Part 24

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Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

I hugged my father and wept, crying all my pain out in front him. "I love you Papa," I said. He stepped back and looked at me with an indifferent look. He looked at Sidharth and frowned. "So, this is why you gave me this job? You did this out of pity because of this girl?" He said. I frowned at his behaviour. "Please, stop it. Why are you telling off Sidharth? He is not at fault," I said, defending him. "Quiet!" He said, pointing his finger at me, "You still call me your father. Stay in your limits." "Pardon me," Sidharth said, coming closer, "I am still the boss here. And if my employee try to disgrace my friend or accuse them wrongly in front me, I won't listen to any of it." I frowned and looked at the both of them. "You gave me a job for a short while in your company, thank you very much. But I can't work here anymore," he said. "Pa..." I started but he shot his head angrily at me. "Save it. You already brought disgrace to our family. Don't disgrace me more with your pity," he said. My heart was smashed to pieces. I didn't know the man standing in front of me. I took two steps back and bumped into Sidharth. Holding my shoulders, he said, "Sir, I admit that you got the job because of Shehnaaz. But why is it hurting your ego this much? She's your daughter. If Meeta or Sonu had gotten this job, you would have taken it, right? How is Shehnaaz different? And besides, Shehnaaz had no clue that I would hire you. She knew nothing about any of this." "You hired me for a couple of days," he said clasping his hands together, "You graced my home with your presence and met my family, thank you very much. But, I can't do this anymore." He was walking pass us when Sidharth stopped him saying, "You said all that you need to. Don't forget now that I am still your employer and you are breaching your contract. You can't resign without notice and completing a two week notice." He turned back and looked at us as Sidharth's hands dropped off my shoulders. 

He stepped up to him in his normal style with his hands in his pockets and said, "I'm regretful but if you break your contract, I will take you to court. So, my suggestion is that you return to your seat, write your formal resignation letter and send it through your department head after which I will think, pay attention, think, if I want to accept or decline." Dad stood silently and looked on. Sidharth came back to me and slowly held my hand. "I am announcing to you here today, Mr. Santokh Singh, and everyone can stand witness, I will get your daughter married and you will see her happy and prosper in life. And mind you, she will get the best life partner. One that can respect her more than you ever did," he said, loudly. I wasn't able to react and could simply only admire him. He took me away in the presence of everyone and for the first time, I felt something unfelt. We entered the elevator but I couldn't take my eyes off of him for some strange reason. An invisible thread was binding us together and pulling me closer to him. It made me nervous but overjoyed at the same time. The elevator stopped and he turned to me. "Let's go," he said and took me to the car. I was smiling helplessly for no reason. Meeting Ronit and seeing Dad in the same day made me feel messed up in a way but Sidharth always had my sense of peace in his control. He always managed to give me ultimate peace and satisfaction. "Why are you smiling this much despite all that just happened?" He asked, looking straight ahead. My smile widened and I held his hand in mine. "You're the bestest friend anyone can ever ask for," I said, sincerely. "There is no bestest, silly. It's best," he said, poking my nose. I chuckled. "You're better than the best," I said. "You're the reason," he said, looking at me. My heart leaped as I looked away. Narrowing his eyes at me, he asked, "What's going on really?" I shook my head. "Tell me," he said. "Nothing," I said, giggling. He nodded and looked outside. What am I doing?! I stopped my smile forcefully and looked in the opposite direction of him. 

We arrived to my house and I looked at him confused. "I thought you didn't find it safe for me to stay here," I said. "You don't have to worry. I assigned a bodyguard for you," he said, about to open the door. "Daksh?" I asked, excited. He frowned at me and said, "He has to work for me. You will get someone else." I got out of the car and stood there as Daksh approached us from my yard with another bodyguard. I frowned at the both friends angrily. "Why can't you stay with me?" I asked Daksh. He looked at Sidharth. "No, no, no. You don't have to fear him. I am the one asking. Tell me," I said. He looked silently at Sidharth. "I have a lot of work that I need to get done with sir," he said looking back at me. "Liars! Both of you!" I said, stomping my foot and walking away. As I was walking through the yard, rain suddenly began pouring down. I froze and smiled. Looking up at the water dropping on my face, I opened my arms out and slowly twirled. I stopped and looked at Sidharth's bodyguards holding an umbrella over him as he looked at me. I dropped my shoulders and shook my head. "Come," I called out. He pushed the umbrella from over him and began soaking as he slowly approached me. I smiled as he came closer to me. Reaching me, he smiled and held his hand out. "Do you dance?" I asked, surprised. "I will if you join me," he said. His innocent look stole my heart and I gladly gave him my hand. With one tug, he pulled me closer and my heart skipped a beat. I held onto him as his hand slowly held onto my waist. I look into his eyes and realised how fascinating they were. They held endless mysteries but felt completely pure and open at the same time. He began to slowly sway with me as I stared helplessly at him. I was completely lost in him that I forgot everything else. Just as he blinked, my stare broke and I came back to myself. I looked away, embarrassed and stepped back. 

