The past

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It's ben 2 days since Lesso got hurt. You've been staying with her every minute of every day. You would hardly even leave to eat or shower but she made you. It was now morning and you and Lesso were already up.

"So can I go to my room today? I feel fine." She asked the nurse who was checking her wound. The nurse chuckled. This was the hundredth time she'd asked these past two days.

"As long as you have someone to take care of you and make sure you take it easy then yes, you can go. But you are still on bedrest for another week or two." The nurse said. Lesso groaned.

"I've been in bed for two days, I feel fine like the wound isn't even there." She complained. The nurse gently put the slightest pressure on the wound. "Ouch! What was that for?" She asked annoyed.

"To prove you wrong." The nurse replied. You tried so hard not to laugh out loud but failed which caused Lesso to shot you an annoyed glance.

"Okay love, let's get you to your room." You said. "Thank you for the help and for putting up with her." You told the nurse. She smiled at you and told you that it was her pleasure although you knew it wasn't a pleasure at all. Well except for you, you loved the redhead even her cranky side. "Alright you, come here." You said before picking her up bridal style.

"Y/n what are you doing?" She asked laughing.

"I'm carrying you, what does it look like." You replied seriously.

"I see that but why." She asked. She liked that you carried her but she'd never admit it.

"Because you're hurt and I want to take care of you." You responded. She smiled at you.

"Thank you princess. For everything that you've done. I love you so much." She said.

"I love you too my darling." You responded. You'll never get tired of hearing and saying those words. She leaned down to kiss your lips. You continued walking and soon enough you opened the door to her room. You put her down in her bed and put some pillows behind her. "Nora, we still have to deal with Rafal." You said slowly. You saw her tense at the mention of him. "I know how difficult this is for you but if we can destroy him it'll all be over, I promise." You said.

"You're right, has there been any sign of him?" She asked. You shook your head. "Well wait for a sign and then we'll attack." She said.

"That sounds like a good plan my darling." You complimented her. She smiled and even blushed a bit. "Aww the Dean of the School for Evil is blushing, that's so adorable." You cooed.

"No I'm not, everyone is scared of me and that's how it'll always be." She said. You laughed.

"Okay dear, whatever you say." You replied. You kissed her nose which scrunched. You found it so adorable when she did that. "Would you like to take a bath? I'm sure you're dying to be able to wash properly." You suggested. She hadn't been able to take a bath because of her wound but now that you were finally out of that hospital like chamber, she could take a bath.

"Yes I would like that very much." She replied. You go to the bathroom and get the bath ready. Once you put the bubbles in and the temperature was right you helped her in the bath. She sighed happily.

"I'll wait outside okay? Just shout for me if you need anything." You said. You went outside and sat in the bed. You looked around and decided to read a book. You picked up a book and started reading it.

"Princess?" You heard her shout after a while. You went to the bathroom.

"Yes my queen?" You replied teasingly. "Can I do something for you?" You asked.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now