Sparklings and Carriers

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Hey guys! Today, as promised, I've made a happier Mother's Day short. Or should I say shorts? Today I've decided to make small little shorts for different bots and their Carriers. (I've been waiting for a good excuse to make more Sparkling shorts, and now I have one, yay!) I hope you all enjoy the shorts and happy Mother's Day!❣



[It was a nice day on Cybertron, Wheeljack was playing with his cube in the living room as his Carrier was busy cleaning up. She was working all morning, and now it was afternoon, she still had lots to do, but she was too tired at the moment, so she'd have to continue with the chores later.]

[Wheeljack looked up from what he was doing and saw his Carrier all tired and worn out, she finished what she was doing before she began to walk away.]

Wheeljack: Carrier, are you ok? [Wheeljack asked, seemingly worried at how tired she looked.]

Carrier: I'm fine Wheeljack, I'm just going to rest for a bit, stay out of trouble, ok? [She said, giving him a tired smile before going into her berth room.]

[Wheeljack wasn't convinced, he saw how tired she was while doing the chores, he was worried that she was working too hard, she wasn't even waiting for Sire to get home before doing anything. Then again, with the work he did, he never really came back until night. But still, she couldn't do all the work herself.]

[Then Wheeljack got an idea. He put down his cube and walked around, looking for things to do. He's done chors before, but it was usually cleaning his room, and even then he didn't like it. But he was willing to do his Carriers chors so that she could relax, how hard can that be?]

* * *

[An hour later, Wheeljack's Carrier came back from her room, well-rested and ready to work again, but when she entered the living room, she almost slipped and fell. She managed to regain her balance before the fall, she looked at the ground and saw it was shining. Looking around further, she saw that there were Energon cubes that were stacked crookedly, some of them spilled, as well as pictures that were either crooked on the wall or fallen on the floor. Then she heard a crash coming from another room.]

[She quickly and carefully made her way to the other room, thankfully the floor wasn't waxed, so she could walk normally. Her optics fell on Wheeljack surrounded by fallen datapads all over the floor, with one in his hands as he got up from the ground since he fell.]

Carrier: Wheeljack, What have you done? [She asked with an undertone of anger.] Is this another one of your pranks?

Wheeljack: W-What, no! It's not! [Wheeljack replied, backing up from his Carrier.]

Carrier: Then what are you doing? Why is this place a mess? [She inquired, still sounding upset.]

Wheeljack: I just... Wanted to do the chores. [Wheeljack replied.]

Carrier: Why didn't you wait for help? And since when do you like doing chores? [She asked skeptically.]

Wheeljack: Because... I wanted to surprise you, so you could be happy. [He admitted timidly, tapping his digits together.] You looked really tired, so I decided to help so you could relax... But doing grown-up chores was harder than expected. I didn't mean to make a mess... I'm sorry. [Wheeljack explained, looking away from his Carrier.]

[She was surprised by what Wheeljack said, he wasn't trying to pull a prank or play rough, he was just trying to help her because he saw how tired she was. She was touched by that, and grateful to her son for trying to help, even if he accidentally made a mess.]

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