Part 10

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Sidharth's P.O.V.

I left Shehnaaz and rode home in the rain. All the way, I thought that I had to help Shehnaaz's family. I had to get her father a job and where could be better than my company. Reaching home, I called Daksh and instructed him to put an advertisement around Shehnaaz's housing building for a wanted accountant and only there alone. I'm sure once he sees the ad, he will come for a interview and I will hire him. "Yes sir," he said. "I want those posted by tomorrow so you have tonight to get it done," I said. "It will be done," he said. I hung up and changed my wet clothes and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up, sneezing and with a runny nose. I got a thermometer and checked my temperature but I didn't have a fever. I got ready and left my room sneezing and coughing. Going downstairs, I sat at the breakfast table and felt hard to eat the food because of my cold. Daksh came and said, "The posters are out, sir." "Good," I said and sneezed again. "Shall I ask to make some ginger tea for you?" He asked. "No need," I said as my nose tickled but lost the sneeze. I rubbed my nose and answered my ringing phone as I sneezed once more. "Oh no! You have gotten the cold!" Shehnaaz said, "I told you not ride in the rain!" I sneezed again. "Give your phone to Daksh," she said. "Why?" I asked. "Don't ask questions. Give him the phone," she said, strictly. I put the phone on loudspeaker so I can hear her and handed him as he answered it, "Hello?" "Daksh, listen to me. Go to the kitchen and get a strong, hot, ginger tea for Sidharth. Once he drinks it, all his cold will pass," she said. He looked at me amused. "Do you hear me?" She said. "Yes ma'am," he said. "And I know that Sidharth will tell you that he doesn't want it but you have to make a video of him drinking it and send it to me," she said. I frowned at her extent of being stubborn. "Ok," he said, smiling, much amused at her instructions. "Ok, call me back when he does," she said. I shook my head and took away the phone from him. I hung up the call and looked at him, folding in his lips to conceal his laughter. "What are you laughing at? Go and get it," I said sternly. He left and went into the kitchen. I sat at the table, sneezing and coughing. After a few minutes, he came back with a mug in his hand. He placed it in front me and smiled. I took it and inhaled the strong scent of ginger causing tears to run through my eyes. I kept inhaling it. "Sir, you are supposed to drink it. Not smell it," he said, holding his phone and videoing me. "Stop it," I said. "Shehnaaz said to do this," he said, chuckling. "Don't call her Shehnaaz and stop the video," I said. He stopped his joking and stopped the video. "Tea, sir," he said pointing the cup. I smelt it once more and sipped it with my eyes closed. I heard a picture click and looked at him. "Sorry sir, but I just had to capture this," he said. He giggled and left. I slowly sipped the tea until it was all over.

Having that alone for breakfast, I left the house and met Daksh, giggling on the phone outside. "You should have seen his face. He kept smelling it," he said. I stood behind him and listened. I knew exactly who he was speaking to and took away the phone. On the line, Shehnaaz laughed loudly saying, "I could tell by the way he looked in the picture and video." "No need to be so happy. I'll fix you when I meet you this evening," I said and sneezed once more, "See, your ginger tea had no effect. I am still sneezing." "By the time you reach your office you won't be sneezing anymore," she said. "And if you turn out to be wrong?" I asked. "I'm always right," she said. "We will see. But if you are wrong on this, you will get punished," I said. "We will see," she said determined. I hung up the phone and felt a lot better. Just to show, I frowned and handed Daksh his phone. I got into my car and went to work in a very good mood. As I reached and got out, the breeze blew and hit me. I never enjoyed the wind as much as today. The smell of fresh mud came to me and that also felt perfect. I went inside and while I held a straight face in front of everyone, I was overjoyed inside. I entered the elevator and went to my office. She was right, I reached to work and I wasn't sneezing anymore. I didn't disbelieve her but I wanted her to be proven right. As I settled in my office and I turned on my computer, my phone rang. It was Shehnaaz. Daksh entered my cabin and was about to call out my schedule but I raised my hand and stopped him. I signaled him to leave and answered the call. "You sound better. Did you sneeze even once when you reached?" She asked. I thought of teasing her and let out a fake sneeze. She was quiet. "What happened? You are defeated?" I asked. "No. I know you are faking your sneeze," she said. "How can you be so sure?" I asked. "I know you," she said softly. My stomach got butterflies. "You are faking it, right?" She asked. "Yes," I said. "I knew it," she said. "Did you eat and take your medicines?" I asked. "Aditya just dropped off breakfast for me. I am going to eat now and then I'll take them," she said. I frowned. All my happiness left me in one second and I became disappointed. "Ok. Enjoy your day and take care," I said. "You too," she said. I hung up and flung the phone on the table.

