Chapter 2

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Just realizing the books called would you love me now and I haven't already put in the song. I'm so dumb, anyway I'm double updating bc I'm obsessed with this book and I'm bored.

Enjoy chapter 2, bestie 🦋



We all sat down at one round table. It was a massive room that had loads of fancy people in it. All of our producers, and some from different shows. We had actors from different shows as well. All of our cast were on one as well. (Not including Kate and Mark because they're older than us. They're with Tim). Once we were all comfortably seated Larry asked the table. "What do you thinks gonna happen between Josh and Liv?"

"Honestly I'm not sure." Said Matt.

"We can't really say anything...right?" Julia asked. "Because I mean some of us know more of the story than others. All I want is for both of them to be happy."

"Preach Julia!" Dara said.

"Also loved the 'All I Want' reference." I added.

"But guys, they're Jolivia." Frankie said. "Normally I would make a bet or something but this is a dangerous game. I mean I don't think they've talked at all-"

"They haven't." Said Matt, interrupting him.

"Thank you Matt for your input, now shut up, I was talking. I mean Olivia's released her own album and started her own fucking fandom for crying out loud and Josh is also growing. I mean he was releasing song after song along with an EP." 

"Wow- that was the first time I have ever heard you be serious." Chuckled Joe, placing a delicate hand on his.

"Hey, I'm serious about Jolivia...i mean is it just me or do any of you want them to get back together?"

"Woah- Frankie I don't think we should go down this road." Matt said firmly.

"I mean can you blame him. They were perfect."

"Perfectly toxic. Look you guys I don't wanna sound rude or come off as a bitch but Josh has told me some stuff and I really don't think they were good together. They loved eachother, like a lot, I know but they were toxic as fuck."

"They only started to become toxic when they were threatened but the media. They were scared of being caught but when it was just them they really were happy. I know they were." I said.

"For now let's just see what happens. We have the last season to prepare for so we have to make it the best one yet. And I will admit all of us want them to get back together, even if it's just a small feeling. But a lot of stuff has happened that we just can't ignore. All the hate to Josh, him working on himself, and Liv going on tour and all the chaos with becoming new to the industry. And all of the quarantine stuff. Either way both of them have suffered mentally and we can't just spring this on them. If something between them happens then we'll ask but as for now we just have to be a supportive cast to both Josh and Liv."

"God, Julia. If you weren't an actor you would be a therapist" Larry joked earning a laugh from all of us.

"Either way, we just have to keep this idea low down and we'll see how their relationship ends up. I mean we're gonna start filming again and they're the 2 leads. Somethings gonna happen." I said. Everyone nodded and just as I finished Josh and Liv walked in.

"Hey guys!" Dara said.

"Hi!" Liv said.

"How are we all doing?" Josh asked sitting down. We all responded with things like 'good' or 'excited'. And I saw Liv's face fall slightly when she realized that she had to sit next to Josh. She sat down though.

"What are we doing here?" She asked.

"I think it's like a restaurant thing. They're gonna give us food...of some sort." I said warily.

"Wait, food?" They both asked in unison. The looked at eachother before bursting out laughing. This indirectly gave us all permission to laugh. Hopefully it'll all end up alright.


Okay things seem to be going okay...I think. I mean having everyone here around us kinda distracts us from the awkwardness. I just have no idea what to say. I have so many emotions that I want to express. I want to cry, I want to yell and I want to scream. But I also what to hug her because she's okay. It's just when I see her those emotions disappear and I'm just left confused.

There were these really sophisticated and fancy waiters that came and served us this really posh dish thing. "Umm...hate to sound like a peasant but what the fuck is this?" I asked.

"It's smoked salmon, Josh" Larry replied laughing.

"Oh. Why is it pink."

"Oh my god, Josh. Be quiet and eat your food." Frankie sassed.

"Okay mom." I chuckled.

there was a comfortable silence while we all ate. Soon chatter started between people. I heard Olivia whisper to me. "Did you see that waiter. He looked like the chef dude from Ratatouille" she giggled.

"You do realize that you're indirectly insulting me by saying that" I joked. She ended up bursting out laughing and doing some weird hand gestures.

"God no, I'm sorry!" She laughed.

"Wait what happened?" Julia asked.

"Livvy said that one of the waiters looked like the dude from Ratatouille and I said that she was technically insulting me."

"Oof- get bullied." Frankie said.

"Liv, you sure you didn't intend that?" Sofia asked smiling.

"No! I just thought that he did look like Josh so I said it. Also how does that offend you?"

"Well..." I started.

"Wait, hold on." said Matt. "We'll wait till he comes back and then we'll judge."

Somehow the lot of us ended up looking out for the waiter. Joe ended up spotting him. "Guys is that him?"

"Yeah" said Liv on the verge of laughter.

"Eh, it kinda resembles you." Dara observed.

"Wow thanks, Dar." She just shrugged in response.

"Wait how..? He's ginger. If anything he's me." Said Larry making us burst out laughing again.

"Yeah but he has the signature curly hair." Sofia said pointing at the waiter.

Matt lowered her hand. "Guys we're gonna look like fucking stalkers, geez" he laughed.

"Yeah...we should probably stop comparing people ahem, Livvy, to Disney characters."

Liv just hid her face in her hands out of sheer laughter. God I missed that sound. Actually you know what no. We are not doing that shit. Not again.


I really don't know where to end these because I feel like the endings should have like some 'pop' to them or something. I just wanted to show some cute cast moments because lets be honest they're the best cast ever.

Love you more than Taylor Swift loves cats. Actually I don't think that's possible but anyway.

Stay happy and healthy 

Byeeeeeee 🦋

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