Chapter 22

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hellooo, so it been almost a 3 months
new year same me I guess

HAPPY 2024
I love you all, hope your new year went fabulously!

Here's chapter 22 (22 oo ooh)
Enjoy! 🦋



I woke up to the sound of a photo being taken. I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light to see Frankie standing a few metres away from me. "What?" I groggily asked. Then I felt pressure on the ends of my hair. I quickly stood up, turning around to see where my hair was. I almost gasped when I saw a sleeping Joshua Bassett. I'd been sleeping in between his legs? He had his hands in my hair? What the fuck-

"What are all of you looking at?" Josh asked, squinting at all of us.

"Nothing," I replied quickly. I turned around to face the rest of the group. "Nothing."

I quickly rushed back to my apartment. I'm not in the mood to face any of their weird questions. Plus, Ethan's picking me up in only 15 minutes, and I'm not even close to ready yet. I changed out of my pajamas into a sweater and sweatpants. I did my hair in 2 loose braids, and I didn't bother doing makeup. I mean they're literally gonna do my makeup when I get to set. I packed my bag with my script and other things I needed for the day and quickly rushed out the door.

"You're late," smiled Ethan, as I opened up the passenger door to the car.

"I slept in."

He chuckled. "I picked up some coffee for you." He reached over and passed me a hot Starbucks cup.

I sipped quietly. "Thanks."

The rest of the drive was silent, which I'm grateful for, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him this morning. He parked outside East High. "Well, looks like this is your stop," he smiled. "Do you want me to pick you up tonight?"

"Um...," I paused. "I think I'll be good, I'll just ask Sofia or someone."

"Ah okay, sure."

He continued to smile at me. Weirdo.

"Okay, so..I'm gonna go."

I got out the car, grabbing my bag and closing the car door behind me. I felt Ethan's eyes on me and he didn't drive away until he saw that I was inside the building.

"Olivia!" Tim exclaimed excitedly, walking up to me. Sorry, who has this much energy this early in the morning.

"Hey?" I smiled back.

"You're here early."

I chuckled a bit. "Yeah, Ethan dropped me off early today."

I saw his eyebrows furrow a bit and his grin dropped from his face slightly. "Are you and Ethan back together?"

"Hm? No, definitely not."

"Okay, good."


He looked at me confusedly. "You said good."

"No, it's just...I don't know about him, Liv."

Tim has always been a dad on set for us. When we first started season 1 I was 15, and he went out of his way to ensure I was safe and a comfortable. He's often been a person I confide in. He's always in a good mood, but he knows how to work and be serious and sensitive when the time comes. In short, I trust him a lot and his opinion means a bunch to me.

"What'd you mean? As in, he's not right for me, or as a person..?"

"No," he said a bit too quickly. "I just, he broke your heart once, Liv. And then the whole thing with Josh. I j- I just," he stuttered. "You guys are all like my children. I just don't want any of you guys to get hurt."

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