Unsavory tastes

789 11 16

(POV change: Dyso)

I jolt awake, feeling like something around me is wrong. I look around and notice nothing out of the ordinary... the first time I looked... but when I think about it for a few seconds, I go for another round of scanning the room, until spotting Divided and Bloom, asleep, on top of each other. I hold my breath, and try not to laugh at the sight in front of me. I look away and cover my mouth just to keep quiet, but I really can't contain myself. I rush up the stairs into Bloom's room, and close the door, and the second I do, I start laughing so loud that I think people next door can hear me... I don't think that's good...

I walk out of the room and breathe heavily, making sure I don't laugh again and cause another laughing fit for myself. I walk downstairs quietly, peeking out from around the wall to see if I accidentally woke them up with my loud laughing... just Divided. Bloom is still fast asleep on Divided, under the covers. You can see his fluffy white hair and white cat ears twitching every once and a while from sticking out of the blanket. I let out a sigh of relief, as I walk out from behind the wall covering me on the stairs, and finish my way down to the kitchen. I meet Jj there, just playing with his lego star wars on the floor. Huh, weird. Never seen the kid playing on the ground, especially in the  kitchen, but, eh. Who am I to judge? He's not my little brother, he's Bloom's little brother... whatever, Jj's still annoying as hell. Little bitch.

I go to make breakfast, putting in Poptarts into the toaster and setting it. I walk back into the living room and sit next to Divided, looking at him with tired body language... I've always been asked why I don't have a head. If I got it chopped off? Was it some sort of traumatic incident? How am I even alive? To answer all those questions; I don't know. I REALLY don't know what even happened to me for me to lose my head, but I'm not really worried about that right now, since Divided can read my body language perfectly fine. He looks at me and shrugs.

Divided: "Yeah, I feel like that too." 

"..." I don't respond with anything, just watching Divided cradle Bloom in his arms while he sleeps. I don't think I've ever seen Bloom this... happy while sleeping before. It's... weird, I don't know how to explain it, but I've never seen Bloom this way with Divided... or anyone else in that matter. It's just... weirdly disturbing to me... in a good way.

...I sit there and just watch the two, not even teasing them, just... watching. Because this whole ordeal is just turning...

...comfortable to deal with...

More than two idiots 🪷 ➗ (Divided x Bloom)Where stories live. Discover now