Part 57

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Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

As I entered Sidharth's room, I saw him sitting on his couch, doing some work on his laptop while sipping on a cup of coffee. Furthermore, I noticed his bareback as he rested his feet up on the table and leaned back comfortably. He looked smoking hot and I smiled as I checked out his body with his abs perfectly showing under his big, muscular chest. He was so engrossed in his laptop screen that he probably didn't even realised I was in his room. I folded my arms across my chest and leaned a little against the wall. Mischievously, I whistled, announcing my presence however, he didn't look up at me or react even a little. I decided on myself that he was probably annoyed with me since I couldn't talk to him properly this evening as I was busy with Meeta and Ajay. "You haven't gone to sleep as yet?" He asked, typing on his laptop keyboard, still not looking at me. "I am a bit tired but I thought I will check on you before I go to bed," I said. "Hmmm...." he hummed. "Why are you still waking?" I asked. "I have a bit of work to finish out and then I will go to bed," he said. Looking at his bare skin and muscles turned me on slightly so I played along with my emotions and decided to tease him a bit. Perhaps, he might not go to bed angry at me. I slowly approached him and took the laptop away from him. He looked up at me a bit surprised and asked, "What are you doing? I'm working on something important." I rested the laptop on the table and placed my finger on his lips, hushing him. " have done a lot of work. Now, you have to pay a bit of attention to me," I said. I climbed onto him and pushed him back slightly as I ran my hand across his chest and shoulders. "What are you doing?" He asked. " are talking too much," I whispered as my lips brushed against his. I locked my lips with his and slowly deepened the kiss as his hands roamed my curves and back.

Parting from the kiss, I caressed his face and lightly kissed his forehead. "Why were you angry at me?" He asked as he stroked my cheek. "Who told you I am angry at you? In fact, you are angry at me," I said. "I wasn't angry at you. I was annoyed that I wasn't getting a chance to talk to you," he said. Pouting, I said, "I'm sorry. I know I was a bit busy this evening with Meeta and Ajay." "I wasn't angry at that either," he said, "I thought you were angry with me because of how you heard I speaking to my father over the phone." I frowned. "I am disappointed in the way you spoke to him and all that you told him," I said, "I understand that you aren't on good terms with him but still, he's your father. You can't just speak to him like that. Afterall, he's only looking out for you." His body stiffened as he looked at me with a long face. "I thought you would understand my situation but it looks like I am wrong," he said, sternly. He lightly pushed me off of him and stood up. Taking a few steps away from me, he folded his arms and stood with his back facing me. I frowned, regretting a bit saying so much. I sighed and got up, going behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his back. Resting my ear against his skin, I held him close to me and said, "I understand your situation. But, what if he is genuinely interested in creating the father-son relationship he always failed to build? Wouldn't you give him a second chance?" "I don't want to talk about this. I am tired. I want to sleep," he said, coldly. "Sidharth...." I started but he stepped away and laid on the bed, pulling the covers over him and going to sleep. I frowned as I looked at him. Without trying to say anything else, I went to my room and laid down. "Someday, you will understand that you need your father in your life. When all the bitterness comes out of you, there will only be place for love," I said, looking at his picture on my side table. 

Sidharth's P.O.V. 

The next morning, I woke up regretful of the manner in which I spoke to Shehnaaz yesterday. Today, I definitely had to do something to make up for it. Regardless to what may be the cause of our argument, I didn't want to keep any bitterness between us and drive us even a little bit apart. I bathed and got ready for the day and went to Shehnaaz's room. Her room was empty and I went straight to the kitchen. There she was, preparing for breakfast and the offering. I slowly went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Kissing her ear, I said, "Good morning, my love." "Good morning," she said without any expression. "I'm sorry about last night. Please, forgive me this one time?" I said. "I'm not angry," she said in the same tone. "I know you are," I said. She sighed as she turned to me. "I'm not angry. Trust me. I am just a bit tired," she said with her eyes lowered. Raising her head up, I said, "Look at me." Her eyes raised up to mine. "What is it bothering you?" I asked. "Nothing at all," she said, forcing a smile. I frowned, hurt. I slowly let go of her and stepped back. She turned back and continued her work. Her silence was bothering me. I turned off the gas on the stove. "Come with me," I said, grabbing onto her hand. "Sidharth..." she said as she tried to stop me. I carried her back to my room and locked the door. "What is this kind of behaviour?" She asked, startled. "If you aren't talking to me, I have ways to get you to talk," I said, stepping closer to her. "But I told you I am fine. I am not angry," she said, looking away. "And now you will tell me the truth," I said, folding my arms. "It's nothing," she said. "Tell me what it is and I will let you go," I said. "What do you want to hear more? I told you its nothing," she said, raising her voice a little. "I am definitely not going to listen to that. Tell me what is going on in your mind," I said, sternly. She inhaled a whole lot of air and exhaled. Sitting on the bed, she buried her face in her hands and remained silent. I stooped down in front of her and held her hands, pulling them down. 

"Shehnaaz, we are partners. We are equal. Last night some of my anger must have come out on you and you can also take your frustration out on me as well. It's your right," I said. She smiled slightly at me and shook her head. "You want me to take out any frustration I have on you?" She asked. "Yes. I am begging you. Please, scold me for hurting you. Punch me for my behaviour. But please, don't act so indifferent to me. It will kill me," I said. She chuckled as she cupped my cheeks. "How can a mafia be so cute?" She said. She came off the bed and kneeled on the floor with me. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she said, "This is relationships. Everyday won't be the same. We will have our difference in opinions and arguments but if your love remain just like this, no problem will be too big to solve." "As long as you are with me, no problem will be hard to solve," I said. She embraced me and my lost peace was restored at once. "If you have to get angry at me, please don't ever stop talking to me. Beat me if you want, punish me but don't ever remain silent," I said. "I won't," she said, "I promise." I held her for a while in my arms before I let go. She looked at me with her cheerful smile as she kissed my nose cutely. Her smile soon began to turn upside down as her eyes widened and fear took over her face. "Oh shoot!" She exclaimed, standing up, "My food!" She sprinted out of the room and I smiled as I sat back on the floor. 

Shehnaaz's P.O.V. 

Just as I remembered my food and offering in the kitchen, I dashed back downstairs. Entering the kitchen, I stopped and looked at one of the butlers taking care of my pots. I dropped my shoulders and sighed of relief. "Good morning," Meeta said coming behind me. "Good morning," I said, panting. "Why are you panting? And why are you sweating?" She asked, wiping my forehead with her scarf. "I went upstairs and when I remembered the pots on the stove, I came running back," I said. She poured a glass of water for me and I gulped it down. I took over from the butler and said, "Thank you." Meeta helped me a bit with the remaining touches in the food and Ajay came into the kitchen. "You are here? I have searched half of the house for you," he said, "Really Shehnaaz, Sidharth's house is so big, I will get lost inside here." "Don't worry. Sometimes even I feel the same way," I said, as we all giggled. Sidharth came into the kitchen and smiled at everyone. Looking at Meeta, he asked, "I hope you slept well last night." "Yes, we did. Thank you," she said. Looking at me, he asked, "Are you finished?" I turned off the stove and nodded, transferring the offering into a smaller bowl. We went outside and performed our worship before sitting at the table for breakfast. Sidharth cut up some fruits for me and him while I chatted with Meeta. "Here you go," he said, feeding me the first piece. Meeta smiled at me as she said, "I wish Dad could have seen how happy your life is going to be. I wish he can see ahead of the past." I smiled sadly as I looked back at Sidharth. "He will, soon," I said, "But, I wish he would have been the one to give me away to Sidharth, as per tradition. And I really wish that Mom and Sonu could see my wedding." "You said that Shehnaaz saw our wedding," Ajay said to Sidharth, "How was that possible?" "I had secret cameras installed around the place and I set up a screen at home so Shehnaaz can see," he said, frowning. "Wow!" Meeta said in a daze, "You really love her a lot, don't you?" 

He looked at me as he said softly, "More than anyone else. More than anything else." "What if I speak to Dad and try to convince him to come to your wedding?" Meeta asked, excited. "No. He won't come. I tried so hard to get him to forgive me but he won't. I have also decided that until he doesn't want, I won't do anything to try and make him forget the past," I said. After being reminded of Dad, it became hard for me to eat. Sidharth held a piece of apple to my lips but I frowned at him. "Don't stress yourself out. Eat something because you won't be eating for the rest of the day," he said. He nodded at me reassuringly and fed me. I continued to eat as he fed me the entire plate until breakfast was over. Wiping away the few tears in my eyes, I asked, "Daksh hasn't arrived yet? He didn't come for the aarti this morning also." "I don't know what happened," he said, confused, "He should have been here by now. I'll call him." I got up and started clearing the table with Meeta's help.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that update! Please vote, comment and share my story! Until we meet again! Bye!  

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