Nectar from the Perfect Flower

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Another day passes. It's morning, and Divided manages to wake up earlier than last time, a little bit too early... so early, in fact, Dyso and Bloom are both still asleep on Divided. Divided groans, and nudges Dyso and Bloom awake, and scoots them off of him. When Divided is finally out of the stack pile, he makes his way to the bathroom, grabs a toothbrush, and starts brushing his teeth. He leans on one leg while doing it, his hand on the sink. He hears footsteps coming upstairs. It's Bloom. 

Bloom: "Hey Divided..."

Divided: "Hey, Bloom. How was your sleep?"

Bloom: "It was good... more... comfy, than usual. Never knew the couch was that comfy."

Divided's face grows beet red. Is he not aware that he fell asleep on Divided's body instead of the couch?

Divided: "... Yeah."

Divided finished brushing, and gargles water in his mouth, before Bloom goes to tell Divided something.

Bloom: "Jeez, that was like- the best sleep of my life. I kinda wanna sleep on the couch or... whatever I slept on, forever." Bloom says tiredly, before starting to brush his teeth. Divided spits out the water in his mouth abruptly, as he was not expecting a response like that. He wipes the rest of the water from his lips with his sleeve, turning to Bloom with a flabbergasted look on his face.

(PIV change: Bloom) 

I continue to brush my teeth, unbothered. I turn to Divided's direction, and see the most flabbergasting, hilarious look plastered on his face. I spit and laugh at the stupid look he gave me. I laugh so hard, I accidentally trip, and fall back. I didn't mean to! I just.. wasn't expecting his dumbass to look at me like that!

"Woah!-" I fall back. I close my eyes to prepare for the impact. I don't feel anything. I wonder, did it not hurt because I'm just too tired to do shit? Or because I didn't hit the ground? Or- am I... IN DIVIDED'S ARMS?!


...I look up, and sure enough, Divided is looking right down at me. My ears perk up, then droop down out of embarrassment. I feel my face literally go on fire.

(POV change: Divided)

I look down and see Bloom's face turn red. Like, ruby red. That's cute... I guess. I feel him softly trembling in my arms. Why is he trembling again? Doesn't matter... I move my hand up to Bloom's cheek, caressing it a bit, just to calm him. If Dyso walks in here, I'm done. For sure.

Bloom leans into the touch. His hand is on my left shoulder and his other hand is on my chest. Oh my god... am I about to...?

(POV change: no one)

Just then, Dyso walks in to brush his teeth, and sees the scene in front of him. Bloom and Divided both turn his way, and start immediately pointing fingers at each other. Dyso looks at the two, and just goes to brush his teeth without a second thought. Bloom and Divided just stand there, and when Dyso is done, he walks right pass the two. Divided lets out a sigh of relief, and Bloom huffs, turning to Divided, and smiling at him. Divided turns to Bloom.

Divided: "We... should lock the door next time..." 

Bloom: "Hah! Probably, yeah..."


...A few hours go pass, and Dyso is scrolling through YouTube on the TV. Divided and Bloom are teasing each other.

Bloom is sitting on Divided's lap to tease him, since his arms are pretty short.

Bloom: "I love you my little pookie wookie bear~" Bloom says on a teasing tone, booping Divided's nose when he does it. Bloom and Divided cackle and laugh at what Bloom just said together. Dyso laughs a bit too.

Dyso: "Dude, what the fuck was that????"

The trio laughs even harder.

Divided shakes his head, and looks at Bloom. Bloom looks back at him, and smiles. Bloom looks at Dyso, and motions for him to come in and get a hug from him and Divided. Dyso obviously shakes his head while chuckling, as he crossed his arms.

Dyso: "This is so corny... sure." Dyso comes into the hug, and Divided and Bloom all stay in the hug together for a few, just joking and laughing.

Divided is very grateful for Dyso and Bloom to be around. They are the best two friends he could have asked for... well, maybe Bloom is a little bit more than a friend to Divided, but, we don't talk about that, do we?...

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now