Part 26

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Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

I quickly devised a plan in my head as I heard the demand this man placed before Sidharth. I knew about the bombs and the remote could stop it. I just needed to get that remote and I had faith that Sidharth won't let this man harm me so I decided to buy some time and get the remote myself. Sidharth would handle the rest. I had to convince him with my swear and go to the man who grabbed onto me and held me. Sidharth's face showed sheer anger and fury. He was literally trembling in his anger as he looked at me. I shut my eyes tightly as the man shouted in my ear to Sidharth and I bit my lip. "Your girl is smart," he said, letting his breath breeze my ear. I felt disgusted, "Teach this man some sense and reasoning." I looked at the gun in his hand, pointed towards Sidharth and the small remote in his hand around my neck. Silently, I thought to myself, "If I take the remote first, he can shoot us but if I take the gun first, he can blast the bomb. What do I do?" I had to think quickly and looked at him from the corner of my eyes. As soon as his eyes moved an inch, I quickly raised my foot backwards and kicked him the hardest I could between his legs. I grabbed onto the remote and his gun as he tried controlling his pain. I ran back to Sidharth with the remote as I pointed the gun at him, myself. He looked at me startled and angry. "You girl!" He said, gritting his teeth, "You consider yourself very smart, don't you?" He came rushing up to me and just as he was about to grab onto me, Sidharth held back his hand from behind me. "Shoot Shehnaaz," he said. I felt scared. "Don't worry about the consequences. Shoot him I said," he said. I lowered the gun a bit down and shut my eyes tightly. I pulled the trigger and shot his belly. He immediately fell to the ground and held onto his wound, crying out in pain. Police rushed through the door and pointed their guns all at me. My eyes welled up in fear at this and my weak, trembling hands dropped the gun. 

"Hands up!" One officer aggressively shouted at me. Both my hands went up with my palms showing to them. "Officer, this man kidnapped her, trespassed my property and abused my staff. If you have to arrest anyone, it should be him," Sidharth said. "We will discuss all of this in the police station," he said. My heart literally skipped a beat hearing this. "Help me officer. These people are lying on me," the wounded man said. "Take him to the hospital and guard him as well until we finish our investigation," the officer said. Sidharth's fingers intertwined with mines, taking me by surprise. I looked down at our hands and then to him. "Nothing will happen to you. You don't need to worry. Just remember, no matter what happens don't speak to these officers. I will arrange a lawyer for you," he said. I trusted him more than anyone or anything else so I nodded. "Come with me," the officer said. "Whatever you have to do, do it right here," he said sternly to them. "Mr. Shukla, it's better if you don't get in the way of the law. We are doing an investigation and we need to interrogate so, behave yourself and co-operate with the police," he said. "I didn't..." I started but Sidharth's grip of my hand tightened, stopping me. The officer narrowed his eyes at us. He looked at our hands joined together and frowned. "Ohhh...this is a matter of love!" He said, chuckling. He took one small step closer to me and said, "Miss...?" "Shehnaaz," I said. "Miss Shehnaaz, please, may I have a word in private with you?" He asked. I looked at Sidharth glaring at him as he refused to let go of my hand. "Mr. Shukla, leave the girl hand," he said. "Sidharth," I said softly. He looked at me. "Trust me. I will listen to you," I said, reassuring him. "You act too crazy sometimes to be trusted," he said to me. "Just this once," I said. He rolled his eyes irritated at me and let go of my hand. I left with the officer as he carried me away from Sidharth. 

