Part 15

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Sidharth's P.O.V. 

I went back to Raja and sat down. "Why are you doing this to us?" He asked, "What have we done to you?" "Nothing," I said. He frowned at me. "Why, then?!" He yelled. I ignored his question and listened to his screams as the boiling water was being poured on him. 

Daksh's P.O.V. 

I went to the scrapyard where Raja directed us and saw some men standing between some old cars, in the dark. My men and I hid between the pile of cars and looked on. One van soon came closer and closer to the men and I narrowed my eyes to get a better view. "Ronit," one man said, coming out, "You can't get anything this time. You still owe me for weeks now." "Boss, I don't have any choice. I have to stay hidden. By now, police must be looking for me. Just give me this last set and I will pay you when the next delivery comes," he said. "Do I look like a fool to you?" The man said, "I want my payment and after that you will get what you want." I thought that this will be a good idea to get him. I instructed my men to stay hidden and came out. Everyone looked at me and pointed their guns and knives at me. Acting scared, I raised my hands in the air and said, "I'm here to meet the marijuana dealer." "Who are you?" He asked. "My name is Daksh. I heard that you are the one supplying the drug," I said. "Come closer," he said. I stepped up closer and recognised Ronit and his friend, Kushal. I looked at the dealer. "Who sent you here?" He asked. "Raja, he told me that you will be here," I said. "Hey," Ronit said, grabbing my shirt, "Who are you? And why would Raja send you here?" "I came to buy marijuana," I said. "Ronit," the dealer said, "Let go of him." Looking at me angrily, he pushed me back and I stumbled back but regained my balance. "I don't trust him. He could be police," Ronit said. The dealer came between us and looked at me. I looked at him with the same intensity. "Money first," he said. I took out a huge amount of money from my pocket and held it in front him. Everyone's eyes shined greed but his didn't. I didn't expect it to either. "How much do you want?" He asked. "As much as this amount can buy," I said. He took the notes and counted it. Looking at me with a frown, he said, "You seem like an educated and wealthy man. Why do you want drugs?" "Addiction," I said, "I can die and kill for it." He stared into my empty eyes as I looked at his suspicious ones. "Rana, give him one kilo," the man said.

He walked away checking the notes which were fake. I took all the marijuana and was walking away with a smirk when Ronit and his friend began running behind me. "Sir," Kushal said to me, grinning, "Lend us some as well. We will pay you back once we have the money." "I came here to buy this on behalf of your friend. He sent me. This is for him," I said with my bodyguards joining me. They stopped and looked at me, scared. I turned back to them and asked, "Do you want it?" "Yes," Kushal said greedily. Ronit, on the other hand, looked at me with a long face. "Come," I said and got into the car. Kushal happily got inside with me and I gave him a packet. Seeing this, Ronit also got inside and we took them to their friend. Upon reaching there, I carried them inside and they looked at Raja tied up. I smirked as they looked at me frowning after being fooled.

Sidharth's P.O.V.

Daksh returned with both Ronit and Kushal without a single scratch. He smirked at me as I wondered silently how he got them here. Both of their faces dropped as they saw the state of their friend. Looking at Daksh angrily, Ronit asked, "Who are you?" From behind, my men held onto them and tied them onto chairs, much to their confusion and fear. Daksh threw a bag on the ground and I asked, "What's that?" "Bait," he said. He opened it up and it was drugs. "Who are you? And why have you tied us up here?" Ronit yelled. I looked at him angrily and gritted my teeth. He was the one that raped my Shehnaaz. Now, he will get punished. "Burn it," I said to Daksh and he nodded. I went back to my chair and sat down in front them. "Raja," he said, "What is going on here?" "I don't know boss, they captured me and isn't saying anything," he said. "I will tell you," I said. They all looked at me. "Hey," Ronit said, "You don't know me. I am a dangerous man! I can make one call and you will be finished." "Go ahead," I said, leaning back. He fumed at me, unable to move. "You will pay for this," he said. "I am not a petty building goon like you. I don't need to make any calls for you to be finished. I do my work myself," I said, "Now, time for pain." I looked at my bodyguards and gave them the signal. They soon started pouring boiling water on the both of them as they screamed at the top of their lungs in pain. I took the small bucket from one and took the water from the barrel. Going to Ronit, I grabbed onto his hair and raised his head up. "Had enough?" I said and poured it on below his waist. I stuffed his mouth with cloth and used duct tape to wrap it around. He couldn't scream now and I continued on that same area. The more pain he was in, the more angry I felt and the more I punished him. I threw the bucket away and said to my bodyguards, "Bring him." I went to a small, dark room and my underlings dragged Ronit inside. They used chains and tied put his hands from above, letting him hang like a punching bag. Rolling up my sleeves, I said, "Open his mouth, I want to hear him screaming."