"I have something to say to you," he said. From the new way he was looking at me, I was scared of hearing it. I turned to go inside but he held back my hand. "Where are you going?" He asked. "If we remain in the rain, we will fall sick. Let's go inside," I said. He followed me as I opened the house and went in. I got a towel and handed it to him. "You can try and dry up before you get a cold," I said. "Wait," he said, stopping me as I was leaving, "I have something to tell you." He wiped his hair with one hand as he held onto mine with the next. My heart was racing and nervousness got over me. "I have to change," I said and left. I got a new suit of clothes and changed. Going back outside, I saw him in the kitchen, making tea. I avoided eye contact with him at all costs to ensure that I don't make a fool out of myself. I took a seat at the table and sneezed. "Here you go," he said, placing the cup in front me. "Thank you," I said, wiping my nose with a napkin. He sat and looked at me as I blew the steam on my face. "Sheh..." he started but the window burst open with the strong wind and began banging back and forth. "I'll close it," I said and got up. I went to the window and as I was closing it, he came from behind me and held onto my hands while trapping me in his arms. I froze as my feet felt weak. I was about to turn to him when he said in my ear, "Aditya is here. I'm leaving." He stepped away and turned around, walking out. I felt restless all of a sudden as if something was not right. I frowned as Aditya entered while Sidharth was leaving. He hardly even said bye to me properly. I wanted him to stay. "Hi beautiful," Aditya said, smiling as he came to me. He kissed my forehead and went to the table. "How was your night?" He asked. I couldn't help but to wonder why Sidharth was distancing himself from me this much. 

"Hello?" Aditya said, clapping his hands. I frowned and looked at him. "Where are you lost?" He asked. I faked a smile and went to sit back at the table. I looked at Sidharth's tea, untouched and again wondered what had happened to him. "Hey," Aditya said, waving his hand in front my face. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "Sorry, I'm just a bit lost in some thoughts," I said, taking the cup that Sidharth made himself. I offered Aditya mine and drank Sidharth's. "I have an idea. Let's go out somewhere today," he said. "I'm not in the mood," I said, pouting. He frowned. "What is going on?" He asked, dropping his shoulders. I looked at him and frowned. "I'm sorry. I know that you want to spend time with me but I'm really in no mood to do anything," I said. "Are you feeling ok?" He asked. "I'm fine. I just need to be alone for some time," I said. His face dropped as he nodded. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then?" He said. I nodded. "Take care and call me if you need me. Bye," he said and left. I sighed and leaned back on the chair. I took up my phone and opened Sidharth's number to call him but went against that idea. I sat and stared at the phone as it pulled me towards it uncomfortably. I took it up and messaged Sidharth, 'Are you ok?' I rested it down and tapped my finger on the table, waiting for the reply. 'I'm fine,' came back and I shook my head. 'I'm in a bit of trouble. Can you come back?' I lied. He left the message on seen and I frowned. "And you will keep waiting here for that," I said, shaking my head. I kept sighing as I looked at the message. I took the tea cups to the kitchen and was washing them when someone banged on my door. I jumped and got frighten but Sidharth called out to me. I dropped my shoulders and sighed. Going up to the door, I opened it and he came inside worried. "What's wrong?" He asked, panting. He ran his hand through his wet hair and looked at me. I was amused and surprised at how concerned he actually was about me. I was in awe.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but hope you enjoyed the update! Vote, comment and share my story! Until next time! Bye! 

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