Chapter 14

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Oh ma god, I'm back from cAnAdA and we got bad idea, right from miss Liv. 1989 TV was announced and season 4 of hsmtmts. Now I will do a separate chapter on how I feel about it because let me tell you I'm feeling a lot of things.

So...sorry for the wait but I'm hella jet lagged and I just got home so yeah.

Anyway here's chapter 14!

Enjoy! 🦋



beep beep beep

I heard the beeping noise and felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket. I groggily sat up, fishing my phone out and turning my alarm off. Due to the loudness of the alarm I saw some people begin to stir and wake up. "What time is it?" Sofia yawned.


"Ugh, I'm going back to bed," Julia sighed, laying back down again.

"Um, hello, today's the first day?! Why are we not up?"

"I haven't had my coffee yet," Larry responded with an eye roll. Everyone at this point was now awake.

"Okay, I know it's early but we should probably get up...don't wanna piss Tim off on the first day." Matt said, standing up and stretching a bit.

One by one everyone started to get up and clean up the room. "Wait-hang on, how come you listen to Matt and not me?"

"Um because he says it with composure and confidence." Frankie sassed, holding a pile of pillows.

Joe followed him with some folded blankets. He smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Frankie's genuinely not human until he's had an iced coffee," he giggled.

I chuckled in return, taking some of the blankets from him.

3rd person 

At 7:15 the cast tiredly met at the apartment lobby, full of yawns and sleepy eyes. Moments later Tim came down, smiling. He clapped his hands together, "good to see you all awake." When he received less a reaction or response than hoped he realized he should probably just leave them to sulk in their tired adolescence. "Okay, just head to the van", he sighed, following them out. Tim decided it would be a good idea to start playing some High School Musical to really get their heads in the game. It without doubt woke them up and in no time they were all singing together and laughing.

Once they pulled up in the East High parking lot they went to their trailers to get dressed and then quickly went to hair and makeup. "Good morning", Joshua yelled strutting into the trailer, Sofia, Dara and Larry turned in their chairs and rolled their eyes and Joshua's enthusiasm. 

"How are you not exhausted?" Julia asked as her eyes were being dusted with eyeshadow.

"A lot of coffee."

"Makes sense".

"What a stereotypical Ricky outfit", Frankie sighed. Joshua was wearing a dark blue hoodie with black jeans and of course Vans, it was practically the same outfit he wore in season 1 episode 2. Except his hair was longer and he lost the highlights.

"Yeah, well Ricky just likes things in his comfort zone", Joshua chuckled. He looked around and saw everyone but Olivia. "Um, where's Liv?" He asked.

"Oh, there was something wrong with her outfit, I think they were missing something so she'll join in like half an hour or so," Dara responded.

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