As they did so, I began punching his stomach and face and he could do nothing but shout in agony. I began taking out all my anger as I continued punching him with no mercy. After a few minutes, he coughed up blood. Holding behind his neck, I said gritting my teeth, "I won't let you die so easily. You have to be tortured to death. You left a girl to die everyday while being alive because of how evil you are. But I will show you evil now. You will cry and beg for death but you won't get it. You will torment the same way she has and no one will help you." I gave him one of the hardest punch ever and rendered him unconscious. Leaving the room, I locked it and kept the key. "Leave him there for two days without food and water. When he is almost dead I will question him," I said. "Sir, what about these two?" Daksh asked. "Keep them like that," I said. Turning to my personal bodyguards, I said, "Both of you will remain with them here." "Yes boss," they said. I went home and was too tired to drink tonight. I went straight to bed. 

Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

The next day, I went to the doctor for a checkup on my hand and thankfully, the doctor took off my bandage. My arm healed really quickly since it wasn't too bad. While at work, Aditya and I were going over the plans for ma'am's surprise birthday party when a familiar man to me entered. It was Sidharth's father. I stood up as he came closer. "Sir, you, here? How can I help you?" I asked. Smiling at Aditya, he said, "Hi. How are you?" "I'm fine uncle," he said, standing up. He looked back at me and asked, "Are you busy?" "I..." I said and looked at Aditya. He smiled and nodded, giving me permission to go. "Let's have a coffee outside?" He asked. I nodded. We went across to the cafe and bought coffee. Sitting outside, he said, "How is Sidharth?" "He is fine. He was supposed to meet me today but I guess he is working. He will come this evening," I said. He smiled at me. "You are really taking care of him nowadays," he said. I chuckled and said, "You mean, he is taking care of me?" "I have seen Sidharth help a lot of people before but you are different," he said. "How?" I asked. "The house that he has given you is his childhood home. He grew up there with his mother," he said, leaving me astounded, "He really cherish that house and giving it to you proves that you are special." I was speechless. I didn't expect this. "Why are you telling me this now?" I asked. "Because he needs you. I have never seen him listen to anyone after his mother. But he listens to you. You can rid him of his alcohol addiction and this business that he is creating," he said, desperate. I knew that Sidharth was a mafia but didn't confront him about it. I was still waiting for him to come and tell me himself. "Sir..." I started but he cut me off saying, "Please, atleast call me uncle." I smiled at him. "Uncle," I started over, "Sidharth only listens to himself. What makes you think that he will listen to me?" Again, he smiled at me saying, "You really don't understand your importance in his life, don't you?" "I am merely his friend," I said. "Then, with rights from that relationship, convince him to reform," he said. 

He held my hand and said, "You are like my daughter. I am requesting you, save my son." I always had a soft spot for fathers in my heart and after losing my own father, I craved one's love even more. My eyes became teary and he asked, teasingly "Is there scope for any more melodrama?" I giggled and wiped my tears away. He smiled and cupped my face. "Your father is extremely lucky to have you as his daughter. But still, if you ever miss him, you can always call me. Consider me your father as well from today," he said. "Thank you uncle," I said, "And I will make it my mission now to break this alcohol addiction from Sidharth's life. I will ensure that he doesn't drink. And I will convince him as best as possible to drop this mafia business." "Thank you, my dear," he said, resting his hand on my head. He walked me back to the office and I went back to planning with Aditya. We merely had today and tomorrow alone and since Suman ma'am was out of town for these days, we have time to work comfortably. When she comes back, she will get the biggest birthday surprise. As evening came, I locked the office and went home with Aditya. Sidharth's cars were parked outside and he was sitting on the steps in front the door. He looked at me. "Look, your friend is waiting for you," Aditya said. I chuckled and looked at him. "He really cares for you. You're lucky to have such a friend," he said. "I'm lucky to have you as my friend as well," I said. Smiling, he said, "Thank you." "I'll see you tomorrow and don't forget, we have to go shopping," he said. I nodded, saying, "Good night." "Bye," he said and I left the car. Smiling, I waved at him as he left and went to Sidharth. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "Five minutes," he said. I opened the door and we went inside. "Where is my surprise?" I asked. "That isn't ready just yet. It will take a little longer," he said. Pouring out a glass of water and carrying it to him, I said, "That means I was excited all night for nothing?" Frowning, he said in a deep tone, lost, "This wait will soon be over as well." 


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the update! Vote, comment and share my story! Until next time! Bye! 

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