The aftermath

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The next day you woke up to Lesso whispering soft loving words to you. You opened your eyes and looked at her. She smiled when she saw you were awake. "Hi, how are you doing?" She asked you.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" You asked her remembering that you didn't even check on her wounds yesterday.

"I'm okay my princess. No need to get worried." She said. After spending a few months together, she was able to read you like a book. "Now the nurse said we should change the bandages once a day so you want to do it now or later?" She asked. You signaled that you wanted to do it now so she got everything ready and switched them. It didn't take too long which you were thankful for. "Okay there we go. You're All good." She said with a smile. "I'm going to get something to eat, do you want anything?" She asked.

"Hmm you can choose, I don't mind." She nodded and left you alone in the room. Although you didn't feel so alone. You felt like you were being but didn't think much of it as you were the only one in the room. Suddenly a shadow appeared out of nowhere. You screamed stumbled backwards. Lesso came running in and crouched down by your side. The shadow however disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Hey what's wrong? Are you in pain?" She asked concerned. You shook your head.

"S-shadow." You muttered, pointing to where the shadow appeared. She looked but didn't see anything.

"I don't see anything. Maybe you just imagined it?" The redhead said. You nodded. It was probably nothing. "I need to go get some food, will you be okay?" She questioned. You nodded at her question. She left again. You got up to get dressed but as you were looking in the mirror a man wearing red clothes appeared.

"Stay away from Leonora, little Ever, she has a destiny to fulfill." He threatened. Then he disappeared again. Who was he? You asked yourself. You heard the door open and saw Lesso entering with two plaited of food. She sat down next to you and you started to eat.

"Can I ask you a weird question?" You asked. You saw her nod. "Do you know a man dressed in red?" You asked. She froze and looked at you.

"How did you know him?" She questioned. The look in her eyes scared you a bit. You shrugged. "His name is Rafal, he's the schoolmaster's brother. But y/n stay away from him. Wherever you know him from stay away. He's pure evil and will do anything to get it his way." She explained. You swallowed. You had to tell her.

"I saw in when you were getting the food. He told me to stay away from you, that you had to fulfill some kind of destiny? I don't know. He disappeared after that. He's the one who made the shadows I think." You confessed. She inhaled sharply.

"I have to tell Dovey, she needs to know. I'll bring her here and we can all talk." She said before walking away to find Dovey. You stayed in your room while she warned the other teachers. You waited but she took a lot longer than you thought she would. When she eventually came you stood up and went to hug. She returned the hug. "Are you ready for?" She asked. You nodded and walked to the dining hall. You filled a plate and sat down. Lesso did the same. You were talking when the a couple of students got into a fight. They were yelling at each other and punching the others. A few teachers pulled them apart. The rest of the day you decided to rest some more before going back to teaching tomorrow. Lesso said she was going back to her school and you didn't see her for the rest of the day.

It's now a few days later. Lesso has been acting a little weird but you just thought she was worried. Today you didn't see her at breakfast so you decided to bring her a plate. You knocked on her office door but didn't receive an answer. When you opened it you saw her sitting inside. You stepped closer to her. "Hey, I have breakfast." You announced.

"Did I say you could come in!" She yelled. You visibly flinched which almost caused the plate to drop. "What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"W-well you weren't at breakfast and I was worried." You explained. She chuckled.

"Oh you were worried? Stop caring little princess, it's not worth it." She said. You didn't know what was going on. She was so cold and not herself. 

"I-I'll just go." You out the plate down and turned around to exit her office. You were trying so hard to hold in your tears but you failed miserably. Tears were falling down your cheeks. On your way to your room you bumped into Dovey.

"Oh y/n I'm so sorry." She said. You didn't look up. "Y/n are you okay?" She asked. You shook your head. You couldn't control your emotions anymore, you began sobbing. Dovey brought you to her chest and held you close. "Hey it's okay. Can you tell me what happened?" She questioned.

"Lesso in her office a-and I brought her breakfast b-but she yelled and told me not to c-care." You sobbed. Dovey was confused. She had noticed that Lesso was acting cold but she didn't expect the other Dean to act like that to you.

"Oh y/n it's okay. I'm sure she didn't mean to. We'll figure out what's going on. Did anything weird happen these last few days?" She asked. You thought deeply.

"Well apart from the whole Rafal thing nothing really happened." You responded.

"Wait Rafal is back?" She asked. You looked at her confused.

"Yea, didn't Lesso tell you that? She was gone for hours. Where was she if she didn't tell you?" You asked worriedly.

"I don't know." She said slowly. "Let's just wait a little longer before ringing the alarm bell. I'm sure she'll have an explanation." She said. You nodded sadly. "Are you okay? I have some classes but I can stay here if you want?" Dovey said.

"No it's okay, I'm okay. You should go teach the students." You told her. You made your way to you room where you rolled up in your bed. You really didn't know what was going on with Lesso but you hoped things would change soon.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now