Happy New Year!

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It's 2023, bitches! I'm not making a chapter today because of all the festivities but I want to tell y'all about my year, because I'm honestly really proud of who I am now, so yeah I don't care if it's cringe or shit I, doing it.

At the start of 2022 I was in Dubai with my cousins watching fireworks from our hotel room and I was really excited because that's the year 2022, as in 'I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22.' Like the year of Taylor's song, and like everyone's excited for the year and shit. And then January and February went by pretty slowly not gonna lie.

March, April and May were pretty tough months for me as I was experiencing a really major 'personality' or 'hormonal' shift, I guess. It was a period of self discovery. During that time I also lost a lot of my friends that I thought were close to me but were really toxic. Those were some really hard months for me, honestly. And my real friends weren't in the same classes as me and I didn't see them as much and that whole time period was a bit weird for me.

June was major exam time. I had been preparing for these exams since I was 10 years old and bestie aced them lol. No joke though. I got A's and A stars, which really boosted my self-esteem.

July was when we went for a 5 day camp, and if I'm being honest I hated it. I'm not a camping person and they crammed loads of activities in a really short amount of time, like first of all we took the school buses down to England and climbed the latest mountain in England. We also climbed another really high mountain. We went gorge scrambling, which is like diving in waterfalls and stuff. We went sailing, paddle-boarding, kayaking and canoeing. And I'm not really an outside person, well I am I'm just nit very physical. But either way I made it. Also I was developing a small crush hehehehe, but it didn't work out and I got over it. July was our grad month (kinda I'll explain). So that was all fun and everything but I was really happy to get away from them, with all due respect because the weren't really the nicest people, I mean some people were nice and we were friends but like that whole year group was just a bit ugh, you know? So yeah that was fun and everything.

August was amazing because I got to go to Toronto to see my grandparents for two weeks. It was amazing and it was summer and just that whole trip was simply amazing, like I don't have nothing to say. It was an amazing getaway, especially because I semi graduated and I just loved it.

September was when I went back to school so I didn't really graduate, because here's the thing,  me and 9 other children were young for the year so when everyone else graduated we had to stay behind and go into the year below us. And to some it sounds like it would suck but actually it was amazing. I got into the scholarship class with some of my closest friends and I made new friends in that year who I've become really close with. Yes, scholarship stuff is harder because essentially I'm doing work for 16 year olds at the age of 13 but it's a challenge and the regular 13 year old stuff is really quite boring and easy for me.

November went by fine as well. It was a pretty ordinary month but I did hold a bake sale to raise for money for the Pakistani floods, which is where me and my family are originally from. And we raised over £4000 (4800 US dollars.) which was an amazing accomplishment for me. But like I don't like anyone romantically this year which I'm actually really thankful for because I'm not comparing myself to anyone or trying to impress anyone, so to all the people who don't like anyone that's okay, neither do I because I just feel so free not caring about people's opinions on me.

December was really fun as well. I finished school for the winter and then my cousins and grandparents came for Dubai and thankfully it snowed a tiny bit for them because they've never seen snow before but yeah that was a great was to close off the year.

And now it's January, holy fuck. I wanna thank some things that have been really helpful in getting me through the year. When I was down I would watch HSMTMTS, and when the new season came out I was always waiting. Olivia Rodrigo has always and always will be a constant inspiration to me, I love her so much like it just can't be contained. Taylor Swift for being the queen she is and I could listen to her songs all day everyday. I wear my cardigan every day after school and it's like my comfort cardigan, so yeah thank you. And finally to the amazing Joshua Bassett. You have helped me in ways others haven't. Every morning before school I would listen to your songs. I watched all your interviews and I was always on your Instagram lives. I was in the top 0.5% of your listeners this year so thank you for everything this year. And without all these things I probably won't be where I am now.

With all that being said I have no idea what my New Years Resolutions are. Sometimes I question life and shit and I do end up crying at random stuff, basically what I want to do this year is to

Receive my Art Scholarship, maybe an academic one idk

And learn more about myself, because I'm still confused on who I am, who I want to be and what my purpose is, but then again nobody really know that.

Either way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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