Thank you 🙏😇

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Hi everyone! If you have reached here, it means this is the final goodbye for my one and only, Mafia's Girl! I started this book in August, 2022 and have been through a lot of ups and downs in my personal life after that. I know that at some points, I would take very long to make an update but I needed a lot of time for myself and my healing. Afterall, writing a romantic book during the heartbreak from a breakup isn't easy 😂 Mentally, I have been through some of my worst times during 2023 but as soon as I got back serious about writing and completing this book, all of my pain and heartbreak healed like nothing. Also, you all were very understanding when it comes to my delay in updates and only wished me the best and speedy recovery. I owe this credit to every one of my readers who never stopped reading my book, despite having to wait so long for a new chapter to be posted for which, I apologise. To everyone who voted on every chapter, I know and I remember every one of you. To all the people who commented on every one of my chapters and even private messaged me, it always boosted my confidence that maybe I am doing the right thing. You guys made this book so successful that it managed to make the Top 10 ranking books in India. I can never be thankful enough for your support. I owe every bit of it to you. I always say that writing a book is one thing but if there are no readers, what's the use of it? These parting messages from me always make me cry because it hits me hard now that this is the end of a journey that I took with all of you. Ask any author and they will tell you the fear that comes with updating the first chapter of a book because you really don't know if it will go as planned or not. Also, I always have a small fear of ending my book and disappointing my readers. But, everything has an end. Again, I cannot begin to thank you all enough for everything you did for me. It might seem insignificant to you but it means the world to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Until we meet again with another book, soon, hopefully! Take care and keep smiling! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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