Rescue Bot Shorts

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Predicament Off Griffin Rock

[The Nemesis. A place that the Decepticons on Earth call home. A place where all plans of battle, weapons of destruction, and some of the most dangerous of Cons are found.]

[As the Vehicons disappear down the halls, a blue and white police bot peeks around the corner, making sure no one else was coming, before gesturing for an orange and white helicopter bot to follow him, leading a robotic bull behind him.]

Blades: How do we get out of this mess? [Blades whisper-shouted as he followed close behind.]

Chase: We locate the nearest ground-bridge controls and return home. [Chase replied, stopping at another corner.] Making sure the robotic bull doesn't get away again, of course. [He added after a pause.]

Blades: Ugh, nothing is going right! I told you, break a mirror, seven years of bad luck, and it's already started! [Blades exclaimed, looking around nervously.]

Chase: I presumed the lighting storm caused the ground-bridge malfunction, hence our current predicament. [Chase looked at his friend, confused.]

[Footsteps could be heard approaching. Both bots quickly ducked into the nearest room with the bull before closing the door, waiting for whoever it was to pass. But the voice they heard made their Energon stop cold.]

Megatron: I don't care, find out whos causing the damage and stop them! I am sick of finding newly destroyed equipment! [Megatron ordered over his com-link as he walked by.]

Blades:... M-Megatrons here... He's found the damage... and he's mad... We're toast. [Blades whimpered.]

Chase:... Not necessarily. [Chase began looking around the room.]

Blades: What are you doing? [Blades asked, watching Chase search around.]

Chase: Perhaps we can uncover a weapon to aid in our escape. [Chase explained, still looking around.]

[Blades watched him for a moment, then began searching the room as well. This was a Decepticon warship, after all, there must be weapons somewhere. And yet, all they could find was medical tools, buffers, polish, red paint, data-pad-wait, red paint!]

Blades: Chase! I found our weapon! [Blades cheered as he showed Chase the paint cans.]

[Chase only had a look of confusion for a few seconds before his optics widened. This was perfect.]

• • •

[Megatron was at the controls with Soundwave as they tried to figure out where all the sudden damage was coming from. That was until they began hearing Vehicons yell and run before what sounded like collision echoed down the halls.]

[Megatron, - not at all pleased - walked out of the room to see what was going on, only to nearly crash into a Vehicon that was flung his way. A robotic bull was attacking the Vehicons, who somehow got red paint on themselves.]

Megatron: What is the meaning of this!? [Megatron demanded angrily.]

[Soundwave pointed further down the hall, where Chase was busy fighting and splattering Vehicons with red paint. There was also a robotic bull fighting alongside him. Megatron and Soundwave were about to attack when they felt something splash their backs.]

[Turning around, they saw an orange and white bot with two cans of Knock Outs red paint. He looked scared, but stood firm.]

Blades: H-Hey! Leave him alone, or else! [Blades put down the paint cans.]

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