Part 19

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Sidharth's P.O.V. 

I bought a bottle of whiskey and sat at her table, drinking as I looked at her sleeping. When it was too late, I made some lemonade and kept it in the fridge with a note at her bed. I went home.

Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

I woke up the next morning with my stomach rumbling and my head splitting with pain. I held my head at the unusual pain and groaned. As I was getting out of bed, I noticed a note at the side of the bed. Taking it, I read, 'I know that black coffee is not your thing so there is lemonade in the fridge for you. Drink it, you will feel better. Sidharth.' I went to the fridge and looked inside and saw the glass of lemonade. Smiling, I shook my head and went to bathe. Feeling much more refreshed, I sat with a hot water bag to ease my headache and sipped on the drink. I sent a message to Suman ma'am asking for a day off and she gave me. I tried as hard as possible to remember what I did and how I got drunk but nothing came to me. My phone rang and I answered it. "Are you ready to go to the market?" Sidharth asked. I went outside and saw him leaning against his car. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I pouted and rested the bag on my head, dropping my shoulders. "It's ok if you don't want to come. I will bring everything for you," he said, still on the phone. "But you need a list," I said. "Message it to me," he said and opened the car door. "Sidharth," I said stopping him. He looked back at me. "Thank you," I said. "Anything for you," he said. I looked at him getting into the car, touched at everything he does for me and hung up the call. Going back inside, I began looking through the kitchen to see what was missing and what was not. I typed everything, along with the quantity for Sidharth and sent it to him. As I made breakfast and sat down to eat, someone knocked on my door and I was sure it might be Sidharth. Opening the door, I said, "What is..." I halted when I actually saw who it was. "Di," Meeta said, crying. She was with Ajay. She came inside and hugged me. I took a while to comprehend what was happening but I hugged her back as soon as I got back my senses. Ajay came inside and I locked the door. Sitting at the table, I held onto Meeta's hand as she smiled and cried both at the same time. "I happened to notice you coming here one evening and I understood that you are living here," Ajay said. "You look so pretty Di. You look so beautiful," Meeta said. 

I smiled and wiped away my own tears. "How are you? And how is Sonu and Mom and Dad?" I asked. "Everyone is doing good on the outside. But we are all hurting without you deep inside," she said, "Di, I'm getting engaged." I was not too surprised since I knew before. I hid everything however, from her. I smiled and said, "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you." "But I don't want to get married," she said. I frowned. "Di, as the eldest, you should be the first to marry. I can't take that away from you," she said. I chuckled and lightly hit her saying, "Silly! I will get married eventually. But you don't have to stop your life because of me. You have no idea how happy I am for you. You will look beautiful as a bride." "Come back home, Di," she said. I let go of her hand and looked away, feeling overwhelmed. "When I get married, I will surely come back home for Dad's blessings," I said. "I won't marry without you," she said. "No," I said, "Listen to me, you have my swear, you won't back out from this wedding. You have to make Dad proud. You can't disappoint him like I did." "Shehnaaz," Ajay said, "How is it that you disappointed him? You didn't do anything wrong." I smiled and said, "I'm moving on as well. As much and as best as I can. Seeing you all happy is all I need to remain happy." "And what about us?" Meeta asked, "Are we supposed to continue missing and worrying about you?" I frowned at her. "Everything will be fine soon," I said, cupping her cheek. I wiped away her tears and smiled. "Wait, I have something for you all," I said and went to the fridge. I took some chocolates which Sonu loved and gave it to her. "Give this to Sonu. She will be happy. And share a bit with Mom and Dad. Consider it eating sweets on this happy occassion," I said. She nodded and took it. "I love you," she said, hugging me tightly. "I love you too," I said. I walked them to the door and watched them as they left, waving at them. I smiled and found immense peace after meeting them. I locked my door and laid down, with the hot water bag on my head, easing the physical pain slowly. 

Sidharth's P.O.V. 

