Chapter 12

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I am speechless. ⬆️ 

Wow it's been a hot minute.

A lot has happened since we last met.

 -Vampire was released

-GUTS was announced 

 -Speak Now Taylor's version 

-HSMTMTS Season 4 trailer

-this book hit 3K reads! Aaaah THANK YOUUU!

-I'm going to start High School after the summer so just finished prep school

That's a lot 😭 

I am SO SORRY for not updating. It's just with graduation stuff and exams it's all been hectic but hey I'm here.

I'm going to try and update more, but I say that every time.

But without further ado here is chapter 12.

Enjoy! 🦋



We pulled into the parking lot of the conference centre. It was a reasonably small building, with two floors. The first being the room where we would have our table reads and our 'hang out' room and on the second floor would be our own rooms. As we got out the van I felt a wave of memories. All the Instagram takeovers we did. Frankie's cardboard cutout of Zac Effron and Ashley Tisdale. 

We filed in the door and turned left where the table reading room was. We all sat down in our labeled seats, which were the exact same as they were for the past seasons. I had Julia and Joe next to me and Olivia was opposite me. We met up with Kate and Mark. They stay in their own apartment complex. Right next to the table read table was the food table which the producers had already layed out, knowing we would be hungry. Just as Tim sat down at the end of the table Frankie not so subtly said, "it would be such a shame if all the food went cold."

"After, Frankie," Tim smiled. "Right, here are your scripts for episode one, they each have your names on them and all your lines are already highlighted." He passed the scrips down. I received my script, it was thick and had 'Joshua Bassett' scribbled in green pen on the front.

"I'm going to explain the basic plot of the season and then for the first episode. So it's senior year and the Wildcats will be performing high school musical 3. They will also be looking for different colleges and universities which will cause some drama, considering some people will want to go with others, you get it. So we'll be seeing a lot more stress of 'studying' and all the couples will go through their own issues and developments. So, for episode one, if everyone would like to open their scripts to the first page, we'll have Miss Jenn being dropped off by Michael Bowen as a song from HSM 3 plays in the background, like in season 1. We're gonna have a lot of little references to the first season, just a heads up. Then we're gonna have Nini and Kourtney walking down the hallways as Nini explains her trip away."

"Wait, Tim. What was Nini's plot. Like I was away on tour for season 3, but like what did you write Nini to do?" Olivia asked.

"So, what I had imagined was that Nini didn't get the contract with Jamie but she worked on her music abroad in London for the summer. If you want we can read the scene."

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