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It's been almost three months since that night and you haven't shown any sign of being pregnant. You had lost hope that it worked. Lesso assured you that she'll never be mad if it didn't work and if you wanted, that you two would try again. You weren't against it, you quite enjoyed the baby making process. You were currently in your room, reading a book as you had some free time when an overwhelming wave of nausea hit you. You ran to the bathroom, falling down next to the toilet before you threw up. After you were done, you stayed on the ground. You felt too weak to even move. After about an hour and various rounds of throwing up, the door opened. You didn't see who it was as you were still stuck on the ground leaning against the wall next to the toilet.

"Princess? You here?" You heard the sweet voice of your wife call. You tried to answer but all that came out was another round of vomit, leaning over the toilet to empty the not existing contents in your stomach. You coughed and groaned unintentionally which led the redhead to you. "Oh love, you're okay." She hushed. She sat down next to you, making a makeshift ponytail. After you were done, you fell back against her. She held your sweat soaked frame, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. "How long have you been here?" She asked you after you calmed down.

"Don't know." You croaked, your voice being hoarse and exhausted from throwing up so much. She sighed softly, being very worried.

"Do you think you're done?" She asked. You thought for a little bit before nodding, not feeling the need to throw up again. She helped you to bed and kissed your forehead, her lips lingering for a moment. "You do feel a little warm. I'll get you some medicine." She walked out, probably to the infirmary as you didn't have any medicine. You just closed your eyes, waiting for your personal nurse to return. Another wave of nausea hit you. You took a few deep breaths, hoping it would pass as there was nothing left in you stomach. Luckily, it helped and just then Lesso walked in again.

"Okay so I have these for the nausea," She said holding up one box of pills. "And these for the fever." She said, holding up the other box. She gave you a glass of water and the two pills. You swallowed them hoping they'd help. "How about you take a nap? You're exhausted my sweet princess." You nodded, not feeling well enough to verbally answer. Leonora helped you lay down and pulled the covers over you. She tucked you in, kissing your forehead once again before leaving for the next period. For the rest of the day, which was long as it was just passed noon when she found you, the redhead wasn't able to concentrate on anything but you. She desperately wanted to check on you, it had been hours since she left you in the safety of your room. At one point she couldn't take it anymore and dismissed her class to go to you. She entered your room, seeing your sleeping form on the bed. She sighed, knowing that you were still asleep and not throwing up again. She also knew that she had to wake you so you could eat and be able to sleep tonight. "Love, it's time to wake up." She whispered gently in your ear.

"Noooo." You groaned in protest. "Sleepy." You whined like a five year old. She chuckled.

"I know my darling but you really have to wake up. We can get some food in you and cuddle some more? We can do anything you want but you have to wake up." You thought about, anything you wanted seemed really good. You opened one eye, looking at her.

"Anything I want?" You asked. She nodded. You sat up in bed. "I want to have a picknick at our spot." You replied. Her smile brightened and she nodded softly.

"Of course we can do that. Why don't you get ready and I'll get the food? I'll meet you there okay." She said, walking off to get food. You stood up, relieved that the nausea was gone. You walked to your wardrobe, pulling out a simple and comfy dress.

You quickly threw on some make-up, making yourself a little more presentable. You took longer than you thought because when you arrived your redhead wife was already waiting for you. She smiled when she saw you.

"You look gorgeous darling." She said.

"I just threw something on, it's nothing special." You blushed. She kissed you before answering.

"You're always beautiful to me, you were beautiful this morning, afternoon, now. You'll forever be the most beautiful woman in the entire world." You blushed even harder at her words, hiding your face in her chest.

"Stop making me blush." You whined. She chuckled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"I actually quite like making you all flustered for me." She said in her seductive husky voice. Your cheeks became even redder and you could feel the wetness pooling in your panties. "You want a cupcake?" She asked. You nodded, not trusting yourself to answer verbally. She smiled as she gave you a cupcake, the anti-nausea medication had worked and she was happy you could finally keep something down and that were feeling better. You ate together and talked a lot about anything and everything. After a good half an hour after you finished eating, you felt the by now familiar wave of nausea. You ran to the nearest tree and puked out everything you just ate. Lesso followed soon after you with a water bottle in her hand. After you were finally done, you fell down but luckily Leonora caught you and held you up. "You're okay darling, let's go back to our blanket yeah." She said before she helped you get back and sat you down. "Here, drink some more water." She encouraged. Apparently she spoke too soon about you feeling better. "Princess maybe it's time we go see the nurse? You haven't been able to keep anything down today and I'm worried." You sighed knowing she was probably right again.

"Alright but if it's nothing and you dragged me there for absolutely nothing, then you owe me." You glared. She giggled and nodded before she took you to the nurse, and god was that going to be a long walk.


Hiiiii sorry everyone I know this took wayyyyy to long and it's absolutely rubbish so I'm very sorry but I'm trying my best :(. Anyway I'll try to make sure the next part come faster than this one.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum