𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (𝟒𝟖)

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Tears cascade from my eyes, distorting my vision, yet I remain transfixed on the screen.

The sight of love lost permeates the very essence of my being, leaving me fragile and vulnerable within.

Despite having found love in the arms of my beloved husband, I find myself drawn to the melancholic allure of such films, subjecting myself to an emotional tempest that leaves me breathless.

The act of watching the sad movies is unusual, its almost reaching the point of being abnormal

yet I cannot resist the emotional release it provides, the sight is extremely heartbreaking but For those who have truly experienced the agony of losing a cherished soul, the devastation must be incomprehensible.

"La La Land," a cinematic masterpiece that never fails to evoke a torrent of emotions it makes me want to watch it again and again.

its magnetic pull is undeniable.

Meanwhile, my husband toils away in the confines of his office, while I am left to navigate this emotional labyrinth on my own.

I had to to leave a little late today for office due to the fact I was preparing presentation while watching la la land of course.

Oliver's message chimes on my phone

- would you like me to come and get you, sweetheart?

It's scarcely been two hours since he left for work, yet he's already longing for my presence now that is what I call 'wrapped around a finger'. Hehe

Not hiding the truth I also wanted to be close with him.

I never understood newly weds 'closeness' whenever they go anywhere but since I've been married I want nothing more but literally cling onto him

I opted to send him a voice message instead of a text.

"No oliv, I'll drive over myself I am leaving in 10 minutes I miss you and I love you. Get ready for whole- face kiss when I arrive" I said into the phone as I gathered my laptop and belongings. Just then, my phone rang

"Have you been crying?"

I stop in my tracks blinking, figuring out.


"Are those tears love? Please tell me what's wrong.."

I don't know why but it melted my heart

"No I..I've have been watching La La land so.."

"what's la la land?"

I exclaimed "You haven't watched it!?"

"..no"  he mumbles

"Good heavens, I should've known! Alright we'll watch it together tonight It is a masterpiece! Its a movie that will bring you to your knees crying"

I hear him exhale loudly "I thought something was wrong"

"But how did you-" I started to ask

"Your voice note" he interrupted

I distract myself from the heaviness of his voice like he actually got scared and his heart actually skipped a beat "I am coming alright... and don't overthink my voice notes" I roll my eyes

"love, your tears stir within me an overwhelming urge to burn the whole world to the ashes, such is the depth of my emotion" I could feel his jaw clenching

My cheeks turn pink from the haze of his words those words have such an effect on me "Okay oliver.. I can't cry infront of you because unfortunately you'll set the world ablaze" my words hold humour to lighten up his mood

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