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Hey guys! Before we begin, I'd just like to say that in my headcanon, Transformers Armada, Energon, and Cybertron are in separate universes (Energon being an alternate universe). Why am I telling you this? Well, you'll see! Hope you all enjoy it!❣ ;)


[It was so dark, no one could see their servos In front of them. Shots were flying everywhere, but no one knew where the target was, or if the shots hit. Arcee was still recovering from her latest injuries from battle, so the others decided to use the training program they got before leaving Cybertron, to keep her included without her getting hurt.]

[But they weren't expecting the place to be dark, or for the Decepticons to be here.]

"Ow! Hey, stop it!"

[There was a new voice, but no one recognized who it belonged to. It sounded young... And annoying.]

Arcee: Will someone turn on the lights!? [Arcee said in frustration.]

[As if on cue, the lights came on, and the bots could see that they were in a huge ring, and an even bigger crowd surrounding the ring. And to make things more confusing, there were lots of other Cybertronians with them, some looking like bots they knew.]

"Ironhide, are you all right?" [A bot who looked like Optimus asked.]

Ironhide: Y-Yeah... I think so... [He replied, getting off the ground. All the shots from earlier hit him instead of the wanted targets.]

Nekomimi~Chan A: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to today's training session! [A robotic cat girl exclaimed, making the crowd cheer.]

[All the bots jumped in surprise, some looking around while others pulled out their weapons.]

Optimus Prime: What is going on? [Optimus asked in pure confusion.]

"Beats me, but if we're fighting, then let's start already!" [A yellow and white bot exclaimed, cackling.]

Megatron: What is going on here!? [Megatron roared.]

"Nekomimi A and B, why are there different bots here?" [The same Optimus lookalike asked.]

Nekomimi~Chan A: I'm glad you asked Optimus! Today we're going to team you up with different universe versions of yourselves and various others! [She began.]

Nekomimi~Chan B: That way you all can learn new techniques, plans, and skills! [Neko B finished excitedly.]

Bumblebee: ::... Is this a part of the training?:: [Bee buzzed in question.]

Nekomimi A & B: Yup! Now let's begin!

[Before anyone could question or refuse, they all got teleported away.]

• • •

Nekomimi~Chan A: Alright, before we fight, let's get to know each other. We've put everyone in separate groups with their counterparts, we'll let you know when it's time to fight!

Nekomimi~Chan B: First up are the Starscreams! To make things easier, we'll give them different titles, this includes everyone. There's Animated Starscream (TFA SS), Prime Starscream (Just Starscream), Cybertron Starscream (TFC SS), Cybervers Starscream (CV SS), Energon Starscream (TFE SS), and Armada Starscream (Armada SS). Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find Galvatron!

Nekomimi~Chan A: I don't see why you like Galvatron so much, Rodimus is where it's at!

[The two debated as they left, leaving the confused Starscreams to talk.]

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