Chapter 13

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I'm SO mad that rwylm and Castles Crumbling were played. Ugh, we're losing songs by the minute! I'm going next June, I'm afraid nothing will be left. I'm hoping for Carolina.

How are you? I'm going on a 7 hour plane journey with three little brothers tomorrow...wish me luck

Anyways here's chapter 13

Enjoy! 🦋

Please read the announcement at the bottom



I caught up with Sofia who was coming out of her trailer. "You got the text too right?" I asked, I knew she did I just asked for the reassurance and clarification.

"Why else would all of us walking?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess," I smiled.

We continued to walk in silence. Whether it was comfortable or not, I'm not sure. I wasn't saying anything and neither was she. I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole Ethan thing. Why the hell has he 'missed' me all of a sudden? I also feel like Josh was being a bit weird just now. In all fairness I was making it a bit awkward but his charisma seemed a bit down. Maybe it's just one of those days.

"Hey, you good? You haven't said a word, you were all excited earlier on"

"Nothing, Sof, I'm fine"

"You sure? I don't think you are. If you're not then tell me, we've been filming with eachother for almost 5 years and I've been friends with you for almost 8"

"Yeah actually something's up." Why am I like stressed to tell her? I feel like I know how she's going to react, she was MAD after me and Ethan broke up and the fact that he's trying to contact me again will probably make her pissed at least. "So Ethan kinda called." I mumbled, slightly incoherently.


"Ethan called", I said louder and clearer.

She stopped walking. "Wait what?!" She yelled.

"Shhhh, I don't want the whole of Salt Lake knowing", I hushed.

She whispered. "What?! What do you mean 'he called'? What about?! Why?"

"Calm down. He just, well he said he wanted to meet up."

I saw her jaw clench and unclench, her eyes fixed in front of her. "What'd you say?" She asked slowly.

I reluctantly answered. "I said I could see him in 2 days".

"Wait, hold up you agreed?"

"Well yeah."


"I don't even know. I was hella pissed at first but like I want to know why he suddenly wants to talk."

"I guess. Who else have you told? I bet the others would have a good opinion on it."

"Oh no no no, I'm only telling you." Sofia worked on Disney so I feel like we kind of share that thing on our lives. She's properly met Ethan. I mean yeah everyone else did when he came to visit me but Sofia's had full on conversations with him, that's why she got so mad at him when he broke up with me. I feel like she gets it more than anyone else does, plus I've known her the longest.

"Why? I'm a thousand percent sure they'll have the best advice".

"I know but...okay fine I'll tell them after we meet up. So at least I can tell them what actually happened."

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