A Doctor And His Patient

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[Pharma gazed out into the star-covered sky as he waited for someone to answer his call. After a moment, they did.]


Pharma: Hello Getaway, how are you?

::Fine. Are you finally ready to talk business?::

[Pharma and Gateway sell different parts and weapons to other bots, they usually use Ex-Cons or active Cons as spare parts. Gateway usually kills them himself, while Pharma takes his time so that he doesn't get caught.]

Pharma: About that, we need to talk.

::About what?::

Pharma: About our partnership and business. To put it simply, I resign.

::... You what?::

Pharma: I'm tired of killing my patients, Therefore, I quit. I'll be treating my patients properly, whether they be Autobots or Decepticons.

::Why? Decepticons are our enemies!:: [Gateway snapped.]

Pharma: They don't have to be. [Pharma said.]

::What brought this on?:: [Gateway growled.]

Pharma:... Do you remember that Ex-Decepticon I had to treat a few weeks ago? [Pharma asked.]

::Yes. You told me his name was Octane, and he was in the hospital because a group of unidentified bots shot him with a Tox-En shard and beat him before leaving him to rust. And that Octane's friend managed to save him. What of it?:: [Gateway asked.]

Pharma: Well, he changed me. [Pharma replied.]

::He what?:: [Gateway was confused.]

Pharma: I used to think that Decepticons were low-life bots who deserved all the hate and punishment they got. And there are still Cons out there that deserve it, but there are also Cons that want to start over. I remember a conversation I had with Octane about this.


[Pharma was currently giving Octane a check-up. It's only been a few days after the operation, and he had to make sure he recovered properly. Which Pharma didn't care for. He decided to dishearten the Con for his entertainment.]

Pharma: So, who did you anger? [Octane looked confused.] Whoever attacked you must hate you for something. So, what is it? [Pharma asked.]

Octane: I... I don't know. I don't know who they are or why they're mad. Maybe I did something to them while I was a Decepticon

Pharma: Maybe? You don't know? Surely you know that you and your buddies killed many Autobots, mistreated them, and many more unforgivable things!

Octane:... Yeah. You're right. But, I tried to apologize–

Pharma: You tried to apologize... For crimes, you can't change? Do you Cons think you can do all those bad things, apologize, and walk away scot-free? Pathetic! [Pharma exclaimed.] Think of all the lives you've snuffed, you killed Cybertron, you tortured us, and for what? Entertainment? [Pharma concluded, angrily.]

Octane:... Because you did it to us first. [He replied, taking Pharma by surprise.] We were in the mines before we went into the pits. How many lives did you all take before the war began? None of you cared when we cried for help, were in pain, or dying. You all took pleasure in it, enjoyed it, and never even bothered to give us names. [He explained sadly.]

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