Part 63

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Sidharth's P.O.V. 

With all my might, I tried as hard as I can to keep a smile plastered on my face while I helped Shehnaaz in the kitchen with the preparations for the offering and breakfast. I, however, didn't understand why it was so important that she alone does it but still allowed her to do whatever she wanted since I had to do everything in my power to bring whatever made her happy. She continued instructing me wherever she needed help and I obliged, doing it at once. Together, we got everything done and I immediately took her outside and made her sit down. I handed her a glass of water and made her drink it, despite her mild objections. Meeta and Ajay joined us and Meeta looked on with swollen eyes. Shehnaaz just started to get sad but Daksh joined us also. "Good morning," he said with a smile but red eyes. "Good morning," Shehnaaz said, cheerfully, "How is your stomach now?" "I'm absolutely fine. No worries," he said. I have known him for years and from the sound of his voice alone I could tell that he was crying. He looked at me as his forced smile started to get dim but continued on. Shehnaaz looked around at us and said, "What's wrong with everyone? Why are you all looking at me as if I have grown horns overnight? Have you all never seen me before or do I look a bit more beautiful today?" Everyone's smiles grew bigger a bit as she continued, "Guys, it's my mehndi ceremony today. Of course I have to look special. Otherwise, no one would know that there is a wedding happening in the house. Guests would come, eat drink and make merry and leave. Cheer up guys!" She quickly got up and held her temples as her eyes started closing. She swayed side to side and I quickly stood up and grabbed onto her as everyone rushed to some action to try and hold her at once but stopped. 

I made her sit down and quickly fed her some more water. "Meeta, please go to her room and bring her medicines. Fast," I said. She nodded, nervously and ran back upstairs. Holding onto my hand, she said, weakly, "It's okay. I'm fine." "Shut up," I scolded, "Who told you to get up so suddenly?" Meeta came back with the medicines and I took one of the tablets the doctor prescribed for dizziness. She smiled at me at me and said, "If I don't be a bit careless, how would I know how much everyone here loves me?" "You should know that by now. No need to take such stupid risks or tests to prove that," I said, continuing to scold her. I fed her the tablet with some water and caressed her hair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Come, let's do the pooja," she said. "No need!" I said, "You remain here. I will do it." "No. I want to do it," she objected. I looked up at Daksh and he nodded. Holding onto her, I slowly made her stand up and led her to the altar without letting her go for a second. She did the aarti while I stood closely behind, keeping an eye on her. "God, please, I beg of you, don't let anything happen to my Shehnaaz. I need her more than you do. Mom always believed in your miracles. Do one more this time again. Save my Shehnaaz from this illness. I will remain grateful to you for the rest of my life. Just please listen to this one prayer of mine," I prayed silently. After the pooja was completed, she shared the aarti and offering to everyone and I led her back to the dining table. Making her sit down, I served her a plate of food instead of fruits like I normally did. She frowned at me and before she could say anything, I said, "You can't just have fruits and take so many medicines. You need food. And if you are so worried about the fast, I will keep it in your place. Besides, we are one so regardless to if you keep it or I, it's the same thing." I fed her and she ate with tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips. 

Everyone was silent at the table and no one uttered a single word. Shehnaaz took an apple from the fruit bowl and began slicing it. She held one piece to my mouth and I ate it. She smiled as she looked around and her eyes stopped on Daksh. He stared blankly at his plate, lost in some deep thought as he played with the food. "Daksh?" Shehnaaz called out to him but he didn't respond. I knew exactly what was had his mind preoccupied. "Daksh!" She called out again with a little rise in her voice. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her answering, "Yes?" Shehnaaz giggled as she asked, "Which girl's thoughts are you lost in?" He smiled and lowered his eyes back on his plate saying, "There is no one." "Then, why aren't you eating the food?" She asked, "Look, if any of you don't like the food this morning, just let me tell you all, I didn't cook this alone. Sidharth had a big hand in it also so it's perhaps because of him the food isn't the same as mine." "It's good," Daksh said and began eating. Even Meeta and Ajay wasn't eating properly and Shehnaaz soon noticed it. "Meeta, Ajay, what's wrong with the both of you now?" She asked. Meeta smiled as she said, "Nothing is wrong Di." Everyone began eating after getting pointed out and she frowned at me. I knew well she understood why everyone was behaving the way they were. Even I forced myself to smile everytime she looked at me. After completing her breakfast, I took her back to the room and was preparing to give her her medicines while she sat sadly on the bed. Noticing it, I sat next to her and held her hand. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I can't stand the sorrow in everyone's eyes seeing me. Even you are forcing yourself to smile before me but I know you all are only putting on a happy face so that I don't get sad. This is hurting me way more than thinking about my illness. In fact, it's reminding me every second that I can possibly leave anytime," she said. 