Staring intensely at me, he asked, "What do you have to say about this situation?" I began feeling a bit scared and intimidated at his question. "I'm sorry sir. I would rather wait for my lawyer to arrive," I said. "But your lawyer wasn't here to see you shoot the man, right?" He asked. I trembled and cold sweated. If I say that I shot him, I could land in trouble. But he is a police officer and he will catch me if I lie. "I..." I started but just then Daksh came with another man. "Hello, my name is Anmol. I am the representative lawyer of Miss Shehnaaz and Mr. Sidharth," he said, shaking the officer's hand. The officer looked at me with a disappointed face. "Excuse me," Sidharth said, coming behind me, "May I take her for a medical examination now? Perhaps you didn't hear me properly when I said that she was kidnapped." "Krishna," he said to a female cop, "Go with them. Make sure this man doesn't use his money and affluence to buy a medical report from a doctor. This case is mine and I don't lose." Sidharth took me away after telling Daksh, "Keep an eye out for them." We went in Sidharth's car to the hospital with the female cop in the same car. "Why do you always act stubborn?" He scolded me, "You will land yourself in serious trouble one day because of your overconfidence." "Why are you scolding me? What did I do?" I asked, innocently. "Why didn't you lock the door properly in the house first of all?" He asked. "What does this all have to do with that?" I asked. "If you had done so, you wouldn't have been kidnapped," he said. I pouted and looked sadly at him. His face suddenly relaxed and he sighed but I folded my arms and rolled my eyes, turning my head to look outside. "Sheh..." he said touching my shoulder but I shrugged his hand off of me. "Listen..." he said but I cut him off saying, "I don't want anymore scolding." "I'm not scolding you," he said. "What do you call talking to me like that then?" I said, looking at his face. He looked amused but suppressed his laughter. "It's my mistake," I said, gritting my teeth, looking away once more. "What's your mistake?" He asked. "Looking at your face," I said.

"Why are you scolding the poor girl for, sir? Wasn't she kidnapped? Understand her trauma as well," the police woman said. I felt amused hearing her speak to Sidharth like this. He frowned and looked at me. "Sorry," he said softly. I was taken aback for a second but then smiled, accepting his apology. We reached the hospital and got out. The police woman grabbed onto my hand gently but Sidharth held my wrist. "Let go," he said. The officer looked at him and obeyed. "Come," he said, looking at me and entered the hospital, holding my hand. Everyone stopped and looked at us, or rather, him as he carried me to the head doctor's office. "Good night Mr. Shukla. How may I help you?" The elderly doctor asked with a smile. "We need to get a medical on her, Shehnaaz," he said. The doctor looked at me and slightly observed my body from head to toe with his eyes. "This police woman will wait here with her," he said and left me alone there with the doctor and officer. 

Sidharth's P.O.V.

I waited outside while Shehnaaz was being checked by the doctor, restlessly. I called Daksh for an update on what was going on over there. "They are still checking the building, sir. I'm not sure where they took Ankit," he said. "Do whatever you have to do as well and find out which hospital he is in. Even if he got shot, I want to punish him still for what he dared to do," I said. "Mr. Daksh," I heard, "Please tell your boss that he needs to meet me in the police station after he is finished with his girlfriend's medical. I want the report." "I'll be there," I said for Daksh to relay the message and hung up, irritated. Shehnaaz and the officer came out of the room. "Are you hungry?" She nodded. "We still have a while to wait. Let's get something to eat," I said. We went to the cafeteria and sat there. Shehnaaz ordered sandwiches while I only drank coffee. "Do you want to tell me everything that happened from the start?" I asked. "After you..." She started and stopped, looking at me, red. I remembered our kiss earlier as well and my heart raced. "After you...left, I was about to go ahead and clean the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I thought that you came back but when I opened the door..." She said and clenched her fist. Her body was visibly tensing up and I held her hand. She smiled and blinked allowing the tear filling her eye to fall onto my hand. "I'm fine," she said, "There were four really buff men and that main man. He came inside but I began running to escape him. His men blocked around me and took me. I tried my best fighting them off but I failed." "It's ok," I said, caressing her knuckles. She took a napkin and began wiping away her tears and pushed away her unfinished sandwich. I looked at the plate, regretting asking her anything and spoiling her mood. My phone rang and my eyes fell on Aditya's name. I handed her the phone. 

She frowned and cut the call. "Why aren't you picking up?" I asked. "I don't want to talk to anyone at the moment and besides, he is calling your phone so he must want to speak to you," she said. The phone rang once more. "He must have found out by now about you and be worried. Trust me, answer the call," I said. I got up and gave her the privacy to speak to him as I went for another coffee. I turned and looked at her talking to Aditya as I frowned. Inside, I felt anger on myself. I underestimated Ankit. But he will still pay for making her be in pain and fear and most of all, for making her cry. "I'm sorry," I said to her softly from afar. 


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the late updates! But I hope you enjoyed it! Until we meet again, take care! Bye!

Mafia's GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora