Chapter 1

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Merry Christmas, guys! I'm really excited for this book and I have a lot of ideas for it. Also besties, this year on Spotify I was in the top 0.5 percent of Joshua Bassett's listeners this year so like best accomplishment of the year lmao.

Okie dokie here is the first chapter of 'Would you love me now?'

Enjoy! 🦋



I sat in the back of a taxi on my way to the season 3 premiere of High School Musical the Musical the Series. I had my AirPods in and I was listening to one specific artist. Joshua Bassett. I was listening to his song 'Different' talking about trying a relationship again.  And I think I know who it's about but I won't make everything about me. I'm not sure why or how but his voice has always calmed me down. Throughout the whole of quarantine and all of the drama I would listen to old videos of us and listen to his music. I'm really quite nervous about meeting the whole cast again. I spoke to some of them over FaceTime while filming the season but I haven't seen them in person since season 2. I also can't help but let my mind wander to Josh. How's he doing? I honestly can't express everything I have to say because there's so much. We obviously have to pose together for pictures. It's gonna be really awkward. I hope he's doing well though, he deserves the best. I really put him through some shit without saying anything and my whole fandom really took him down. I scared to see them but there is this pit in my stomach and I'm slightly hopeful. I miss them. I miss him.


When I arrived at the area I got out the taxi immediately felt the flashing lights of the paparazzi and camera crew. It was nothing new to me so I just did as I was told and looked at different cameras at different times smiling. I continued to walk along the carpet because I was supposed to meet up with the rest of the cast until I saw him. Joshua Taylor Bassett. Smiling so effortlessly and beautifully.


"Hey Josh." Matt said walking up to me.


"You all good for today and everything?"

"Mhm, yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I mean what's gonna happen between you and Liv?"

"I'm honestly not terribly sure. I'm gonna try and act professional about it. I'm just going to smile at the cameras like I'm told to do."

He patted my shoulder. "Whatever works for you."




Okay, looks like we're entering the main part of the carpet. This is the place we all meet up with Olivia. If I'm being honest I have no idea what to feel about seeing her again, there's so many things I want to say and so many things I'm supposed to say, but I have no idea how to say any of them. I don't have to talk to her though, do I? I mean we pose together and then apparently the whole cast have dinner but I think that's it. I don't want to be rude so I'm gonna have to talk to her I'm just afraid that what I'll say will come out as some weird bullshit that makes no sense. We continued to walk down the cast behind me when I looked ahead and saw Olivia.

3rd person

Once the two laid eyes on eachother they stood stock still. "Woah Josh, don't stop in the middle." Sofia said. Julia waved a hand in front of his face and he didn't even blink. "Josh, move!" Frankie ushered. Joshua and Olivia slowly approached eachother.


They walked along the carpet to a quieter spot, Josh following Liv and immediately smiled. "Hey." Josh smiled. Olivia turned around and grinned back at him.

"Hi" she said. They were kind of pushed together.

"Crazy that we're here, 3rd season," he said trying to start a simple conversation.

"Yeah..." she giggled along with him. It was slightly awkward as both of them posed. The second Olivia saw the rest of the cast though she ran off to see them. They were all standing in single file waiting for Olivia, who came in excitedly and hugged them, individually.

The group took some cast pictures together laughing and smiling. There was every picture combination ever. The co-choreographers from season 2, Frankie and Sofia. The girl trio and all the couples. They took pictures of the main 4. Luckily Joshua and Olivia lucked out and didn't have to stand next to eachother for that one. Matt was on the end then Olivia, next to her Sofia and finally Josh. Then came the dreaded 'Ricky and Nini' pictures.

Everyone was taken inside while Joshua and Olivia had to take some more pictures. They conveniently and coincidentally wore both all black which they both knew should cause a riot on social media. They were both high on adrenaline. Josh walked over to her "I'm like full on sweating." He said placing a hand on his forehead. Olivia just laughed in response.

They were told to pose and did just that. They stood next to eachother at a comfortable distance before being told by camera men to move closer. Joshua put an arm behind her and whispered to her. "You okay with this?" like the gentleman he was. Olivia genuinely nodded with a smile. They were getting closer to the end of the carpet session, both of their eyes tired from all the flashing lights. 

"DO SOMETHING FUN!" One of the camera crew asked. Josh was slightly confused expecting something else by the term 'fun' but played it off and asked jokingly "Fun?!"

Olivia laughed and pulled up a peace sign. He imitated her, both of them posing with wide smiles and placing their heads together. This small gesture took them back to when they were dating and that interview where Olivia was wearing the dark turquoise set and Joshua wore the shiny jacket, and where both of them at the same time did the peace sign in sync.

That was the last picture. They were taken inside the building to the rest of the cast to eat dinner. There were seating arrangements and obviously because they were the two leads Olivia and Joshua were placed right next to eachother.


Eek! I'm so happy with this book and I already have the whole thing planned 😂 

Hopefully you guys like this! Normally I update between 2-4 times a week. It varies so I'm pretty consistent.

Stay happy and healthy and I love you more than Ricky loves Nini.

Byeeeeeee 🦋

Would you love me now?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