𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 [𝟏𝟔]

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- Complete the lyric
'I guess you wonder where I've been I searched to find a love within'

"Wait so you actually stayed at Mr Knightly's house?" Emma asked stuffing pasta in her mouth

"Yes and surprisingly he was really calm"

Emma was at my house she had came for a sleepover because I told her to and because mom convinced her

Speaking of Mom and Dad they'd be leaving by the end of this week, dad took leave from
his office for few days

"That's shocking as hell I mean he is always so moody and grumpy in the office how can he be so sweet to you? I really think he likes you a hundred percent one hundrend fucking percent" she nods

"I mean he calls me weird nicknames. Love and all-"

"He calls you what!?" Her eyes popped out as her jaw dropped

I blink "I didn't tell you about it?"

She shakes her head "no you didn't bitch, what is happening here??"

I pursue my lips "okay.. then let me explain"

Explaining her everything about the kiss and the way he is around me she was really shocked considering by the fact her jaw was on the floor all time long

"WHAT THE FU-" Mom entered our room with a slight frown

"Fudge brownie! Yeah, have you tried it? So good right?" I say gritting my teeth and with a smile

Emma quickly recovers from her shock and nods happily "Oh Yes"

"I heard screaming is everything okay honey?" She asks smiling a bit but a frown still settled on her face

"Yes yes everything is good, Actually Emma was telling me about her..." I exhale and smile

What now

Think something you son of a bitch

Emma raised her eyebrows with alarmed look

"Yes! Please don't tell anyone though" I grin and emma looked at me scared

"What is it?" Mom asks giving a teasing smile to emma while she was not ready for the words that came out of my mouth

"She has a boyfriend!" I blurt

Mom and Emma gasped at the same time

"Aww! You have a boyfriend emma?" Mom says grinning

She smiles and scowls at me "I have a boyfriend?"

"Some day you have to tell her duh" I say rolling my eyes

"Im so happy for you Emma, what's the guy's name?" She asks excitedly

"What's the guy's name" she repeats looking at her hand and then look up at me giving me the 'you started it you end it bitch' look

"Nathan!" I say

"Nathan?" They both say at the same time and Mom gives a confused smiling look to Emma wondering why is she repeating the name

I nod tightly smiling

"Well why don't you bring him to the lunch tomorrow It'll be fun!" Mom clapped her hands grinning

"Well I am not sure if he'd be free-" I cut emma off

"Of course he is free" I tell mom pursuing my lips

Emma glared at me I could feel her eyes burning my side profile but I keep looking at Mom who was confused and also grinning, her face was making me crack up looked like a constipated person- nevermind

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