Florescent Diverge

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Divided notices the look in Bloom's eyes when he smiles at him. His blue eyes glistened and shined brighter than when Bloom was at his peak happiness. Divided turned away from Bloom's gaze, slightly blushing and getting sweaty hands for a few seconds. 

Divided wonders to himself, "Damn it!  Why does he have to be so... so... pretty?!". Divided has always thought of Bloom being a dumbass, a weirdo, and his best friend... he never expected himself in his 17 years of being on this earth to call him pretty...?!

Divided: "Hey- uh, Bloom?" Divided asks cautiously.

Bloom: "Hm? What is it, dude?" Bloom questions, one of his ears perks up, one folded back. He cracks a smile at Divided.

Divided feels his cheeks heat up, as he clears his throat.

Divided: "Bloom, has... has anyone told you how... cunning your smile is?" Divided said timidly, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked down at his lap.

Bloom gasped audibly, but very lowly, a faint, red hue appearing on his face again. He appreciated the comment more than he intended to, but he didn't know why. Was it because he's never heard it before? Or maybe he hasn't gotten a nice comment on his appearance in a long time? Or was it because it came from... Divided? No... no that- that can't be the answer... could it be the answer? 

Bloom: "I- ahem, thanks Divided." Bloom said softly, his ears perked up higher than it ever has, his fluffy stub cat tail swishing around happily. 

Divided: "It's... no problem, man." Divided says back, smiling. Divided just can't resist it for himself. Dyso postpones the love in the air.

Dyso: "Dude, finish your pizza..." Dyso groans, clearly not interested, nor even amused with the two being "nice" to each other. Dyso can't stand them being nice, he likes teasing more, anyways. That's his love language.

Divided turns to Dyso, and chuckles.

Divided: "Ohhhh... shit, yeah. We should probably finish up here. Just... eat quickly, Bloom." Divided says, smiling nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Bloom smiles, and ravishes his pizza, starting to devour it once again. Divided shakes his head and sighs with a smile, going back to watching Bloom, as well as Dyso. Dyso gives a look of now just amusement instead of disgust and amusement, like earlier. Divided makes a few comments on the messy pizza eating still.

Divided: "Dude, you are ripping that pizza apart, holy shit-" Divided finishes his comment quickly, staring in disbelief on how fast Bloom ate that cheese pizza.

Divided: "Dude, how the fuck-"

Bloom: "I'm practicing bruh-"

Dyso, Bloom and Divided all break into a laughing fit, as Dyso comments:

Dyso: "WHAT DO YOU ME- MEAN????????" Dyso's voice cuts off, as Bloom laughs even harder. Divided smiles, and stares at Bloom with an adoring gaze, but snaps back to reality with his feelings.

Divided: "Alright, time to hit the road-"

Dyso: "All that food made me tired as fuck bro-"

Bloom: "HAHAHA-"

Divided chuckles as well, as they all stand up, grab their swords, and step out into the world of  Combat Warriors, ready to carry on their next battle with each other by their sides.

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now