It took a minute for her to fully wake up.

"Hmm morning." She replied groggily. She rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed. Then she started to get ready and 15 minutes later she was ready and you walked to the dining hall. All eyes were on the two of you as you entered at the exact same time. You got your table and sat down in your usual seats.

"I'll go fill your plate, I'll be back soon." You said. You stood up and filled your plates like you had yesterday. "Here you go." You said as you put the plate down.

"Thank you, princess." She said kindly. You smiled at her and sat down again. The redhead ate most of her food while you were having a conversation. You felt Dovey looking at you every now and then but decided to ignore it. When breakfast was over you went to your classes and Lesso went to hers. And so your day went on. You saw the gorgeous redhead at lunch but noticed that she wasn't present at dinner. So you decided to bring dinner to her. You arrived at her office and knocked twice before entering, this time not waiting for a reply. You saw her asleep at her desk. You chuckled quietly and walked over to her. You brushed her hair out of her face and she stirred awake.

"Hey sleeping beauty." You teased. She looked around, realizing that she fell asleep.

"Don't you dare calling me after a princess, it's disgusting. What are you doing here anyway." She asked. You chuckled again.

"It's dinner time, I couldn't find you so I decided to bring dinner to you only to see you asleep here." You explained. She looked surprised. She didn't expect you to really care wether she was present at meal times or not.

"Oh uh yeah I hadn't realized I fell asleep. Must've been more tired than I thought." She excused herself. You smiled and set the plates down. You took your usual seat and started to eat.

"Are you free tomorrow?" You asked before you could stop yourself. Your eyes went wide but she replied calmly.

"Well I don't have any classes in the afternoon. Why?" She responded. You bit your lip.

"Well I found this really nice place and I wanted to show it to you. We will have to walk a little bit through the forest so I would advice not wearing heals. What do you say? Around lunch time on the usual stop, I'll take you from there." You suggested.

She thought about it and eventually nodded her head. "I'll be there." She said. You smiled and continued talking and eating. Once you were done you brought Lesso to her room and made sure she was settled before going back to your own room. You changed into your night clothes and got in bed. You couldn't sleep. You kept staring at the sealing and thinking about a lot of things. I think I'm in love with the dean of the school for evil. But what do I do? I mean she surely doesn't feel the same. You thought. You lay there, thinking for hours when you eventually were able to sleep.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora