Blossoming more

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Divided chuckles after saying that quietly, he looks up at Bloom again, all the sound from the world collapsing around him again. Bloom's laughing fit has died down increasingly, looking at Divided with a more sinister smile as a joke. Divided spots this, and chuckles loudly, as Dyso goes and screams out of the blue.

Dyso: "AaAAHhHhHH-??????"

Bloom: "Shut the fuck up, Dyso-" Bloom cackles, as Bloom starts laughing again...before, he gets interrupted, of course. A fellow fan walks up to the two, all giddy and excited to meet Bloom, as well as Divided and Dyso. They ask for a picture.

Bloom: "Sure, dude." Bloom agrees to take the picture with the fan really quickly, and waves them off nicely.

Bloom: "Anyways, we should...probably take cover somewhere... but first let's get some food, I'm hungry as fuuuuck-"

Dyso: "True, true." 

Divided: "Same, bro." 

Bloom, Divided and Dyso all agree on getting something to eat before heading into battle in the Crossroads, walking over, and opening the door to a nearby, famous pizza shop.

Bloom: "Damn, it smells delicious here-"

Dyso: "I'm going to steal and eat every single pizza around here-"

Bloom: "NO-" 

Bloom tells Dyso that he can't just steal and eat everyone's pizza here...without anyone noticing. As Bloom explains this to Dyso, in a slow, shaky voice, clearly trying not to lose it and bust out laughing, as Dyso listens to what Bloom has to say, obviously planning to say something stupid when Bloom is done talking. 

Meanwhile, Divided is busy ordering the pizza. He asks for his favorite, Dyso's favorite, but pauses at Bloom's favorite pizza. Not wanting to disappoint Bloom, though not knowing Bloom's favorite pizza, he whispers to Dyso to ask what Bloom's favorite pizza is.

Divided: "Hey, Dyso... what's Bloom's favorite pizza?" Divided says to Dyso.

Dyso: "I think it was just cheese?" Dyso whispered back.

Divided thanks Dyso silently, and turns back to ordering the pizza, asking for a bigger cheese pizza slice. Once divided is done, and pays for the order, he motions for Bloom and Dyso to join him, sitting on a bench outside of the pizzeria. Bloom and Dyso sit on the bench, and wait for their food. While they're at it, Dyso goes to bother Bloom on something.

Dyso: "Guys, I should stay outside, because this is where I live in my prime," Dyso says, before standing up.

Dyso: "bark bark, bark bark-"

Bloom: "HAHAHAHA-" Bloom breaks back into a laughing fit, as well as Divided, as he fixes his beanie a bit, watching the server hand them their pizza. Bloom instantly digs in, and smiles, looking up at both Divided and Dyso, Dyso giving a look of disgust, but also full amusement, and Divided has his elbow on the table, watching Bloom. 

Finally noticing Bloom looking at him, he turns his gaze away back to his phone, to continue scrolling through twitter, to make it look like he wasn't watching Bloom chow down on that pizza...okay, Divided hides it pretty quickly, and even Dyso could tell. 

Bloom decides to speak up.

Bloom: "Dude, where did you find out what my favorite pizza is? This is the best!!" Bloom says happily, as his fluffy stub tail swishes around happily, getting pizza sauce on his white hoodie, but doesn't care.

Divided: "Oh, just...pure luck, I guess?" Divided says towards Bloom, looking towards Dyso while saying it. Dyso leans back on the bench.

Dyso: "Super lucky, suuuuure..." Dyso says quietly, and shrugs, not really  interested in the conversation Bloom and Divided are having at the moment.

Bloom: "Then you must be the luckiest person in the world, because this is my first favorite." Bloom says, before continuing to rip up the pizza.

Divided: "...Jesus bruh, your so messy-"  Divided says, before pulling out a tissue, and placing his hand on Bloom's cheek to bring his face closer, so he can clean the mess. 

Bloom is kind of embarrassed about it, but lets it slide, his ears folded back.

Bloom: "I could've done it myself, fucking dumbass-"

Divided: "Shut the fuck up, bro." Divided chuckles, cleaning off the little stains of tomato sauce on the side of Bloom's mouth.

Dyso catches a glimpse, but stays silent on the manner. You know what? He changes his mind.

Dyso: "They're close together, they're gay-"

Divided: "Brooooo..." 

Bloom: "STOP-" 

Divided stays silent after saying "bro", facepalming. He moves his fingers to reveal one eye to look at Bloom. 

Divided: "Just leave him be, he won't drop the matter anyways." Divided says, as Bloom huffs, and turns away, crossing his arms.

Bloom follows Divided's instructions to just leave it. He turns to Divided, and gives him a soft smile, his ears folding back up. Divided turns to Bloom, and smiles back.

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя