Bloomer's and Bronzer's

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Bloom, Divided and Dyso all ready themselves, Bloom putting up his guard again, and Dyso and Divided going back to back with each other again. In a few minutes, Bloom is getting ambushed by a player. About to die, Divided notices this, and rushes over to the scene, piercing the player right through the back and right into the heart with his sword. The player's lifeless body drops dead.

Bloom: "Awh...huff thanks Divided..."

Divided: No problem, man. You hurt?" Divided asks in a sort of concerned tone. Huh, how weird. Bloom has never seen Divided act like this before. 

Bloom: "I'm fine... I think-"  Bloom says, looking to his arm, and seeing a big gash on it. He groans out of pain, and a little bit of embarrassment, not expecting himself to be hurt so easy by one player. He looks up to Divided, who is already crouched down, covering Bloom's body with his own, and tending to the wound on Bloom's left arm.

Bloom: "...Thanks, Divided...again." 

Divided: "Your welcome." 

...Bloom and Divided both fall silent. The silence around the two are deafening to Bloom. Divided speaks up while tending Bloom's wounds, breaking the uncomfortable silence between them.

Divided: "...So, uhm...Bloom?" 

Bloom: "What is it, Divided...?" Bloom says dreadfully, expecting Divided to say some taunt at him, or start teasing him, oh, or better yet, Divided blackmails him over this with Dyso to make him do whatever he wants...

Divided: "..." Divided stays silent after hearing Bloom's answer, before putting his hand in his cheek, and moving a strand of hair behind Bloom's ear.

Bloom: "...Ah-" Bloom grows a slightly tinted red hue on his cheeks over the action Divided just did over him.

Divided: "...You had a strand of hair sticking out. You look better with it behind your ear, dude." Divided says, before moving his hand away from Bloom's cheek, and finishes up tending his wound.

Bloom: "Your...Your completely right...yeah, Divided, you're right..." Bloom murmurs under his breath, having a look of completely baffled, in a good way. Bloom stares into nothingness, as his senses finally kick in, and he shoots back into action. His face turns beet red, and his ears fold back.

Divided, who has been waiting on a look for over 2 and a half minutes, jumps back after seeing Bloom finally jump a bit. Divided backs up into a wall. 

Divided: "Dude, what the hell?!"

Bloom: "...Huh?"

Divided: "Bro, we have to get back into the fight, come on!" Divided says, before grabbing Bloom's hand, and dragging him into the fight again, Bloom barely forgetting his sword. In the fight, you can spot Dyso with Bugzby, back and back, shooting off and slashing other players left and right. Bloom smiles at the sight, before Divided nudges him to look at him.

Divided: "You ready?" Divided asks, with a smile on his face.

Bloom: "We were born ready, Divided." Bloom responds, a grin on his face.

Divided: "Heh, shut the fuck up...your so corny." Divided responds, before the two enter the fight with Dyso and Bugzby, making the four almost unstoppable.

Dyso, Bugzby, Bloom and Divided all back each other up, until the round ends. Dyso and Bugzby fist bump each other. Bloom and Divided look at each other, as they lean in close to each other...before Bloom gives back Divided's beanie, and walks away with Dyso and Bugzby.

Divided sits there for a second, frozen up in pure bliss. There's no way that they were both leaning towards each other, both for their own completely different reasons. Bloom, to give back  the beanie, and Divided... his own reasons. A red hue shows up on Divided's face, and has a shy smile plastered on his face.

Maybe, just maybe, Divided wouldn't regret any of this after all...

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now