𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨 (42)

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Oliver had gone inside the coffee shop to get himself some coffee I wasn't getting any as I had some earlier,  while I stayed in his car bobbing my head on 'Champagne & Sunshine' song

Today was sunday and we decided to hang out together, explore together

I took my phone going through my instagram I check the messages to see Josh had shared many memes, I chuckle reacting to some of them

Glancing up I see Oliver getting out of the cafe with sunglasses on his eye his hair blowed a little back because of air, his eyebrows scrunched up because of the sun
he was wearing brown linen shirt with two buttons undone sun blaring on his chest which glistened, with cream colour pants sleeves folded up till his forearms, rolex watch set on his wrist

He was incredibly handsome and he didn't even know it

He bite his bottom lip as he looked side way to cross the road his jaw flexing, looking straight ahead he comes straight to the car opening it with his key and getting in

He leans to kiss my cheek and kept his coffee in the cupholder changing the gear to reverse, his arm drape on the back of my seat as he look back to reverse, his sharp jaw right in front of me as his lips slightly jutted out to focus

He turns the steering wheel smoothly and his hands go down to grab his coffee he glances at me and pushes his coffee infront of my face offering it

"I had earlier, I told you"

He clicks his tongue "Alright one sip only then"

I sigh as I take it from his hands bringing it to my lips and taking a sip, my lip stain visible now on its cup

I give him the cup back after taking a sip He takes it his eyes still on the road he looks  down at the cup and my lipstick's stain he press his lip right there gulping the coffee his adam's apple bob

He keeps the cup back down in the cupholder, A sweat trickle down from the side of his face I sighed leaning forward and taking the tissue

I lean towards his face wiping it off gently tapping it "why are you sweating? The Ac is turned on" I frown slightly getting distracted by his cologne

He gazes at me for a moment then back at road "because you're sitting here love, you are hot"

I roll my eyes and smile "I'll kick the living shit out of you Mr Knightly"

"Please do Miss Bennet" He says smoothly making my eyes wide and snap towards him, while he sits unbothered and calm

I bite the inside of my cheek as I hesitate to tell him about my vacation for my home London, Mama really convinced me to take some day off

Oliver sat across from me holding a book in his hand title 'Power' by robert greene, his eyes focused on the book eyebrows lightly furrowed, we sat in a cafe that wasn't crowded

"Oliv?" I call him his eyes glance up at me

"Love?" He closes the book swiftly keeping it on the table and meeting my gaze, giving his all attention to me

"I want to tell you a news" I say grinning but internally I was shitting myself

He sips his coffee putting it down, His tongue dart out touching the corner of his lips he takes the tissue wiping it off gently and he smiles at me "really?"

I nod still grinning like an idiot

His eyes dart around my face as he raises his eyebrows signalling me to go on

"So.. my mother wants me to come back home and I.." I stop looking at him he stays calm as he blinks at me I continue "I am planning on going there so I'd be gone for a week maybe?"

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