𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝟒𝟓)

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This chapter is really long, Enjoy y'all

Married. This word have some past history with me ; I used to think people who gets married are fools, the love they 'show off' is all fake and it's all just for the public

There was a time My parents were forcing me to get married when I was 20 ; they even found a guy for me, he had everything a girl would ask for Money, Looks, everything except for the one thing I wanted Love

Deep down I knew as much as I hate the word 'Love'. I was dying for someone to love me, someone I could love..

I had found the person I was 'not' looking for but yet he was mine

The reaction from Mom and Dad was understandable; they were shocked, and yet my mom, though not expressing it overtly, seemed a little hurt that I hadn't shared anything with her regarding Oliver. I initiated a video call with both of them.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I don't seem to understand what exactly you're saying," Dad said, his face serious

his question pressing, revealing a level of concern that surpassed his usual disposition.

"Dad, I love Oliver, and he loves me. He proposed, and I said yes," I reiterated confidently, delivering the information for the third time, this time without hesitation.

Seated beside Dad, Mom appeared lost in contemplation. "I know that," Dad's response was tinged with a harshness that silenced me.

"You said Oliver was your boss?" he inquired, his gaze narrowing.

I gulped, nodding in confirmation.

Dad sighed audibly. "Boss? What kind of person is he? As your boss, he should behave accordingly,"

Dad turned his head towards Mom, expressing his disappointment. "What kind of individuals are now becoming CEOs? They are targeting their employees. They should maintain a strictly professional relationship with them, but evidently, that's not the case," he lamented, shaking his head.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I interjected, "Please, Dad, meet him in person once. He is not the way you think." However, my plea was interrupted.

"What do I think, Chloe? I am merely stating the truth. He should've kept his distance from you. I should've never sent you to NYC. Why did I even agree?" Dad's frustration was rising

"Chloe is right; you should meet him once," Mom interjected quietly, her gaze fixed on me.

Nervously, I managed a smile in response to her encouragement.

"For me, please," Mom insisted, adding a layer of emotional weight to her plea.

A heavy silence enveloped the conversation as Dad looked down, engrossed in his thoughts.

"Okay, we'll be coming to New York tomorrow; I'll meet him then," he announced abruptly, rising and moving away from the screen.

Mom looked up at Dad, her expression inscrutable as he left.

"Mom, thank you for helping me," I expressed genuine gratitude with a warm smile.

She hesitantly smiled, "I had to. Don't be upset with your dad's behavior; he is just shocked, and it'll take him some time to sink in to this information."

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