Daksh reentered my cabin and began briefing me as I sat, annoyed and distracted thinking about Shehnaaz while I played with a pen in my fingers. "That's it," he said. "Did you schedule interviews for the accountant job?" I asked. "I told you already, sir. It's today at eleven," he said. "Call the head of the human resources department," I said. "Yes, sir," he said and left. I threw the pen on the table and palmed my face. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I typed in my password on my computer and opened up my email for new files. There was a knock on the door and the head of the HR department entered. "Yes, sir, you asked for me?" He said. "Sit down," I said. He took a seat opposite me. "You are to hold interviews for a new accountant today. I want no one else besides Santokh Singh," I said sternly, "Do you understand that? Decline everyone else besides him. I want him in this position." "Yes, sir," he said. "Good. Get out," I said. He frowned at me and gulped his saliva and left. I opened up the file in my email and began reviewing them. By the time I had finished about four of them, it was eleven. People must be coming for the interview by now. I took my phone and went downstairs to the HR department to see if Shehnaaz's father was there. I had seen a picture of him before when I had Daksh do a background check on her and her family. I looked at the number of candidates waiting and was surprised. There were a lot of people when I instructed Daksh to only post them in one building. "Do they all live in the same housing complex?" I asked him. "Apparently, sir," he said. Shehnaaz's father was nowhere in the line. I turned around to leave, disappointed when I bounced into someone. "Sorry," the man said and I looked at him. It was him. I was pleased that he came for the interview. "It's ok," I said and left. A smirk appeared on my face as I entered the elevator. "Your problem is solved," I said silently in my head. I went back upstairs to my office and called the head of the HR department. "When you hire Santokh Singh, send him to me," I said. "Yes, sir," he said. I sat and went through a few appointments before I had lunch for one. I ordered a soup to ease up my cold completely and slowly sipped on it. After lunch, Shehnaaz's father came into my office.

"Good afternoon, sir," he said coming in. "Have a seat," I said. He sat opposite me and said, "I want to thank you for the opportunity you are offering me in this company. I really needed this job to support my family." "Tell me something about yourself," I said. "Well, sir, I was born and brought up in Punjab. I married there and moved here. I have thr...two daughters, Meeta and Sonu," he said. I frowned and clenched my fist, under the table on hearing how he left Shehnaaz out. "Where do you live?" I asked, acting ignorant. "I live in Happy Living Housing Complex," he said. "I heard a girl was raped there a few weeks ago," I said and observed his reaction. He looked a bit flustered and nervous. "That is true, sir," he said, lowering his eyes. "Do you know the girl?" I asked. "No, sir, there are so many families living in that building. I can't know everyone, right?" He said. "Right," I said, glaring at him. He avoided eye contact with me after this topic. "Well, I hope you do your best at this job. Welcome," I said, extending my hand to him. He held it and shook it with a small smile saying, "I won't let you down, sir." "I hope so," I said. He left the office and I was displeased at his lying but didn't point it out. If I told him that I know his lies, he wouldn't have taken the job and I needed to do this for Shehnaaz's peace of mind. I allowed it to pass for her despite not being able to stand lies. I carried on with my work for the rest of the day until it was time to leave. I left and as my car was driving out of the compound, I saw Shehnaaz's father trying to hail a taxi. Rain was about to fall and I stopped my driver, reaching him. Sending down the glass, I said, "Come, I will give you a ride." He looked at me hesitantly and said, "It's ok, sir." "I insist. Come," I said. He got in and we left. "There was no need for this, sir," he said. "I am heading that way, myself. It's no problem," I said. "You are really a great person, sir," he said, "I never thought that you would be such a great boss to your employees. It's hard to find that today." I wore my sunglasses and looked outside, silently. We entered the housing complex and he began insisting that I come inside for a cup of tea. After his insisting so much, I gave in and entered the building elevator, leaving all my bodyguards downstairs.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the update! Vote, comment and share my story! Until next time! Bye!

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