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You were dreading this part. Once Lesso was cleared to do everything again you were looking out for signs of Rafal. With every sound around you, you jumped and looked around frantically for a sign of him. It's been weeks and there's still no sign of him.

"Dovey I can't do this anymore. It's been weeks, everyone is on edge, no one can sleep comfortably this can't keep going on." You said.

"I know y/n but we have no other choice than to wait." She said.

"We could ask The Storian for help." You suggested. She nodded at your request. "I can go after dinner tonight but I have a class to teach now." You said. The both of you said your goodbyes and you went to teach your class. With the upcoming ball everyone was doing their best and honestly every student was doing perfectly so all you actually had to do was start the music and they'd do the rest. A student came up to you.

"M-miss y/n can I talk to you?" The student asked. Her name was Amelia, she was slightly younger than all the other students and even though you weren't supposed to have favorites, she was one of your favorite students. She had lost her parents like you and then came here. You felt a connection with her.

"Of course we can, let's go to my office." You said. You led her to your office. "What do you want to talk about?" You asked her.

"I umm have this feeling that I'm constantly being watched. I don't know it's probably stupid." She said with a shake of her head.

"It's not stupid Amelia. Whatever you're  feeling is important. Do you feel like you're being watched now?" You asked. She nodded her head. You looked around and saw a shadow with red eyes lurking in the distance outside. "Okay Amelia I want you to be careful and make sure you're not alone, be with friends or teachers anyone. Everything will clear itself but for now just don't go somewhere alone." You ordered seriously. Amelia had a scared look in her eyes but nodded her head. You walked her back to class and then went to Dovey to warn her.

"Dovey it's Rafal, he's sending his shadow creatures. We must assemble everyone in the main hall, students and teachers. It's important." You said. Her eyes went wide and she quickly announced that everyone has to go to the main hall. "I'm going to The Storian and ask it for advice, you make sure everyone is assembled. I have a feeling were gonna need everyone to defeat this evil." You said before walking off to the tower. You knocked on the large door and they opened. You walked inside.

"As y/n walked inside the tower she looked around to find The Storian. Suddenly the room was lit up and found a quill writing in a large book. She took a step forward and called out to the quill." Something said.

"Who is that?" You asked out loud.

"No one responded to her question and it was now that y/n realized that it was the quill she was searching for." It said.

"You can stop doing, it's quite creepy and I have a question for you." You said unsure. The quill floated to you.

"You want to know where Rafal is." The quill said. Your eyes widened. "He's-" Then it stopped speaking.

"He's right here." Another voice said. Then you were captivated and couldn't move.

With Dovey in the main hall everyone had assembled. Lesso came up to her.

"Have you seen y/n? I can't find her and I haven't seen her all day." She said.

"She went to ask The Storian for help." Dovey said.

"She's alone? Right now?" Lesso asked frantically. "I have to find her." She stated before going to the twee as fast as she could. When she entered the tower she saw no one at first but she quickly noticed you standing by the window. "Y/n there you are, I was worried." The redhead exclaimed. You didn't react nor did you move even a muscle. "Y/n what's going on?" She asked. Lesso walked up to you.

"Well what do we have here?" A voice behind her asked. She turned around and saw Rafal standing there.

"What have you done to her?" The dean asked. Rafal laughed.

"Just a simple spell that sucks the life out of her." He said casually. Lesso's eyes widened.

"Why are you doing this? She did nothing wrong!" Lesso screamed. The tears began escaping her eyes.

"She's the reason you're weak!" Rafal responded. "I made you everything you are today!" He yelled. The redhead flinched visibly.

"She doesn't make me weak." The woman began. "She's the reason I am who I am today, she's the reason I'm stronger." Lesso defended. Rafal laughed.

"It doesn't matter, she'll be dead and you'll be mine again." He said. Lesso was remembered of her time as a teenager with him. Before she could respond he hit her and she fell down because of the force. "You're weak, Leonora. You're nothing but a pathetic little girl. Unable to defend herself, unable to do anything right and bothering the people around her, destroying their lives." He said, kicking her with each sentence. Lesso looked at you.

"That may be true but I will never give up on y/n. I love her so much and I won't give up on her." She said as she got back on her feet. She picked up a dagger that had fallen to the ground and bore it through Rafal's heart. He turned froze and turned to dust. Lesso gasped and turned to you. "Y/n it's over." She said. You didn't move nor did you respond. "Y/n?" She asked as she got closer. She gripped you shoulders and shook you. "Y/n wake up!" She demanded. You didn't. "No, no! This can't be happening. He's gone, you're okay, you're okay." She cried. She kissed your lips but as nothing happened she started sobbing. After what felt like an eternity you coughed. Lesso looked up at you. "Y/n?" She whimpered.

"Hi my love." You said softly. She laughed as tears fell from her eyes and she kissed you again.

"I thought I lost you." She cried. You stroked her hair.

"Never my love, as I told you before: I'll always find my way back to you." You said. "You were so brave Nora, you stood up against him. Despite all the horrible things he said you fought him. I'm so so proud of you." You told her. "But you do know that none of what that basterd said is true right? You, Leonora Lesso of Gavaldon are amazing and you are so strong and loved and whatever you do or say doesn't bother anyone. You're the strongest person I've ever met in my entire life." You said. She had tears in her eyes.

"You heard that?" She asked. You nodded your head.

"I heard and saw everything my love. I was trapped in my own body and couldn't move or speak, I'm so sorry." You apologized. She shook her head.

"You don't have to apologize, it isn't your fault." She replied.

"Okay, now shall we get going." You said. She nodded and you helped her up. "That's it, nice and easy my love." You cooed. With your help the two of you made it to the main hall again where Dovey was waiting for you.

"Oh my goodness there you are." The brunette said. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Well Lesso is in a rough shape but I'm okay." You explained. "Hey my darling, let's get you to the nurse okay?" You said softly before slowly walking her to the nurse. While Lesso was being treated you felt a set of arms around your waist. You looked down and saw Amelia. "Amelia, are you okay?" You asked the girl.

"Yes miss y/n. I was just worried. No one could find you and we didn't know where you went." She explained.

"I'm okay honey, everything worked out." You said. Amelia looked at Lesso

"Is she okay?" The girl whispered. You were confused at first but quickly caught up.

"She'll be okay, she has a few bruises but she'll be fine." You whispered back. "You know what, why don't you go give her a hug, I bet she could use one of your amazing hugs." You proposed. Although the girl was hesitant she walked to the redhead and gave her a hug. Lesso tensed but realized it was just a young girl.

"Who is this?" She asked confused. You walked up to them.

"This is Amelia, she's my youngest student." You explained. She nodded. "I told her you could use a hug." You said seeing her confused expression. Amelia hadn't let go, she wanted Lesso to return the hug first. The dean tried to get the girl to let go but it was no use. "You gotta return the hug love." You laughed. She sighed but eventually did so. Just then the nurse came up to you and gave you some ointment to put on the bruises. Amelia went back to her dorm while you and Lesso went to your room to get some rest.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now