Painful Memories

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[Dead-End sat outside of McAdams Oil House, not interested in what was going on inside. The door opened, briefly letting the music, chatter, and noise of the bar shatter the peace of night, before closing again. Dead-End sighed, knowing exactly whose heavy ped-steps were coming towards him.]

Dead-End: What do you want, Clobber? [He asked, annoyed.]

Clobber: I wanted to know why you left the Oil House, the Energon is great! [Clobber replied happily, sitting on the step, next to Dead-End.]

Dead-End: Because I didn't want to come here in the first place? [He crossed his arms, turning away from Clobber.]

[Her smile faltered, but returned.]

Clobber: Ah, c'mon Dead-End, there must be something you can do. How about karaoke? [She suggested.]

Dead-End: I don't sing. [He replied.]

Clobber: What about dancing?

Dead-End: Nope.

Clobber: Play games?

Dead-End: No.

Clobber: Hang out with friends?

Dead-End:... I don't have friends.

[Clobber blinked in surprise.]

Clobber: What do you mean? I'm your friend, and so are Hot Rod, Perceptor, and Whirl. [Clobber pointed out, confused.]

Dead-End: Not anymore you are. As far as I'm concerned, you four are total strangers to me. [He replied flatly.]

Clobber: What!? After everything we've been through? How can you say that? [Shock was evident in her voice.]

Dead-End: What happened in the past is irrelevant. [He briefly glanced at Clobber, then turned away again.]

Clobber: B-But, you helped us stop the Quintessons— you fought alongside us when Tarn and the Perfect Decepticons showed up! [Clobber argued, getting frustrated.]

Dead-End: That was then, this is now.

[The reply was simple. Too simple. And cold. Clobber wasn't happy.]

Clobber: What's this all about? Have you fried your circuits? You keep ignoring us, pushing us away! Ever since Tarn was destroyed—

[She stopped abruptly. Wait, he started acting weird ever since Tarn died...]

Clobber: That's it, isn't it? Something happened during or after the fight. [She stated.]

Dead-End:... No. [He replied, releasing his crossed arms in favor of gripping the stairs.]

[Clobbers detected an emotion in his voice, one she never heard from him before. Pain.]

Clobber: Dead-End, what's this all about? [She asked gently.]

Dead-End: Nothing, absolutely nothing. [Dead-End said, but his voice failed to conceal his distress.]

Clobber: We both know you're lying. What's wrong, Dead-End? Why are you upset? [Clobber asked.]

Dead-End:... Reasons. [He replied after a pause.]

Clobber: Ok, what are they? [Seeing Dead-End hesitate, she added.] I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about.

Dead-End:... Although Tarn's attack wasn't appreciated, it was the memories and aftermath that upset me. [He told sadly, putting his servos on his lap.]

Transformers Prime One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora