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So I'm thinking that maybe I could add the thoughts in cursive. Idk it's just an idea.

When you woke up the next morning the sun was already shining. You got ready to go to breakfast. You were a little nervous about meeting the other teachers.

You decided on a more simple dress

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You decided on a more simple dress. Then with a light make-up look and went downstairs. There were already a couple of teachers. You chose to sit next to Dovey.

"Oh y/n you're here. Amazing! The rest should be here shortly. But you can already start eating." She explained. You got up and got her plate with food. You came back to your seat. The other teachers greeted you and welcomed you. The doors opened, and there she was. The beautiful redhead you couldn't stop thinking about. Lesso made her to their table and took a seat opposite of you.

"Morning princess." She said. You groaned. She looked up with a twinkle in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

"I told you not to call me that." You complained. She smiled at you.

"Since when do I ever listen?" She teased. You groaned again. "I am evil after all." She laughed. "Now do I get a 'good morning' or are you going to leave me hanging?" She asked.

You rolled your eyes and smiled at her. "Good morning, lady Lesso." You replied. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Did you sleep good after your night walk?" She asked gently. You looked into her eyes and saw a hint of concern? I must be seeing things you thought.

"I slept okay. What about you?" You asked.

"I slept better than I've slept in a long time." She replied. You smiled at that. The two of you talked the whole time. Soon it was time for classes, far too soon for your liking. But you got up anyways.

"Bye Red, I'll see you at lunch." You said. She glared at you.

"Don't you dare call me that." She warned. You laughed.

"Why not?" You asked. "I think it suits you, Red." You teased. She glared at you again. "Okay okay I'll stop." You laughed. "Will I see you at lunch?" You asked. She nodded and you smiled at the fact that you'd see her again.

"Bye princess, see you soon." Lesso said. You parted and each walked to a different school. Your classes didn't start for another week or so. Dovey wanted you to have control over your finger glow first. Which you would receive today. Another thing you were nervous about. First you had to go to her office. And so you did, a while later you arrived at her office where she was already waiting for you.

"Ah y/n there you are." She said happily. You smiled and stepped inside.

"Hi Dovey." You said timidly. She had a look of empathy on her face.

"Are you nervous?" She asked knowingly. You nodded your head. "No need to be nervous. You'll have it under control in no time." She said softly. "Now shall we start?" You nodded. Dovey took a key, you looked at her confused. "Your finger please?" She asked. Still confused you held up your finger. She was about to put the key on your finger when your confused expression changed to a frightened one. Dovey noticed and assured you. "Don't worry, it won't hurt. Good feels no pain." She told you. She then continued and you closed your eyes. Your finger glowed brightly, you looked at Dovey to see that even she was surprised.

"Is that good?" You asked unsure. Dovey smiled at you.

"Everything is going exactly as it should. In fact I think you're more powerful than you think." She said. You began training immediately and before you knew it, it was time for lunch. "Oh y/n you're a natural. At this rate you'll be teaching classes by the end of the week." She exclaimed happily. The two of you began walking to the dining hall. You saw Lesso already sitting in her seat. You sat down opposite of her.

"Hi again, princess." Lesso said. You smiled at her.

"Hi again." You replied. You got lunch and began talking again. Talking to her felt so natural and easy.

"How was your day till now?" She asked kindly.

"It was okay, great even." You waved your hand so your finger glowed. Lesso looked at you surprised.

"You didn't tell me you were getting your finger glow today." She said. "How was it?" She asked.

"It was weird, scary maybe but eventually it was okay." You informed her. Lesso smiled. "And how was your day?" You asked. You were genuinely curious how her days were.

"It was okay, taught some idiots did some paperwork." The redhead said with a sigh. "But it's way better now that I'm able to talk to you." You looked surprised but you smiled at her.

"My my such a complement, did you do something?" You asked. She laughed and shook her head.

"No, no occasion. You just deserve them." She replied. After lunch was over, you and Dovey continued your training. After a while you took a break and talked a little.

"So what's going on between you and lady Lesso. You two seem quite close." She asked suddenly. You almost choked at the question.

"Nothing is going on. She's just being friendly." You replied. Dovey raised an eyebrow.

"Lesso and friendly in the same sentence? That's the first time I've ever heard that. She doesn't exactly do friendly." She explained. You looked a bit confused.

"Well to me she's friendly. And I like talking to her. It feels so easy." You said. Dovey hummed and the two of you continued for a little while longer before calling it a day and going to dinner. When you were eating dinner you noticed that Lesso wasn't there. You were concerned as to why she wasn't eating dinner. You went back to your room and decided to go sit on the same spot from yesterday. After a while you heard a teasing voice behind you.

"I thought I might find you here, princess. Spares me the energy of having to find your room." Lesso said. You quickly spun around and hugged her. As soon as you realized what you were doing you pulled back.

"I'm sorry, I was concerned and I just- I don't know. It just happened, I'm sorry." You apologized. Lesso looked at you and nodded her head, unable to speak. She likes the hug if she was honest but she'd never let you know. "I was actually hoping I'd see you here again." You confessed. Lesso looked up.

"Oh really? Were you that desperate to see me princess?" She teased. You rolled your eyes.

"No, well not really. I just wanted to know why you weren't at dinner. That's all." You said.

"Too much paperwork, too many people to deal with." She explained.

"Oh right, that makes sense. I should let you get back to it then. Goodnight lady Lesso" you said. I guess I'm too much for her to deal with then. You thought. You began walking away. Once you were back in your room you lay in bed and cried. I'm actually falling for her you thought.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now