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Anna's POV

"Yep. The bitch in love with the girl we need." He said.

"I knew you couldn't hold back? I mean who wouldn't? She's hot, but you just couldn't keep your fucking hands off of her." He said as I clenched my fists trying to breathe and calm down.

"You just don't learn your lesson?" He laughed.

"Shut up! Just shut up Tommy!" I yelled.

"Yeah? Shut up? I'm not the one falling for someone I can't fucking love!" He said spitting out words like it was nothing to him.

"Yeah? Well Skylar can say wrong." I said and that pushed him over.

He took a full swing on me as I dodged it. Swing after swing he got tired. I just shook my head laughing at his defeat.

"Skylar didn't have a choice... she did." He said.

"No... you had a choice. You just wanted to save yourself." Don't talk about love when your a pussy who wanted to seek for himself." And with that I walked away.

We make a trade... today this evening at 5. I'd expect they have guards... but you know they will be out numbered and with Scarlet in my possession they will be forced to surrender.

I can just feel like I am winning already. I feel it in my veins, I feel my conscience just getting the closer it needed.

I feel, powerful in some way and I feel like I have accomplished what I was suppose to in the beginning when I didn't kill her.

I walk down the corridor. I made sure my men had their guns loaded. Artillery ready whenever, I mean unless they decided to surrender quickly.

When I arrived down the entrance I saw that guards held Scarlet down but she wouldn't look at me... there is more of a chance she can die... I just don't want to be there when it happens...

And even if she makes it out alive where is she going to go? It would be impossible to go anywhere without her being spotted.

"Ma'am we're ready." Guard said as I walked to my mother.

"Be safe... and I hope you know it's not too late." She whispered before letting me go.

I saw Scarlet in the corner of my eye as I walked, she looked at me. No emotions... I need to do this...

We traveled to where we met in the middle of our kingdoms. We saw them, I looked over at her and she didn't even seem excited.

"As promised... Scarlet for you." I said holding the signal to not fire.

"You don't think it would have been that easy." He said laughing.

I grabbed my gun putting it up to Scarlet's head. We made eye contact and she didn't seem to flinch or move. It's like she had already accepted her fate.

"Does this tell you any difference." I asked looking at them.

"Kill her. We don't care..." he said and I was shocked... I looked at scarlet and she had one of the saddest eyes ever.

"You think we cared? By the fact that right now we are attacking you." He said and I felt my heart drop.

I pulled the safety off my gun and was close to pulling the trigger when a knife took out one of my guards. Looking over to see another clan.

"Well well well, y'all settling this out? Whenever your done I want to fight the winner." A girl. A woman was in the mask.

That was when a whole battle started. Scarlet's kingdom attacked first before we all went down. I grabbed Scarlet's hand as she pulled away from me.

"Cmon I'm getting you somewhere safe." I said as she looked at me.

"You care now? Wow..." she said before grabbing the knife that was thrown first.

I shook my head as she ran at me with her knife. I must admit that she had good combat skills. She could have killed me if she wanted. She managed to slice my stomach and my face.

She may have been good but I was better. I was faster than she could and blocked her next attack. Catching her wrist that was bandaged up making her wince in pain.

"Tell me, did you expect this to happen? Them not to care if your alive or dead?" I asked. I can tell she was hurt but she was hiding.

"Tell me! Tell me that this was apart of your plan to escape! Tell me how you planned this behind my back!" I yelled at her as she was trying to get out of my grasp.

"Your smart. I'll give you that. Having a clan to have your back and distract me. Well that's not gonna work for you."  I said before shoving her to the ground. The dagger flipped and landing somewhere else.

"Your acting was great. Tell me was the kidnapping apart of your plan too? Cause if so, your really good. Just not good enough for me." I said as she looked at me with fear.

Wiping the blood off my face, I stood above her dragging my gun out and aiming it to her face.

"Well tell me. Tell me how you were gonna finish off this plan? You were gonna escape?" I asked as I clenched my fist.

"Bomb!" I heard seeing one drop next to us. I felt a body shove me to the ground and explosion happening.

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