I woke up and firstly went to Suman Mehta's office to check if Shehnaaz had gone to work. I had to pick her up to carry her to the market for vegetables. As I entered, I didn't see her at the desk and as I was walking to meet the lawyer, I overheard Aditya and his mother. "Mom, how is Shehnaaz not here as yet? Normally, she is here on time everyday," he said. "Why are you asking?" She asked. "I am only a bit curious," he said. I frowned. "She might be here in a short while," she said. As I turned around to leave, I heard her saying, "Look, she sent me a message and asked for a day off. She deserves it after all the work she has done." I left the office and went to Shehnaaz's house. I opted to remain outside by my car today and called her on the phone. She came to the door and pouted cutely, holding a hot water bag on her head. I was amused at her. I left before asking her if she wanted to come.

I bought all the vegetables for Shehnaaz and went back to her house. I knocked on the locked door and waited with my bodyguards standing behind me with their hands filled with groceries. Shehnaaz opened the door and the first thing I noticed were her red eyes. I frowned, asking, "What happened?" I pushed her aside and entered, inspecting, worriedly. My men dropped the bags and left. There was no one else here and I turned to a smiling Shehnaaz. "What do you think? Someone broke into the house and made me cry?" She asked, shaking her head. "Then, why are your eyes red and swollen?" I asked. "Meeta and Ajay came to meet me a while ago," she said, going to the table. She opened the bags and began looking through the ration. I walked up to her and holding her arm, I turned her to me. Her eyes were filled with tears and I scolded her this time, "Why do you always keep crying? You cry at the littlest thing and apologise for things that aren't even your mistake! Why do you keep doing this to yourself? If you miss them, then go and meet them. Why wait for them and suffer like this?" "Well, if I am feeling to cry, I will cry? I will not laugh when I'm sad, right?" She said, jokingly. I pulled her one step closer to me and took a napkin from the table. I wiped away her tears and cleaned her smudged kajal under her eyes. Cupping her face, I said, "Listen to me, I know that this life you chose isn't easy. But you're strong and you have proven that so many times. Why cry and weaken yourself now?" "I am not getting weak. I am only letting out my emotions," she said, holding my hands, smiling. "I don't care. Stop this crying," I said. Chuckling, she said, wiping away her tears, "Yes boss." She stepped away from me and began packing out her groceries. I sat at the table and thought about what I encountered this morning. 

While she kept packing the groceries, I said, "I thought you would have gone to work today." "I messaged Suman ma'am for a day off," she said. I made circles on the table with my finger as I told her the next part, nervously, "Aditya was asking for you when I went there." She froze and didn't look at me. "Is he bothering you?" I asked. "No. Of course not. He's my friend and he must only be worried why I'm not at work," she said and comtinued. I got up and went to her. Her eyes lowered as I tried to look into them and held the empty bag she was folding. "Are you avoiding him?" I asked. She dropped her shoulders and said, "I'm not but everytime he comes in front me, I get nervous and I end up staying quiet." She pouted and folded her arms. "Don't ask why now," she said. "Why?" I asked. "Forget this," she said, "I..." Just as she started, my phone rang. It was Daksh. I had instructed him to remain with Ronit at the warehouse. "I'll be back," I said and went outside to answer. "Sir, I completed the list of boys with all the requirements you asked for. I sent you an email with the list as well as their pictures and family background history and educational qualifications," he said. "Good," I said, frowning, "Keep an eye on Ronit." "Yes sir," he said. I hung up the phone and looked through the email. Going back inside, I forwarded it to Shehnaaz and said, "I have emailed you a list of boys that meet your every requirement. When you are ready, I will start arranging meetings for you with each of them." "Why?" She asked. "Don't you want to get married?" I asked. She frowned at me but nothing she was feeling could reach how hurt and dejected I was feeling inside. "Sidharth, what was the need for all of this?" She asked. "You needed it more than you wanted it," I said. She smiled and came to me. To my surprise, she wrapped her arms around me and held onto me, tightly. 

Resting her head on my heart, she closed her eyes and said, "You are the best person in my life. You think about me so much and you have done the impossible for me as well. How will I ever repay you?" "I'm not doing a job so you don't have to pay me and I'm not doing you any favours that you have to repay. I'm fulfilling my duty," I said and she looked up at me, "As a friend." She smiled. I know I was lying to her. She was not just a friend to me. She was my life's first and best choice but I couldn't tell her that. After a few minutes, as we were sitting, Shehnaaz asked me, "Why didn't you tell me that Varsha is your girlfriend?" I looked at her stunned. 


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that update! Please vote, comment and share my story! Until next time! Bye! 

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