Just a Phase

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Dyso thinks to himself about it, his body tensed up, and twitching. He doesn't really get the meaning of what love really feels like... well, hes only seen it, in front of him was Divided and Bloom, but hes never really had a crush... especially on Bugzby, his best friend... this is weird. Dyso fiddles with his thumbs, as Bugzby comes downstairs again.

(POV change: Dyso)

My heart skips a beat. I don't know why, or how, but it just does when I see Bugzby. I see Bugzby turn and walk towards me, as I instantly start tensing my body even more. I don't know why I feel this way, no... but it feels nice. It never happened around Bloom or Divided, trust me, I would've told them a LONG time ago if it did, but yet and still, Bugzby is my best friend as well, but I can't seem to tell him. He comes closer, and leans on the couch... next to me. I turn away from him before he even gets the chance to look at me.

Bugzby: "Yooo, what's poppin-" Bugzby starts to speak, before looking towards me, then back away.

Bugzby: "Is he good?" Bugzby asks, raising a brow. He was curious about how I was feeling...? This is a dream...

I keep looking away, before mumbling something to him, just so he can hear me without getting... worried? Scared? I don't know how he would react, but however hes going to react, its going to be bad, either way or not.

"I'm... fine." I manage to mumble towards him, as Bugzby chuckles, and wraps his arm aroound my shoulder, pulling me close. Jesus, is this guy just oblivious to every fucking thing on earth about me, or what?!

My body tenses hard. Really hard. Bloom and Divided seem to take notice of this, and whisper something to each other, probably about me and Bugzby, mostly probably about me, but, who am I to yell at anymore? They're obviously aware of this about me and Bugzby... except for Bugzby himself. He's such a clueless dumbass its... kind of cute? I don't know, and I don't care, all I know is that I may be something more than just... liking women? Jeez, this is hard to figure out, how do people do this stuff? 

Bugzby: "That's cool. Anyways, what are we doing today?" Bugzby says, now technically hugging and being all intimate with me, as well as... sort of cuddling me? Sure, it may seem a bit weird but... it feels nice. I like when things feel nice. Puts me at ease... not around these fuckers though, that's how annoying they are!

...Though, they are my best friends, so I don't really care. Laughing at Bloom's stupid face in Lethal Company, and traumatizing him by doing some... unsavory things with Divided into the mic are already hilarious enough... you know, maybe I'm not opposed to this. It's stupid, but its funny.

"...I mean, I have some ideas for today, if you would let me talk about them-"

Bugzby: "Fine, fine. I won't cut you off." 


"So- we play some horror ga-"



Bloom and Divided laugh at the sight of Bugzby and Dyso, as they turn to each other to exchange glances, smile, and then look back at the scene in front of them. Bloom leans into Divided. Divided doesn't really mind, so, he wraps his arm around Bloom and cuddles him softly.

I watch for a little bit, still arguing with Bugzby, yet still zoning out on Divided and Bloom...


...I wish me and Bugzby could be like that together...

...One day, maybe... I'll believe that. 

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now