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Anna's POV

"Yes. Ive got the results." The nurse said as I looked at her.

"Yes there is tissue and damage in her uterus, but not sperm or any other evidence has been found." She said and I looked at the results.

"They should be healed without due to having sex. But nothing too major." She said and I nodded.

"Bruises on her arm are not from physical. IV has been placed in both her arms." She said, I already knew that though.

"Why would they need so much of her blood." I asked and she looked at me before shrugging.

"We wrapped her wrist up, from restraints and stitched cuts from her wrist to forearm. No heavy lifting, and NO SEX." She siad and I rolled my eyes before nodding,

I thanked the nurse as she left slightly bowing and leaving. I looked at Scarlet as she was still sleeping peacefully.

It was hours later. Haven't been able to sleep so I've been working on my computer for awhile. Sometimes I can hear her rustle but she was fast asleep.

When she did wake up she complained about the pain. Still the same Scarlet from before.

"Why does everything hurt." She groaned and I laughed a little.

"I'll have the doctor give you morphine for the pain." I said and she slightly nodded.

"Were you scared?" She asked and I looked up at her.

"No. I thought you ran away."

"But were you scared when you realized that I wasn't running?"

"No. Of course not. I knew you were gonna be fine." I was lying... I was scared... she makes me feel something and I don't like it.

"Are you lying?" She said and I scoffed.

"Okay maybe just a little." I mumbled and she smiled.

"I knew it."

"But only because you were my pawn. I need to win this." I said and she laughed a little.

"Yeah right. You don't like me a little? Not even a little little?" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't fall in love. No thank you." I said.

"Than why are you here. You've been here since I've woken up." She said and now I think about it really have. I've been with her even before she was awake.

"You could have easily put a guard outside my door. Or even inside." She said and it was silence. I hesitated before trying to say something before she interrupted.

"You do like me!" She yelled before groaning.

"Stop yelling and laughing. Your gonna pull one of your stitches." I said getting up and shutting my computer.

"You care about me... that's nice. Even though your probably gonna kill me." It was a 50/50 chance she will die.

She could be caught in the crossfire... or I could kill her in order to win this.

"Is winning really important? Or am I just that blind?" She asked. The scar on her eye...

"I'm sorry. I have to do this." I packed my stuff up.

I can't be here with her... she's right, the more I'm gonna be with her the more I'm likely to fall for her..

"Okay. Well I wish you the best." She mumbled and I can hear her voice laced with sadness.

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumbled walking and closing the door.

I had a guard stand at her door at all times. I never did go back into that room. Dad would have wanted me to do this... even if he can't finish what he couldn't do I fucking will.

Scarlet's Pov

They cuffed me again. To the bed nowhere to go. Anna didn't visit... I didn't see her again. I must admit for someone so scary she has a heart somewhere in there.

A guard came in and explained what was happening. They were settling a trade. Me for the king. And even than I knew that war would happen.

My dad have already sent groups of spies. He did the first attack. What an idiotic move.

"Are you listening ma'am?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Wouldn't it just be easier to kill them on the spot you know? That way they'll never see it coming?" I asked.

"You realize we're talking about your parents here..." he said looking at me.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. I'll do whatever you say." I said and he nodded walking out.

Unfortunately I was out of the whatever they had for me. It was a hospital area but mainly for prisoners. I didn't go back to a job as a maid, they had me in a cell.

Pretty sure they wanted me to go crazy cause they put me in solitary confinement. I was slowly going crazy. I don't know how many days passed.. it could have been weeks or months. I didn't have anything to do and I just sat there for the majority of the time.

"Yes. I understand now open the damn door." I heard looking up to see Anna.

"Oh pleasured to see you, your highness." I dramatically said.

"Everything is going as plan. I just need you." She said.

"Get dressed." She sternly said throwing me a dress.

"Your really going through with this? I thought we kinda had something forming you know." I spoke putting the dress on.

"No. We never did. We won't ever have anything." She said. I can tell her words laced with venom.

I scoffed before looking away from her and hearing her leave and close the door.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she is just cold hearted bitch she was. Scary but fucking mad and evil she was.

But for weird reasons... I get her side. I understand...

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