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[It was a nice day on Cybertron. Everyone was excited because today was the grand opening of the new central mall. This was going to be a place where Autobots and Decepticons shop in peace, and they couldn't wait. Even the former Decepticon leader and his group were there for the opening.]

[But then, Optimus got a call from Bumblebee. His team needed help, so Optimus went to help him. Before he did, he had to put someone in charge, but Ultra Magnus was sick, so he decided to put Sentinel in charge.]

[When Sentinel heard he was in charge until the Prime's return, he was excited, he could finally prove to everyone that he could be a better Prime. He's always been jealous of Optimus, though he'd never admit it out loud. So this was the perfect opportunity to one-up the Prime.]

[Right now he was strutting down the hallway of the Autobot base, giving bots different jobs and telling them what to do. Then he went to Jazz and Soundwave.]

Sentinel: What are you both up to? [He asked upon entry.]

Jazz: Oh, hi sir. Wave and I were just about to deliver the music and decorations. [Jazz explained, Soundwave nodded.]

Sentinel: Without my overview? I'm the one in charge here! [Sentinel stated.]

Soundwave: Explanation: Already got permission. [Soundwave replied.]

Sentinel: I don't care! Just let me hear it. [He said, crossing his arms. The two shrugged, then Soundwave began to play the song of choice.] No. That song is old school, we need a better one. [He said.]

Jazz: But sir, The Touch may be old, but it's still got the grove. [Jazz said, earning a disproving look from Sentinel.]

Sentinel: Just change it.

Soundwave: Inquiry: Into what? [He asked.]

[Sentinel thought about it for a bit, then told them to change it to heavy metal, since that wasn't as outdated. Both bots cringed, then asked if he knew what it sounded like, to which he replied no. Then went to the decorations.]

Sentinel: These look ridiculous. Why are they so colorful?

Jazz:... Because it's a celebration?

Sentinel: Change it. [And with that, he left.]

[Jazz and Soundwave looked at each other, then sighed.]

• • •

[Sentinel was having fun being in charge. How was this hard? It was so easy for him, who needs a prime when he's around? The next place he went was the med bay to get Ratchet and Knock Outs report. Afterward, he went to the lab.]

[Shockwave was working on something when he came in. Sentinel was supposed to get a report from him too, so Shockwave began to give his report. As he was talking, Sentinel got bored and decided to look around. Then he saw a bottle labeled 'Don't touch.']

Sentinel: What's this? [He asked.]

Shockwave: That is an experiment I am working on. It requires additional testing before It can be... Utilized. [He explained.]

Sentinel: What's it supposed to do? [He asked curiously.]

Shockwave: It is presumed to enhance durability, stamina, velocity, and intellect. Do not utilize it until further testing is done. [Shockwave said, then went back to work, while continuing his report.]

[Sentinel stared at the bottle in awe, did it work? If he had that much power and wisdom, he could be prime for sure. All the glory could be his, he could be the greatest leader of Cybertron, he could be unstoppable!]

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