Ch. 16 Moral Compass

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"I just do," Meera said. "Send word to King Elias. Tell him we know what he tried to do and we demand answers."

"No," Ozmen shook his head. "We have no proof. Sending any kind of message to King Elias right now would be a mistake."

"What can he do, Oz?" Meera demanded, her voice rising with tension. "He has no army, no money. All he has are his barrels of venomfire, and he is not going to get away with poisoning our water."

"How do you know any of this?" Ozmen demanded. "What are you not telling me, Meera?"

"I can't," Meera shook her head. "I can't tell you how I know, but you have to trust me, Oz. You know I would never tell you to do anything unless I was completely sure of it. I'm telling you, Elias is responsible for the Venomfire. He wants to make us suffer."

"Meera, I love you, but right now you sound crazy," Ozmen grabbed her shoulders and held her back. "We're not children anymore, and this isn't a game of chess or hide and seek. I am regent, and every action I take right now will change the course of two kingdoms. You have to tell me how you know it was Elias."

"Can't you just trust me?" Meera begged. "Please."

"No," Ozmen put his foot down. "And as your regent, I command you to tell me what you know."

"You command me?" Meera's eyes widened.

"Yes, I do," Ozmen said, his eyes filling with pain. "And if you fail to do so, your actions will be an act of treason against the crown."

"Treason?" Meera gasped. "Oz!"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves," Eryx stepped in, his voice calm but assertive. "Meera and I had gone to the channels that night when we saw the men from Dalphina. You can ask my men. There was a scuffle, and Meera was injured. She has been recovering here ever since."

Ozmen's eyes narrowed, suspicion etched across his face. Marcella turned towards her cousin as Meera stared at Eryx, anticipation and tension hanging in the air, wanting to hear what he had to say next.

"And you didn't think to inform anyone at the palace?" Ozmen asked, his voice edged with frustration.

"Meera was my first priority," Eryx explained, his gaze steady.

"My father and sister have been poisoned!" Ozmen's eyes filled with fire. He stepped forward and stood head to head with Eryx. "You didn't think to tell anyone the water was poisoned? Innocent people drank that water! We could have stopped them! We could have stopped June and my father-"

"Stop! Stop!"

Everyone around the cabin stilled as Meera placed her hands over her ears and shouted. The overwhelming tension and accusations had become too much for her to bear. Her plea cut through the air, a desperate attempt to silence the escalating confrontation.

The room fell silent as Ozmen and Eryx stepped back, their confrontation momentarily halted. Meera tried to catch her breath, her teary eyes searching for clarity in the chaos. The weight of the tragedy, the accusations, and the unexpected revelation mingled in the air, creating an atmosphere heavy with sorrow and uncertainty.

Marcella's gaze flickered between Meera and the men in front of her, torn between family loyalty and the need for answers. The cabin seemed to shrink as the emotions within it swirled like a tempest, each word and gesture magnifying the severity of the situation.

Eryx, still maintaining his calm demeanor, watched Meera with concern. Zeya remained stoic, her eyes revealing nothing as she observed the unfolding drama.

"Please just stop," Meera begged, her voice a soft whisper as she tried to gather her thoughts. "I thought I had stopped the poison."

Ozmen took a step away from Eryx. He peered at Meera, his eyes filled with confusion and sorrow, her shoulders shaking with the sobs that rocked her.

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