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It's been a few days since Amelia became a part of your family. She was very curious about Lesso's past and today she was telling her most of it. You decided to let them have this time to bond and because of that you were taking a walk outside. You were mindlessly walking through the forest, thinking about everything when you heard rustling from behind you. You started walking faster, deeper into the forest. When you thought you shook off whatever thing was after you, you turned around and saw several scarecrows standing there. You knew you had no chance of winning so you ran, you didn't know where as you were blinded by fear. You didn't know how long you ran for but eventually you stopped. You looked around and saw that you were alone, fortunately. You also realized that you had no idea where you were nor how to get back. And on top of all of that it was getting dark. You decided that you try and find a place to spend the night and find your way back tomorrow. You walked and walked but eventually you found a somewhere that looked somewhat protected. As the night progressed you started feeling tired but you couldn't fall asleep, you didn't know what was out here at night.

Back in the school Lesso was wondering where you were, she knew you went on a walk around 2 in the afternoon but she hadn't seen you since then. It was now dinner time and again you weren't there. Lesso was getting really worried.

"Has anyone seen y/n this afternoon?" She asked the other teachers. Most of them shook their head.

"I saw her walking outside but I haven't seen her since then." One of them replied. Lesso sighed. She got her food and ate as fast as possible before going out to search for you. She soon realized that, much to her dismay, it was too dark and she couldn't see anything. Lesso decided to get up early tomorrow when the sun was up.

Early the next morning, Lesso got up as she had planned. She was worried sick. You got dressed and went outside. She searched for hours but still didn't find you.

As for you, you were now cold, scared in pain and utterly exhausted. Through the night the reapers had found and you had to fight them off which resulted in multiple cuts and bruises. Because of the reapers you couldn't stay in one place and were always on the move. You had slipped in mud multiple times and even fallen into a puddle and the river because you couldn't see anything. You also hadn't eaten or drunk anything in over 24 hours. But you still couldn't stop moving in fear that anything would be able to catch up with you that way.

As the days went on nobody was able to find you. Meanwhile for you, you didn't know how many days had passed, or what hour it was. You didn't know anything anymore. You had kept on moving but some reapers and animals still found you. You had been bitten, and attacked but that didn't stop you. You almost weren't able to stand because of how weak you by now. Branches snapped around and you saw a wolf standing right in front of you. You let a scream as it pounced at you. Lesso, who was looking for you once again, heard it and came running to you. She saw you on the ground, barely conscious. The redhead was able to scare the wolf away and immediately knelt beside.

"Oh my love, what happened to you?" She asked even though it was more to herself.

"L-Lesso?" You questioned weakly. She put her hand on you cheek.

"Let's get you back to bed." She suggested before picking you up and carrying you to her room. Your injuries weren't that extensive so she decided she could patch you up herself instead of the nurse. You arrived in her room where she placed you on her bed before she got a med-kit out. She tended to your wounds and made sure to disinfect them. You had fallen asleep the moment your head hit the pillow. You hadn't been able to sleep in days. You slept for hours and even then you still wouldn't wake up. Lesso was dreading having to wake you up but she knew she had because you had to eat.

"Princess, you have to wake up for a minute." You groaned at her request. "I know, I'm sorry but you have to eat something." She said. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. She smiled at you. "I missed you so much." She said softly.

"I missed you too." You rasped out. Your voice was sore because of all the screaming and running you had done these past few days. At this she gave you a look of empathy.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner." The redhead said. You told her that it wasn't her fault. While you were eating Amelia came running in, hugging you as tight as she possibly could.

"I missed you so much y/n! We were all so worried because you didn't come back from your walk and we searched for you but no one could find until Lesso did today." She rushed out. You could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm okay, she found me that's all that matters." You said as best as you could. You pulled her on the bed and she instantly cuddled into, even falling asleep.

"Maybe you should rest some too? It's been a long few days." Lesso suggested after you had finished eating.

"You're probably right. I love you Nora, thank you for saving me." You replied. Lesso gave you a kiss.

"I love you princess, now rest up. We'll talk tomorrow." She said and with that you closed your eyes again, Amelia cuddled into your side and Lesso watching over you.


Hiii, it's been a few days, I had hoped to finish this but I'm kinda running out of ideas so if you have any, please let me know! Happy late new year everyone!

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