𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 [𝟏𝟗]

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- 'The more patient you are the better thing awaits for you'

Oliver's POV
The night, the darkness I've always hated
now somewhat I am comfortable in

The sky blank and dark as my eyes can't move from there, there is something about silence that's in the night
the same silence I have in my head

How they all could betray you and leave you like a dirtbag. Perhaps I have thankfully never been the one to do so

I hate physical interaction from anyone It triggers something inside me that makes me breathless and frozen

It is something I had since I was younger I can touch someone but if they try to my heart races and my heartbeat can be listened clearly of how loud it beats

The day Chloe held it for her assurance and because of how sorrowful she was I couldn't deny her, her touch was like fire burning everything inside me as I tried to stay calm

I didn't tried or do something after that to get close to her than that physically, I hope she never get to know this about

Its not the only bad thing about me, I am full of dirt and things that keep pulling me down

Mama. The person that I have looked up to all my life can't talk to me she can't move but can only stare nowhere

Her almost lifeless body is always laying on bed or on wheelchair beside me when I eat.
I am scared of loneliness I am terrified of it even if she doesn't talk at least I know she is there

slowly I twist the knob of her door opening it

same position
same clothes
same expression

nothing changed since I saw her in the morning

my hands form in a tight fist and my jaw clenched at the thought of why she can't say one word, something any thing

Taking a sharp intake of breathe I move towards her, Her dark brown hair tied in a loose bun once she used to keep those hair free on her shoulders

I look at her hands that stays still, Scared I check her breathing

I know she can not move nor can she talk but I check her breaths just to calm myself

My hands shiver as I keep it on top of her


I run my thumb on her hand to warm it, why is she so cold

I cover her properly with blanket covering her hands too so she doesn't stay cold

"GILBERT" I scream looking at mother's face, no expression

Gilbert a 50 something old my most trusted man comes in view his face scared and pale as he looks at me "Yes Mr Knightly"

"Why is her hands so cold?" My eyes burning a hole in his head as I ask him

His face twist with confusion
"It is always th-"

"It is not always this cold" my voice slightly raises paling his face further more

I take a deep breathe closing my eyes
I need to pull myself together

"Excuse that Gilbert, I didn't mean to come of that rude"

"N-no Sir don't apologise, I can check the temperature of the room" He says

"Thank you perhaps it would help" I nod

He quickly made his way inside the room and opening the drawer of the armoire he takes out the remote "Forgive me Mr knightly it is cold enough" He bows a little his tone clearly telling how much scare he was

"Please always do a double check of that Gilbert..." my eyes moving to mother "You are aware she can't speak" my voice getting smaller as I say

"Dinner is served, Sir" Amelia smiles as she knocks on my bedroom

Amelia the oldest maid here is like my mother, she fulfils the need of a mother always taking good care of me and checking in on me every now and then

but no one can fill mother's step that is true, I always look up to that day when she will embrace me in her arms so I could cry and complain for how long she was gone

I look up every day for that beaming smile that would always make my day right

Soon enough.

I keep my phone on my nightstand not bothering it to take with me downstairs I don't want no one to disturb my time with my mother

Walking in the hall the wheelchair came in view as I sigh. I pull my chair sitting on it

"Hey Mama" I greet her

no response

I stare at her to say something like I do everyday or maybe a smile? her blank face stares somewhere

"Today I've made your favourites Mr Knightly do tell me how it is!" Amelia's voice bring me back as I look at her and smile

"Sure, but I already know everything you make is delicious"

She blushes and grins as she made her way inside the kitchen

I quietly slice the chicken, glancing at mother once in a while

I believe Amelia have already fed her


He comes within a minute "How may I help you sir?"

"Have you talked to doctor about her? Did he tell you when she'll be normal or when she'll come back from coma?" I ask yet again

Everyday same question from me and same response from gilbert

"No sir, He said its not confirmed nor he can do anything about it"

I stop mid bite, Thats new

I bring the fork down to the plate narrowing my eyes "come again?"

"He-he said he can't do anything about it"

I clench my jaw hard "Take out all of his information I want it tomorrow, Tell me the hospital name too"

"Y-yes sir, but-"

"You're dismissed Gilbert"

He doesn't say anything as he nods and walks away

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose

In all of this darkness and Silence the only ray of light I have is chloe..

That girl is something that does miracles to me, I am never myself around her I always seem to smile around her even when she says something silly

She is so beautiful that sometimes I am not able to breathe, my breath stuck in my throat whenever I see her
Can someone be this effortlessly pretty?

I wish someday I could tell all of this that happens in my life but then again that day might never come

I should only admire her from afar if she comes in my life I would possibly destroy her too and I don't want that I never want that.


This chapter is a POV of Oliver his daily life and the struggles he deals with and it is not the only struggle though
There are more to tell which I will reveal soon enough till then pls comment

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