Wilting petals

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I rush to my conclusion with a smug smile plastered on my face, as I look at the two in a curious fashion, looking at Bloom, then Divided to see if there is any hints on them maybe hiding their own little gay agenda behind my back.

I listen into their conversation.

Bloom: "Hey, Divided?" He doesn't look up from his phone.  

Divided: "What's up?"

Bloom: "Do you mind running your hands through my hair while I scroll through my phone?" 

Divided: "What?" Divided grows a faint red hue on his cheeks.

Bloom: "Did you not hear me bruh? Do it."

Divided: "...Whatever dude..." Divided now starts running his hands through Bloom's soft hair. Bloom's ears perk up and Bloom hums happily, continuing to scroll on his phone for a few seconds, before the sensation is too much for him, and he puts down what he's doing, just to relax into Divided's touch.

Divided now gets a bit calmer, the faint blush now gone away. Divided now starts poking at Bloom's cheek once or twice every once in a while with his other hand. Now taking it a step farther, he pulls Bloom closer just to give him more head pats and pokes at his cheek, smiling.

Bloom doesn't mind, not even a little. He leans and twitches his perked up ears at Divided's touch.

I see this, and turn away, now calling them out on it.

Dyso: "Y'all look hella gay right about now-"

Divided: "Shut up bruh-"

Bloom: "Shut the fuck up-"

(POV change: Divided)

I turn to look at the sight of Dyso and Bloom arguing... who knows how much times I've talked about them arguing. Probably a lot, if I lost count already. I see that Jj is now sitting on a big chair, which is right next to the couch we're sitting on. I turn to look  at Jj straight up, seeing if he'll look up, or even notice what's happening.


...Nothing. Not even a slight look up from his tablet. Typical. He's a kid, after all. No kid is going to look up from their tablet to worry about that his older brother is doing with some guy like me in his house cuddled up against him... wait, did I just say that? What the hell is wrong with me, dude? Well, whatever, I'm talking in my head right now, and not out loud, so why am I even worrying?

(POV change: no one)

While Divided turns away from staring at Jj to get his attention, he finally notices the familiar touch wrapped around his arm. It's Bloom, and he's holding onto Divided's arm with his hand while still at it with Dyso with their argument contest. Divided's cheeks start to heat up, until his whole face feels like it's on fire. Dyso takes note of this, and goes for teasing round 2.

Dyso: "Oooooh? Bloom's boyfriend is admitting! Look at Divided's face!" Dyso points out the obvious.

Bloom turns beet red at Dyso calling Divided  his boyfriend, as he turns to look at Divided, and by no surprise, Dyso is right. Divided has an obvious blush, which he can't hide anymore. Bloom's eyes widen a bit at the sight. He groans, shifts around in his seat into a criss-cross position, and puts his hands in his face.

Dyso laughs like he always does out of victory. He cackles so loud, that even Jj turns to look at him. Only for a second, though, before Jj goes back to his regular iPad kid life. In a good way, or course. 

A few hours pass by after the incident, and they are all awake watching a movie with each other. Jj is in his room, asleep, since it's past 8 O'clock, and that is his usual bedtime. Bloom struggled to get him into bed, because no kid wants to go to bed at 8, no matter what. Divided had to help with standing by Bloom's side and convincing Jj to go to sleep.

Dyso is knocked out, his limbs all over different parts of the couch as he sleeps. Divided and Bloom on the other hand, are cuddle up together, under a weighted blanket. Bloom lays his head on Divided's shoulder, and Divided keeps an arm wrapped around Bloom's shoulder. The both sit in silence, watching the movie "The Mimic" play out. Bloom's eyes droop close, and Bloom falls asleep near Divided's presence. Divided turns to Dyso, who is asleep and not near the two, sitting on a whole different part of the couch, wraps his arm around Dyso's waist, and brings him close, placing Dyso's... well, neck, since Dyso doesn't have a head...on his shoulder to make him feel more comfortable while he sleeps, as well as to not be cold and alone on one part of the couch. Dyso quickly cuddles into Divided's warmth, and now Divided is getting smothered by Dyso and Bloom, who are cuddling him around his body left and right subconsciously.

Divided: "Heh... I got bitches, for real." Divided jokes to himself, and chuckles, before falling asleep in a few minutes as well.

The three all in a group cuddle. No arguing, no remarks, just silence and happiness. This is probably the only time peace is an option for this group, huh...?

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now