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Scarlet's POV

"You know for her, she's not bad of a combat fighter." Skylar said putting her lipstick on.

Skylar had to rebuild her army from the ground. She was given the medieval type stuff which explains the ruined columns and buildings we live in.  And also explains the old weapons the fighters have to use, but she's made it into a traditional clan. More old school type stuff.

"Scar I hope this entire thing doesn't put bad blood between us. I had to do what I did." She said getting closer to me.

"So me hearing you die. Screaming because my big sister died in front of me because you didn't want to take responsibility for marrying another." I said as she sighed at me.

"Look. If you were in my shoes you would have done the same things. Mom and dad didn't exactly let me place around like they did with you." She said and I scoffed.

"Mom and Dad never cared about me. They wanted a son. Someone who was more better to rule." I mumbled as I rubbed the cream the doctors gave to me over my wounds.

"You kidnapped me, and then took two clans down before anyone could ever shoot a bullet through my head." I said as I couldn't fake the impression I had over her.

"You drained me of my blood, let Anna take me back broken, and she put me in solitary confinement for, fuck god knows how long I was there. Thinking, dreaming of a life where me and you were finally together after everything happenend." I said as I finally got to places I couldn't reach over my back.

Scarlet came up and put some on my back as I winced over her, digging my nails into the table as I felt the pain soothe over after. Whenever she was done she set the bowl down and looked at me..

"And we can... Scarlet we can finally be together and it doesn't have to be a secret. I know I probably sound like a crazy ex, but Scarlet it killed me to see you and not be able to hug you. Tell you that I am here and I've been watching over you.." She said and I was going to say something before someone knowcked on the doors.

"Come in." Skylar said as she backed up from me.

I put my sweater back on breathing in and out and thinking of other things to say to Skylar. I mean I missed so much of her growing up. And her saying that she has been watching over me. What the fuck does that mean, I mean-

"Scarlet?" I heard turning around.

"Well look how the tables have turned. Prisoner." Skylar said as I clenched my fists.

"She never was my prisoner." Anna said as Skylar chuckled.

"Really because... I mean sending her to a panic attack, gunshot to the leg, Even her just talking about her time in Solitary Confinement." She said as I saw guilt slap Anna's face. It looked like she had just killed someone's dog.

"Well, you have to do what you need to do to win, which include faking your death. Leading a battle to get two leaders killed, and making your sister blind in her eye. Who is to say that they are guilty now." She said getting defensive.

"Okay okay okay, y'all can stop fighting now, Please, everything is giving me a headache." I said as I continuously heard them ranting on and on about who is worse.

"Yeah, well at least. I didn't fuck my bestfriend's brother." Anna said as Skylar expression toughened.

"Who's to say that when you fucked my little sister!" Skylar yelled.

Their bickering went on and on. My head was hurting. It has been for awhile and I'm starting to get irritated at everyone and everything. I mean I even shoved a chair out of the way from me bumping into it. I am so tired...

"ALRIGHT, SHUT UP EVERYONE!" I yelled as the sounds deafened.

"Geez, you sound like my parents, for Christ sakes. You both are horrible. Get the fuck over it." I sighed rubbing my temples.

"Anna what the fuck, are you doing here." I said as she kicked the table lightly over and over, Not saying a word.

"She asked you a fucking question." Skylar said as I looked at her with a glare.

"You are forbidden to talk unless I tell you." I said as I let out a frustrated groan.

"I was here to take you up on the offer. A fair fight for a fair reward." She said and I nodded rubbing my forehead to try and soothe its urge to killing me.

"But how it is to see I'm not very welcomed." She said she started to get up.

"I'll just get go-" I stopped her. I threw a knife at the door.

"SIT, FOR FUCK SAKES LET ME FUCKING TALK!" I yelled. She slowly turned to me, giving a gentle nod and sitting down.

I could see she was surprised... I was surprised I would even let me yell despite how much physical pain I have been enduring.

"God... okay. Yes you have a fair fight = fair reward. We have jobs here. A cook, cleaner, pr a guard." I said and she nodded.

"Skylar can put your position in." I said as I took big deep breath.

"I am not letting her be a guard. The only spot we have is your personal one. And you said you didn't need a guard. You were able to handle yourself, after what happened." Skylar said and I breathed deeply again.

"If that is what she wants than so be it , I have to take up on her bullshit, not you. Do whatever it takes to get you fucking idiots to settle down and shut up." I said.

"Now if you will excuse me. I am going to bed, neither are you two even allowed to interact with me until I can go a few seconds without yelling at you. Bicker someplace else." I said walking and slamming the doors.

Fresh air, deep breaths. Stay calm...

"My lady, are you okay?" I heard seeing a guard.

His arm was cut due to me throwing a knife at the doors.

"Oh my... Let's get you fixed right now. I am so sorry." I said has he nervously laughed and nodding.

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