Part 16

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Sidharth's P.O.V. 

I felt a bit jealous seeing Shehnaaz with Aditya, as always but hid it when she came to me. Sitting with me at the table, she played with the rim of the glass quietly and lowered her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me and held my hand. "If I confess something to you, will you be angry?" She asked. "What is it?" I asked. "Your father came to meet me today," she said. I immediately felt irritated. As I was pulling away my hand, she grabbed onto it with both her hands and held onto it tightly. "Why did he come to meet you? I'm sure he must have told you something bad about me," I said, gritting my teeth. "No, he in fact, is worried about you," she said. I scoffed and said, "He never worried about me in his life. He wouldn't now also." "What is it that is keeping you away from him? Why are you so distant from your own father?" She asked. "I hate him!" I said, snapping at her. She flinched and I lowered my tone. "Don't ask why," I said. "Why?" She asked. I sighed and dropped my shoulders. "Shehnaaz, you don't know him but I do. He will use you for his own gain and then throw you away," I said. "He is your father. You don't even know how many sacrifices he must have made for you," she said. "Yeah. He made a lot of sacrifices. His wife and son were among them as well," I said angrily and got up, turning my back to her. "Ok," she said, coming behind me, "If he made a mistake and has realised it now? If he apologises to you, will you forgive him?" "Never," I said. "Parents get angry with children when they do the wrong things. Children get angry with parents when they don't get what they want. But this only strengthens the bond between them," she said, trying to convince me. Turning to her, I asked, "Can you forgive your father for considering you dead from his family?" Her eyes welled up. "You forgive someone who is at fault. In my situation, I am at fault," she said. "Is there a way for him to forgive you, then?" I asked. She turned her back on me and wiped away her tears. "There is one way," she said, "But it's impossible." 

"Don't you know me? I can make the impossible, possible," I said, stepping up to her. She turned around and bounced into me. As she was stumbling back, I grabbed onto her waist and pulled her back. Her hands grabbed onto my blazer and she looked down. Her closeness was doing something to me like every other time. It affected me deeply and broke my heart knowing that despite however I feel, I can't get her. As she regained herself, she stepped back, breaking the distance, much to my dismay. "I have to get married to a well educated and decent boy. Perhaps, after that, Dad will hug me and appreciate me," she said. "Then, what's the problem?" I asked. She looked at me and held my hand. She brought me to the mirror and pointed at it. "This is the problem. No modern guy will marry a plain Jane like me. And after all that happened with me..." she said but I covered her mouth, stopping her. "I will find the guy for you. And when you marry him and go in front your father, you will get what you are craving, his love and support," I said. Her eyes welled up and she hugged me tightly. My body froze on the spot. Resting her head on my chest, she sobbed, saying, "Please Sidharth, don't show me dreams that won't come true. I am now moving on in my life. I don't want to disappoint anyone else." I held her shoulders and pulled her away from me. Cupping her face, I said, "Be ready on Saturday. I have a special surprise for you." I wiped away her tears with my thumb. "Come," I said and led her to the table. Making her sit, I fed her dinner and kept wiping her tears. There and then, I made up my mind that no matter what, I will get her married and she will live a happy life with her husband. Even if my heart was breaking that I am deciding this, I knew I could endure any amount of pain for her sake. I had my alcohol to numb my heartache a bit and whenever I feel back pain, I will just drink it off. 

The next day, at my office, I instructed Daksh to create a list of guys that were eligible to marry Shehnaaz and specifically told him that they had to be completely clean, decent and well educated. Just as he was leaving, Shehnaaz's father came inside. Great! "Good morning, sir," he said. "Good morning," I said. He handed me a small container saying, "My wife made some laddus so I brought some for you. She told me that the person from previously loved them." "Thank you," I said, accepting it. I offered him a seat and asked, "Can I ask you for something?" "Of course, sir. Anything," he said. "What qualities must your son-in-law have?" I asked. He frowned at me. "Generally, I'm asking," I said. He smiled and said, "Well, first of all, his family and himself must be extremely decent. No criminal background. Very respectable in everyone's eyes. He must be well educated and hardworking. He has to be settled. He has to support my daughters and treat them right." I nodded, saying, "Thank you for the information." "May I ask something?" He asked. "Go ahead," I said typing all his criterias in a message for Daksh. "Why are you asking this?" He asked. "I have to find a boy for my friend," I said. "Oh!" He said, smiling, "Well. All the best." I nodded and he went back to his work. I sent the message for Daksh and got to my own work. 

Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

I was walking through the market with Aditya to buy decorations for the party. We bought everything we shortlisted before and went to his house. The party was to be held in the backyard and we carried everything, one by one, together. Sighing, he said, "Shall we start?" I nodded and we began decorating and draping the curtains for the backdrop. While blowing balloons, I began to feel out of breath and light headed. I sat down and panted. "Shehnu," he said, running to me, letting go of the balloon in his hands. It began flying around in the air as all the air was coming out and made the funniest noise. Looking at each other, we burst into laughter and giggled as it fell to the ground. "Are you alright?" He asked once we calmed down. I nodded. "Here you go," he said handing me a packet, "Fold the boxes. I will blow up the balloons." One by one, I folded the boxes in which we will put sweets for guests as he blew all the balloons. By the time he was finished, it was lunch time. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded, holding my stomach. He chuckled and went inside. Knowing that we won't get time to cook, we bought food from outside. We sat and ate our lunch and he dropped me back home in the evening. As I finished bathed and was changing, Sidharth video called me. I couldn't answer the first time since I was changing but the second time he called, I answered. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yes. I was changing," I said. "Listen, tomorrow morning, I am coming to meet you very early. You have to be ready by six," he said. I laid on my bed and held the phone above me. "I will see if I can wake up," I said. "I will wake you up," he said. "We'll see about that," I said. "What's the matter? You seem a lot happy today," he said. "Today was good," I said smiling. He nodded and drank some alcohol. I frowned. "Why don't you stop drinking?" I asked. "We have been through this already," he said. "It's never too late to quit a bad habit," I said. "This habit is the one thing keeping me alive despite all the pain," he said. "I hate this drinking of yours," I said, pouting. "For now, forget all this and go to sleep. Tomorrow, you are going to be a different person," he said. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Good night," he said. "Sidh..." I started but he cut the call. 

I had set an alarm for half five to wake up and get ready and when it rung off, I opened my eyes. Groaning, I got out of bed and bathed and got ready. I sat and waited for Sidharth and as I heard the screech of his car, I left the house and got inside the car. I yawned as we took off. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To get you a makeover," he said. "Oh!" I said carelessly but as I comprehended his words, I shot my head to him exclaiming, "What!" "You heard right," he said, "You are getting a makeover." "By whom? And why?" I asked. "Didn't you call an agency to get one?" He asked. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I know everything. You said it yourself that you won't get a husband because of the way you look so if you think so, we will change that," he said, "Although, I don't see why any guy won't fall for you because..." His words died out leaving me curious. "Because...?" I asked. He turned his head to me and said, "You're perfect. You're beautiful." I smiled and lowered my head. "You're the first person to tell me that," I said. I looked outside at the sun rising. The car stopped in front of a huge building and I bent my head to see the top. "Come," he said, getting out. I followed him as he entered the building and the security guards saluted him. Then, I noticed his company's logo behind the receptionist and understood where I was. Looking up and spinning around in amazement, I said, "This is your office?" "Come," he said, inside the elevator. I entered and he pressed the top floor button. "Yes, this is my office," I said. "How rich are you?" I asked. "Rich enough to buy anything and anyone," he said. We reached the floor and he left. I admitted to myself that he had style and attitude to match his good looks. He carried me into an office and I looked out the huge window at the sun. The city was just waking up and coming to life. I looked around the office as Sidharth sat on his chair. I noticed a picture of a lady on his shelf and took it up. "Is she your mother?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. 

Smiling, I looked at him and said, "You have her face." A young lady together with two other girls entered the office and held a long, angry face. She was absolutely stunning and stylish. "Why are you late?" Sidharth asked. "Relax, I didn't tell you to make me wake up this early," she said and her eyes fell on me. I smiled at her but in return, she glared with disgust at me. Scoffing, she said to Sidharth, "Are you serious? She is the girl you..." But he cut her off by leaving the office with her. I frowned and felt bad. I looked at the two girls and wiped away my tears. After some time, they both returned and Sidharth said, "Shehnaaz, this is Varsha. She will give you your makeover." This time, I couldn't smile at her because I knew that she disliked me already.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the update! I know that you all were waiting for the update. I will try my best to continue updating regularly however, it might not be one everyday. Sorry. Vote, comment and share my story! Until next time! Bye! 

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