What Father's Day Means

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[It's a beautiful day on Griffin Rock. The bots are watching over the Firehouse while the Burns family goes out to spend time with Chief Burns for a few hours. Currently, Heatwave was training, Blades was watching TV, and Boulder was painting. Just then, Chase walked in.]

Chase: Has the Burns family returned yet? [He asked.]

Heatwave: Nope. They're still out having fun. [Heatwave grunted as he punched his dummy, making it spin.]

Chase: Thank you Heatwave. [Chase nodded, then went to grab buckets and mops.]

Heatwave: What are you doing with those? [Heatwave asked, stopping his training to watch.]

Chase: Going to the dock to clean the boat. [Chase said.]

Blades: Can't the Chief do that himself when he gets back? [Blades looked over his shoulder.]

Chase: He could, but I'd prefer if he didn't.

Blades: Why not? [Blades tilted his head.]

Chase: It is Father's Day, and I want to participate. [Chase answered.]

Blades: Can I join? [Blades asked. Chase nodded.]

Heatwave: I don't think we have the right to celebrate with them, Chase. We never had parents back on Cybertron, and we're not his kids. [Heatwave crossed his arms.]

Chase: But he has referred to us as family numerous times. [He pointed out.]

Heatwave: He only says that to make us feel welcome. [Heatwave huffed, going back to training.]

Chase: But... There's more to it than that.

Heatwave: Chase, just forget about it.

[Chase stared at his leader for a moment, then put away the bucket and mop before sulking away.]

Boulder: Wasn't that a bit harsh? [Boulder looked to Heatwave.]

Blades: Yeah, I was going to help clean the ship. [Blades pouted.]

Heatwave: We don't belong here. How can we celebrate something we're not a part of?

Blades: I don't know, how did we celebrate the other holidays Cody showed us? [Blades shot back, rotors twitching a bit.]

[Heatwave's optics widened slightly.]

Heatwave: We were just humoring him! [He sputtered, then looked away. That didn't feel right to say.]

Boulder: So you were never actually having fun, or liked hanging out with Cody, or his family. [Boulder stated, optic ridge raised.]

Heatwave: That's not true! [He raised his hands defensively. That would be full-blown betrayal!] I do like hanging out with Cody and his family, and I do like the holidays we get dragged into! I just don't see how we can celebrate this one when it's completely out of our league. [Heatwave admitted, looking down.]

Boulder: Is it really out of our league? [Boulder challenged.] What's Father's Day all about?

Heatwave: Uhh... Spending time with your dad? [He shrugged.] I already said we don't have parents. [He deadpanned.]

Boulder: Maybe, but we spent plenty of time with Chief Burns. Remember when we first went fishing? [Boulder asked.]

Blades: Ooo, I remember! I got to wear the captain's hat and speak like a pirate! Arrrg! [Blades closed one optic to imitate a pirate.]

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