Work Hard, Play Hard

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[Megatron was walking down the hall of the Mini-Con ship. He has been searching for his men, intent on training his soldiers, locating the next Mini-Con, and formulating a strategy for battle. Might as well take advantage of the Autobot's lack of activities. Now, he just had to find his men and whip them into shape!]

[Megatron was brought out of his thoughts when he heard laughter in the rec room. Stopping at the entrance, he is surprised to see Cyclonus tickling Demolisher.]

Demolisher: Cyclonus! T-Tha-ahahah-t's n-not fair! [Demolisher laughed, giving up.]

Cyclonus: You never know when the Autobots will cheat. [Cyclonus grinned, his tickling stopped.]

Demolisher: Autobots don't cheat! [Demolisher exclaimed after regaining his composure.]

Cyclonus: No, but I do! [Cyclonus cackled, getting off of Demolisher.]

Demolisher: Oh yeah? Well so do I! [Demolisher exclaimed, pouncing on Cyclonus before he could react, and began tickling him.]

Cyclonus: ACK! No! Sto-ahah-p! [Cyclonus tried to retreat. Unfortunately for him, Demolisher was stronger. Soon his giggles turned to uncontrollable laughter as he flailed his arms.]

Megatron: That is quite enough. [Megatron strode into the room, annoyed at their antics.]

[Cyclonus and Demolisher startled, scrambling to their feet as they finally noticed their leader's presence.]

Demolisher: Megatron Sir! W-We didn't see you there... [Demolisher rubbed the back of his helm, embarrassed.]

Megatron: So I've noticed. [Megatron narrowed his optics briefly, then continued.] Come, we are going to begin training.

Cyclonus: Training!? But, this is our day off! [Dismay was in his voice as he shouted. Demolisher deflated in disappointment.]

Megatron: This is the perfect time to one-up the Prime by being ahead of the game. [He replied, ignoring their reactions.]

Demolisher: Sir, can't this wait? I mean-we can always train later. [Demolisher tried to compromise.]

Megatron: And waste time doing trivial things? No, we have the chance to gain the upper hand against Optimus, and I intend to take it. [Megatron replied firmly, turning to the door.] Now come, we have drills to do.

Cyclonus: No.

[Megatron stopped, looking over his shoulder, optics narrowing.]

Megatron: What?

Cyclonus: You heard me, I said no. I don't intend to waste the opportunity to have fun! [Cyclonus proclaimed, crossing his arms stubbornly.]

[Megatron turned to face them, anger in his red optics as he glared at his men. Demolisher quickly stepped forward, looking to defuse the situation.]

Demolisher: Wait, sir! What Cyclonus means to say is, it's been a while since we've last had time for ourselves, and now that the Autobots have gone quiet, maybe we can finally relax. [He sighed.] We don't mean any disrespect sir, we just want a break, for once. Please? [He looked at his leader pleadingly.]

[Megatron glared at the two for a long moment, if looks could kill... With a huff, Megatron turned to the door again.]

Megatron: I will deal with you both later. [Megatron stormed out of the rec room, frustrated.]

• • •

[Megatron was passing the training room when he heard a sword clash, and Mini-Cons beeping excitedly. Backtracking, Megatron peeked in to see Starscream with a sliced dummy, Swindle and the Star Saber Mini-Con cheering him on, sticks in servo.]

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