Her words stung me and I hugged her tightly saying, "Don't say that. Nothing will happen to you. I will ensure nothing does. Just please, don't worry about anything at all. I will take care of everything." Breaking the hug, I cupped her face and said, "Everyone is only worried about you and they are trying to be happy so that you don't get sad." "I know," she said, smiling, "Everyone loves me too much," I held her hand tightly and sighed. I fed her the medicines and took her back downstairs. Her mehndi artists had arrived and I made her sit on the small stage we prepared. I smiled at her as she looked through the designs to choose hers. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I called Daksh, Meeta and Ajay aside to talk to them. "Listen, I know this is a hard time for all of us. Shehnaaz knows what we are trying to do. We all are really faking smiles for her so that she doesn't become sad but she realises this. Please, try now to genuinely smile for her, with her. Be happy and let's make this wedding as special as it can be for her. That's all she is asking for," I said. "You are right. We have to do this for her," Meeta said. Ajay nodded in agreement. They left to go back to her, understanding my request and Daksh looked at me with a small smile. Holding his shoulders, I said, "I know as much as this is hard for me, it is for you. But trust me, the genuine smile that you would see on Shehnaaz's face by being happy for her will be worth it. Hiding pain from people isn't hard for us but we have to try and hide it as best as possible from Shehnaaz because she will catch us. Do you understand?" "Yes sir. I will try my best," he said and went back. I looked at Shehnaaz staring at me with a bright smile and winked, mischievously at me as the artists began their work on her hands. I was so lost in my pain and fear of her being in pain this morning that I now realised how beautiful she was looking in her outfit and jewellery. 

This started the beginning of our wedding festivities and by extension, our happy life together after and she looked as fabulous as a Goddess, if not way more. I looked at her much delighted at my bride as she lowered her eyelids, shyly at my stare. Quietly, I sat behind her and simply stared at her and her beauty as she focused her attention on her hands and the design with her smile not once leaving her face. Soon enough, the lady employees of my company started coming along with my subordinates's wives. I invited all of them so that Shehnaaz has the feeling of a grand wedding since her own family couldn't come besides Meeta. One by one, everyone came up and congratulated her and gave her some gifts as she thanked them. She looked back at me and mouthed a thank you and I smiled. An hour passed and the alarm on my phone went off indicating Shehnaaz had to eat something and take her next round of medicines. I went to the kitchen and got one of the snack plates that were prepared for the guests. I already had Shehnaaz's tablets in my pocket and went onto the stage and sat next to her. She looked at me a bit startled and some of the ladies began teasing me. "Awww....look at this groom, he can't stay away from his bride for too long. So caring he is, he brought food for her. How cute!" One said and everyone giggled. "Jiju," Meeta said, adding on, "This is ideally supposed to be an all ladies' only function. What are you doing here, huh?" "I admit that our bride is so gorgeous but have some patience. You will have your wife to look at all you want on your nuptial night," another said as everyone burst out in laughter. Even Shehnaaz laughed, amused at my reddened face as I suddenly became conscious. "No, I just came to feed Shehnaaz something so that she can take her medicines," I said, flustered. 

Meeta took the plate from my hand, saying, "Don't worry Jiju. You can go, I will feed your dear soon-to-be wifey with my own hands." "Eat properly and take your medicines. I have kept them on the side of the snacks," I whispered to her. She smiled as she nodded. Meeta smiled at me as she assured me that she will ensure Shehnaaz eats and takes her medicines. "Thank you," I said and got up. I decided to leave Shehnaaz for a short while in Meeta's care and go upstairs until the ladies leave. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, I turned and looked back at Shehnaaz to see her smiling at me as Meeta fed her. I blew a flying kiss to her and her eyes dropped as she blushed. Even if I had to become the topic of jokes for these ladies and everyone laughed at me, I was happy to since Shehnaaz smiled and was happy. I also wasn't going to let her out of my sight for my own satisfaction so I set up a small table and chair at the top of the stairs to continue looking at her while I did some minor office work.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that update! Please vote, comment and share my story! Until we meet again! Bye! 

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