Something Different Flourishing

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Dyso, Divided, and Bloom all sit in their respective spots in different parts of the room. Bloom sitting on a beanbag, Divided sitting on the bottom of the bunk bed, and Dyso on the top of the bunk bed. They all tell "scary" stories, which are just jokes about retail being the worse nightmare after all, which is... true, in their case.

Dyso speaks up about playing truth or dare, genuinely just bored and wanting to play something to take his mind off of everything.

Dyso: "Hey guys, wanna play truth or dare?"

Bloom: "Dude, that's a children's game." Bloom turns to Divided to make him back up his statement.

Divided gives Bloom a devious smirk, before going:

Divided: "Nah, let's play truth or dare. Seems interesting." 

Divided cackles quietly at Bloom's "seriously?" face. Bloom obviously knows that Divided is going to do something that stupid, but whatever, Bloom doesn't care. It's just always annoying.

Dyso: "Alright! Divided, truth or dare?"

Divided: "... Dare, bruh- who's gonna be a pussy and pick fuckin truth?-"

Dyso: "I dare you to call your crush." 

The room falls silent, before the room erupts with laughter.

Divided: "SHUT THE FUCK UP-" 


Divided stalls for a few minutes, wondering how he can get himself out of this, before reading he has another phone. Switching out the phone cases, he picks up the fake phone, and shakes it around in his hand, having it on dial.

Divided: "Alright guys, let's do this!" Divided says. He's obviously faking being optimistic just to get out of this. He puts in Bloom's number, making sure his caller ID is anonymous, and calls Bloom.

On the other side of the room, Bloom hears his phone go off and checks it. Noticing it's an unknown caller, he hangs up. Divided celebrates silently.

Divided: "Oh, haha... it changed to voicemail. She's probably busy..."

Dyso: "Awh man, bummer..."

Bloom: "Lame."

Divided, Bloom and Dyso now all take turns, Dyso having to pour water on Bloom's head, which, Bloom hates water whenever he doesn't want to touch it. Bloom dries his hair with a towel, watching Dyso and Divided take turns at each other, both making the dares or truths even harder for them to do, if for them to admit to. Suddenly, Jj bursts into the room, holding one of Bloom's funkopops he gave to Jj as a gift. Dyso, Divided and Bloom all turn to him.

Bloom: "Hey, buddy-"

Dyso: "FUCK YOU JJ-"

Bloom: "DYSO-"

Divided: "What's good, little man?" 

Divided fist bumps Jj, watching Bloom and Dyso play fight over what Dyso said to Jj. Divided shakes his head.

Divided: "Don't mind them, they're just... weird."

Jj: "...mhm."

Jj just nods, holding onto Divided's sleeve. Bloom and Dyso get done with their little argument, and Bloom turns back to Jj, now seeing the full sight of Divided acting like a whole other brother to Jj. The cool one, as well, and Bloom takes some time to admire that. It's... heartwarming, in a sense, to see Divided like this, but this is no time to be mesmerized by such a guy Divided, and more of so just trying to get Jj out of the room so they can keep playing truth or dare... actually, Bloom changed his mind. He's exhausted, and can't go for another round, even if  he wanted to.

Bloom: "...Jj, come on, can you, uh, leave, really quickly? Come back after, okay?" 

Jj just nods, and runs out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Bloom sighs a sigh of relief. He turns to Dyso and Divided again.

Bloom: "I'm hella exhausted bruh-"

Dyso: "Oh, so real." 

Divided: "Mhm."

Divided lays down on the bottom bunk bed, planning on going to sleep, but Bloom walks up to him, shivering a bit.

Bloom: "Dude, it's so cold. Can I like- steal your body heat bruh-" Bloom asks a little bit softer, his ears drooping down a bit just because of the question.

Divided: "Sure. I'm always warm."

Bloom climbs onto the bottom bunk with Divided, before tackling him into a cuddle. Divided's face turns beet red.

Divided: "Woah, woah- calm down there, dude!"

Bloom: "Sorry- I'm just hella cold."

Bloom and Divided stay like that together for a whole hour, Bloom already having fallen asleep, Divided being the opposite. Divided has calmed down greatly, but is still blushing over this whole ordeal. What will Dyso think about this? Is Dyso even awake? What about Bugzby?

Divided can now hear a soft, but sudden snore from above him. It's Dyso, and he's fast asleep. Weird. Dyso never falls asleep that easily, but, whatever, easier for Divided to not get teased by Dyso. Right now, at the very least...

All Divided can do is stare at the bottom of the top bunk bed, straight into his own world. He doesn't mind this, not one bit, his right arm over Bloom, and Bloom's hand on Divided's chest while he sleeps next to him. Divided sighs, and murmurs to himself.

"...This has been more... peaceful than I thought it would be..." Divided smiles after saying this. You know, he doesn't regret anything that has happened today. Not once. While Divided stares off into space, he notices he still has his beanie on. How did he forget that? Doesn't matter. Divided takes off the black beanie, letting out his nice, black curly hair, and places the beanie on Bloom's head, making Bloom smile in his sleep, and cuddle closer to Divided.

"Sleep tight, idiots..." 

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